The Howard Courant from Howard, Kansas (2024)


Longton Items. The Longton office ol The Cocraxt, is the lieal Estate olfitic ot J. N. Thomas, who is authorized to receive subscriptions and advertisem*nts. A.


Fredonia, Kansas. THE COURANT. The Editor is not Responsible for Opinions of Correspondents. Howard City, Kaxsas May. 9, 1377.

Assignee's Notice, STATE OF. ANSAS K.i.K COUNTY, Sheriff's Election Proclamation. WHEREAS on the 2Sth hxy of April A. D. 1877, the board of Commissioners of Elk county in the state ot Kansas, inade and entered ou record the lollowing order to-wit In the uiatterof the jvetUton of E.

K. Hull et als for an order calling a. fecial electioii the assignmo fh the matter of ot A. A. Tobey.

lor the benefit of creditors. wood on subserip- Toat aa some tion. to ue neiu mr nie purpose ol voting tul loi Have you seen anj'thing of Aeh-more's moles. Censorial is talking The Eureka of a new dress. LIstof License.

The folio wing is a list of marriage licenses issued by Judge Aehmore, since he took charge of the Probate Judge's office: 1 February 10 Fillmore Hand and Lizzie Pucket. February 13 W. C. C5nover and Moilio F. Bartholomew.

February 16 C. J. lleid and Hannah Olson. February 26 John W. Stocked and Mollie F.

Humphrey. Mach 8 S. A. Reed and Maggie J. Ludy.

April9 William Dolen and Sarah Collins. April 10 Caleb Lessenby and MaryE. Pilh. April 11 Joseph Dorth and Min. nie A.

Chrisman. April 12 J. T. Pile and Julia Ashman. April 14 Davis T.

Bennett and May Jane Holland. April 20 J. Cora and Lizzie Davis. April 21 Noah Wise and Nancy J. Lyster.

To the Creditors of A. A. i obey, and All Others, Whom it may Concern roU AilE HFRfiBY NOTIFIED Til AT JL on Wednesday, the 1st cay of August. 1S77, between the hours of nine o'clock a. M.

and five o'vlock P. and continuing, between the same hours, on the 2d and days of said month. at theotlice ot the Clerk ot 'the District Court, in Howard City, in said County, I shall proceed, publicly, to adjust and allow demauds against the estate and effects of said A. A. Tobey; at which time and piace you.

ciln appear ami present your demands, if you so desire. All creditors who do not at tend at snid place designated, during said time, and lay before me the nature aiid aioivut ol their demands, will be precluded from any bendit of said estate. i Dated this 4th day of April. 1S77. W.

J. BP.ID. -M-rtins. Assignee of A. A.

Tobky. We of Longton and vicinity in connection with a large delegation from Elk Falls had an enthusiastic railroad meeting here on Tuesday of this week. The directors of the Elk and Western railroad was to havo held the meeting and the country along the lino of the proposed route was expected to turn out en mass, at lest the friends of the standard road, and more especially Independence, had sent word that they would be present to make propositions, such as the people would grab at, but the parties themselves failed to put in an appearance. So the. narrow gauge called the meeting to order, with ilr.

Chas. Barbour in the chair and T. Miller as secretary. The object of the meeting was stated and a committee appointed to draft resolutions. Mess.

Pinney and Stoddard, Tanner, Carr, and Hiley composed the committee. The spirit ol We were nT)t aware that it was a duty devolvingupon the school district treasurer to post public school notices, but such seems to be the case however. Tho treasurer ol sehocl district No 1, posted only three notices notifying the voters of said district of the alteration of district boundaries. The district clerk knew nothing of it for some days. The clerk was not notified by the superintendent and no notices were sent the clerk with a request that they be posted in five public places in the district named.

The treasurer eays they were sent him to post up. Well the fact is some of the voters in the districts are holding night meetings and if the said treasurer dont watch his cue he will be "bulldozed" "to the full extent of the term. A littfe over two years ago the same district was too large and at the instigation of some a strip was cut off the north side, and now the district is too small and some of them want a piece added on the south side, r.bout the same size as the piece talien from the north. The railroad canvass waxeth hot all over the county. Market wagons now make their 'daily visits to oar city.

It will soon time for strawberries an-d tream. Yuw, rum. "I think he's gone fishing," or "to the branch for a drink." SHERIFF'S SALE. a certain railway company. Mow comes the said Hall atsd presents to the board a petiiiou in writing signed by seven hundred resident tax payers ol the couuty praying that a election be called tor purpose of submitting to the electors of the counly the question of making a subscription of the sum of tour th usand dollars per mile lor ach nfile of railway coustrucied bV sakl eompany in said county to the capital stook ot the Memphis Ellsworth Narrow Gauge Railway Company, Western Branch, and issuing a like amount of the bonds of the county iu payment therelor.

Provided, Tbt the total amount of said subset iption ami bonds bIiH not exceeed one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. And upon full consideration ot said petition and the evidence and arguments adduced and offered in support thereof, it is lound by the board that said petition has been duly signed by two tilths of the resf dent tax payers of the county and is iu all respects regular and suitieieur. It is, therefore, on this 28th day of April IS77, conformable to Statutes in such, cases made and provided and pursuant to the condilousand prayers on that behalf in suid petition set forth aud contained, ordered bv the board that a special election be held ill the county of Elk at tne several precincts therein 011 the 12th dav of June A. i. 1877 for the purpose ot then and there submitting to the tiualitied electors of said county the following proposition to-wit Chub the couuty of Elk subscribe to the capital stock of the Memphis Ellsworth Narrow Uaime Railway Company Western Branch, the sum ot one and twenty thousand dollars said stock to be paid lor by an equal amount of the bonds 01 said county of Elk to be issued and delivered to said company as follows to-wit: Tweiuy-the thousand dollars ol such bonds to be delivered and the same amount of such stock to be received therefor wheu said railway compauy shall have completed and put i 1 operation a railway lrom the citv of Parsons in La STATE OF KANSAS, KI-K COUNTY, SS.

Bbwen Kirkpatrick Howard City, Kansas. This new firm have opened ian office in the Courant building and are now prepared to do a general practice. Ail kinds of legal instruementB executed, pensions, back pay and bounty collected. Mr. Bowen who is in charge of the office at this place is well qualified to practice law in all the courts of the state.

Mr. Kirkpatrick the senior member of the firm has a magnificent office in Wilson county and a large and well selected library, and for lour yearS has had a large practice in tho various District courts of Southern Kansas, and the Supreme court of the state, and Circuit and District courts ot the United States in and lor Kansss. Mr. K-, will be present at all sessions of our courts and at such ether limes as the business of the firm may demand. We have known Mr.

as a lawyer for the threo years last past, and do not hesitate to say that no lawyer in Southern Kansas is superior to him. We heartily recommend the new firm to all. For blacksmithing call on Stopper Biggerstaff, Longtonj Kan. NEw STORE. S.

C. Burchfield, the brother of our sher-itt J. Q. Burchfield, has purchased the Hardware store ot M. AV.

Jones, and will herealter continue the business at the old stand. He means business and will sell at the lowest cash price. Give him a cali. the Last Wednesday was one of windiest days of the season. Elk County.

Kansas, Plaintiff, vs. the resolutions was to entertain no L. J. Johnson, Defendant. VIUTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO proposition that might bo made bv the pedestrians chasing their hats.

JJ n. nie directed and delivered, issued out ol any other road than the Memphis, But enough this time you will hear I and Ellsworth Narrow Gauge road more anon. We noticed one of the "kings" i the plains in the city, one day last week. He was black as an Osage, ugly as a Kaw, Btreight as a Modoc, and as bright lookingas a Sioux but we did not learn to which tribe he belonged. The Court bouse walls are completed to the top of the first story.

It is not only ladies that wonder i lhe resolutions were adopted by I the meeting unanimously and spech Howard City had its usual quoto es were made by several prominent t)f drummers during the past week- speakers in favor of tho Narrow (jauge. are to have a township meeting here to day, issne a daily week at Eu- Censorial will during court ZrUILIK: COTJISTT-Y- The Present and the Probabilities of the Future. Water is lhe Trsl consideration of llin setller on the i'uplic Poiuaiii. and in thU particular llk counly stnuds without a rival amoiiictiie counties ol Southern Kansas. Tho well now Klk liver traverses Ilia emire diagonal of its area, and it with tho iwele iuiporgini lrihut'arlss Vriiuiu our limits, lurnishes tbe eouitvy with ance of the very l-fst ol ever-running water.

In addition to there is hardly a quarter secliun of.ln.mi but by dialing from lif-teen to thirty feet tlie tietist crystal water is found in endless uautity. The fact that this couuty, "for the pasttive years, has buen the gl'tiat feeding ground' for immense, droves tX Texas catlle from which the States and Territories have siipnUed, that it is known far and neir as lhe viaN ural Home for Cattle," is a sulHoient guaranty thai this statement is slricily truo. Attvr water ia fouud tbe next question is in regard to climate. The umpialiticd verdict of all who have lived in this portion of Kansas, is that "no more hevlttiiul climate exists anywhere Tho-. winters are mild, the springs early, and the tbe very acme of nil tiiat is desirable in Ill's particular.

Iu fact, we only need nay it is that of Southern Kansas. There is more bine sky here thtiu in auy other part of tlio world, Italy not e'xeeptea. We the long, vig-orous winters of and the states, white the heat ot suoiiner ia alwavs tempered bv a breeze, lrom the Kunny It is tbe universal testimony ol settlers from Holland that the summers are more comfortable here than iu the states of Vermont and New Hampshire, while the Xew Euic-lant wiutir is entirely unknown in this climate i In a climate iike this the health isbound to be classed as being pecd. tn oiling it is only necessary to state that here, isa country iu which malaria buds no conditions favorable to its existance. Staguale water is not to be fouud either on or beneath the surlace.

The air, too, is inconstant motion. A fresh breeze constantly ans the cheeks aud brings health to the. lungs In such an atmosphere as here exists, the sjstem Is invigorated, end. labor, isneither irksome or iatigiiin-. TLtsecpu-.

breezes also aiTord unlimited andvaU liable power for wind-mills. The climate exactly meets the requirements ot an riculturabst, no matter what branch cl tb.Ti uselul science be is eniraired In early spring wheu the prouhd is freed from tho. slender grasp of what little frost it is subject to during tho short winter, it is in an admirable condition for plowing and preparing for crops. Then comes a season of rains and showering, which Int8 until when only occasional showers occur to interfere with the harvesting opeiations." There is no country between the two oceans whose possibilities for stock or sheep raising are greater. It is unanimously conceded that the phisical character of our country (rolling prairie) a'id grass, are ticularly adapted to sheep raising and wool growing.

While all etlortsiu this line have, been simply experimental as yrt, the results both iu weight of fleece and have exceeded the brightest anticipations. The county is desiined to become a great-wool grow ing district, and those who commence now will undoubtedly meet a siicccm not. dreamed of by those of other states. ly no means nre the stock and sheep the only productions that are advantageous to fanners. Wheat, corn and all small grain, tobacco, cotton, flax, hemp, potatoes, ami.

all kinds of vegetables can be sui-cesstuU raisedthe corn crop being as certain here as most places in this latitude but the great staple is and will be wheat. W.hen been properly put in the am! a judicial selection ol seed made, ir nevkii kails The uplands (of which about one-half ol the county is constituted), is by its verv nature and chemical composition, peculiarly calculated lor wheat, llich in the saults ami al-koloids, and restingupon a stratum ot dav, it meets every requirement for successful wheat raising. Elk counly is situiited upon the Osage i i-millislied Reserve Lands, idid hs 'wen mieil The edition reka. N. W.

Meek, of Greenfield township, was in the city Monday. He informed us that his father, J. Meek was taken very ill Sunday evening with a conjestive chill, and was not expected to rocover at the last accounts. the Kith Judicial District Court of the state of Kansas, sitting iu and for county, in said state, I will, on "Thursday, May 10th, A. D.

1S71, at "2 o'clock p. of said day. at the court house door, in Howard City, iu the County ani state aforesaid, ofter at public sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the riKhtrtitie and interest ot the above named defendant and to the following described Real estate, situated in the county ot Elk and State of Kansas, to-wit: The undivided one-third of tne east half of the south-eas quarter of section number three (3), In township number thirtv-one (SI), south of range number eleven (ll)east, aud oue third of the mill property. Said property levied upon and to be sold as the property of the above-named defendant. J.

Q. BURCHFIELD, Sheriff Sheriffs Ollice. Howard City, ElK county, Kansas, April 6, 1S77. Pr's fee 12,00 iiwa Mr. F.

J'ishoff, our worthy shoe maker concluded was master of the situation recently but his fair lady concluded otherwise and the finale was a decent thrashing administered Chas. Hugg arid wife, Arkansas why TnE Courant editor is going to change his vocation, for I heard a minister, the other evening remark that he thought it was strange that the management of the paper would be turned over to his father, and he engage in milk traffic. It is rich. But then we all know how dull some people are of comprehension. Mr.

James Daily and family will soon go to Sullivan county Missouri on a visit. there has been considerable frost and tho young corn looks as though the farmers had planted the "yellow variety." One baby has been born in the neighborhood since last I wrote. city, visiting their City, are in tho friends. to tho better half followed by a sep- S. C.

Burchfield is taking the lead jaration and she returnin to the pa ternal rooi anu ne to new neius 01 hardware dealers in Elk bette couuty, state ol Kansas, to its dopot permanently established at a point in said couuty of Elk within one half mile of thd ceuter of the tow nsite ol Longton. Xwenty-five thousand dollars of sucli bonds to be delivered and the same amount" of such stock to be received therefor when the said of all the county. i conquest, bieh is life Mr. editor. We have to record the death of railway shall be completed to the citv ol tho infant daughter of D.

W. Jackson, the whole community join them in this their sad beravement. Elk 1-alls aud a depot established within three quarters of a mile of the ceuter of its We understand that the Oxford Independent is to be removed to Elk Falls, where it will be run as a dem ocratic organ. We welcome it as we do every enterprise which promises to assist in building op our county. Angling for the finny tribe seems to be the principal amusem*nt with the Howard City population.

Elk river and its tributaries are filled with fish or were before the boys turned themselves loose. corporate limits. Twentv-live thousand SHERIFF'S SALE STATE OF KANSAS, KLK COUNTY, Johnney Weathers has been enjoying the sothing influences of the plague of Job. This is about the season wben little girls occupy tho pavements with hops and repes. One hundred and fifty seven newspapers and journals are published in We neglected last week, to announce the death and circ*mstances attending thereto of Mrs.

John Shapning mill picks a specialty at Stopper Biggerstaff, Longton. A full line of tobaccos, Lorrillard, Natural Leaf, Narragansett' and fine-cut, at J. R. HALL'S. All kinds machinery repairod on short notice and reasonable terms at Stepper Biggerstaff, Longton.

County, Kansas, Plaint s. J. J. Garrett, Defendant. I Greenwood who lived about three dollars ot suclibonds to be delivered aud the same amount of such st'ck to be received therefor when the said railway shall be completed to the township iine between ranges number!) aud 10 in Wild Cat township iu said couuty and a depot permanently established ou the line ol the road at some point in said township aud the remainder ol said bonds to be delivered aud an equal amount of such stock to be received therefor when the said railway shall be completed to the west line of Elk.

county. Provided the amount of said )Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION" TO 13 me directed and delivered, issued out Turning fron the false light of medical bigotry, let us follow the true and never failing guide, that will deliver us in safety from the threatened ruin of a false piactice, and its deceptivo remedies, and reward us with new found principles of cure which exists in Dr. Harter's Lung Balm, and which has divested thousands of the'r infirmities, and restored to sour.d health many thousands of eases that have been pronounced incurable. As a rome-dy for Consumpfion, Caughs, Colds, bonus shall in no event exceed the sum of miles north-west of town. About two weeks ago she ate dinner with the family, at which they had "greens," cooked as almost every family prepares them.

After dinner a short time she was taken seriously ill, and continued getting worse until it was necessary to send for a physician, when Dr. S. Lucas was called in. Upon examination Geo. Thompson, our worthy county clerk, has the neatest set Of records that can be found in any county in the state.

George attends strictly to busines and -makes the county a good officer. S. C.Burchfield is manufacturing the best harness niao'e in Elk county, and sells theni at bottom prices. If you have a worn out box in A. J.

Mo'sley, traveling agent for Ashers Brothers, Lawrence, was in the city last week. A horse was stolen last week from a farmer who lives near Turner Falls-, on Fall river. your machine, call and have it bab Bronchitis, and all Lungand lbroat bited at Stopper Biggerstall. 1 equal it was found she had eaten poison of diseases, it has no M. V.

Yoder, of Elk Falls, was in one Hundred and twenty thousand dollars, and Provided that no bonds si' all be issued to said company unless the said railway shall be complete. I and in operation lrom said city ot Parsons to the Leavenworth Lawrence Galveston Kailway within seven months, nor unless completed and in operation to Longton in ElK Couuty within eleven months, nor shall the second installment of bonds be issued to said compauy unless the said railway shall Le completed and in operation to Eik Fails vitniu twelve mouths from the date ot the vote upouthis propoi-ition. The said railway sh ill be a three foot gauge road with not interior to iron of thirty pounds per vaid and shall be well Mr. Eckert has his bakery in full running order, and is now prepared to furnish the best of fresh bread. We are under obligations to him for a sample of his first baking.

We pronounce it A 1. of the 'thirteenth Judicial District Court of the state ol Kansas, sittinjr in and lor Elk county, in said state; 1 v. ou Friday, May 1S 2877, at 2 o'clock r. m. of said day, at the courl in Howard City," in the co'inty ami state afor csaid, ofter" at public sale, and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant in and to the following described real estate, situated in the county of Elk, and state ol Kansas to-wlt: Lots number one hundred and eighty-nine and one hundred and mnety-ohe, in block number birth-six, in Longton, Elk county, Kansas.

Said" property levied on, and to be sold at the property of the above named defendant. J. Q. IJUUCllKtlil.D, Sliet ill'. Sheriff's Ollii-e, Howard City, Kansas April 5, 177.

Printers fee $12.00 Uwo SHERIFF'S SALE, some kind. Everything that could be done to counteract the poison I was applied, but all in vain, and in DR. WHITTIER, 611 Charles Street, Treats all forms of Vcneral Diseases, Seminal Emissions and Sexual Debility, with unparalleled success. No matter who failed, call or write; pamphlet or consultation free. Can refer to the medical profession in all parts of the Country.

the city last week taking insurance polices upon real estate. Tlney Templeton, of Paw Paw township is slinging things around pretty livel-. It's a girl. Immigrants are rushing into the state and trains from the east are crowded with home-hunters. In order to give farmers an opportunity to advertise strays, animals taken up, stock for sale or exchange, or any other like notices, we have concluded to give them special rates in our columns, believing it will be of mutual interest to all concerned.

Any notice of cattie stock, feed, seed, or grain for sale constructed and equipped iu every respect W. C. Wertheimer, the gentle manly traveling advertising agent of the Dr. Harter Medicine St. Louis, was in the city last Saturday and made a contract with The Cou- witu suituule passenger anil freight depots withlu one half mile ot the present site ol Johnson's mill in Longion township also at All kinds of Job work and repairing done cheap for cash at Stopper Biggerstaff.

iongtou, JMK 1' alls aud at some point in or exchange, will be inserted in our rant for a years advertising. Wild Cat township and at Greeniield. Said bonds shall run for thirty years from columns two weeks tor OU cts. 1 his Kirby Cr. have lately added to their show windows two handsome Vases about four feet in height.

will give our farmers a chance Persons in arrears on their sub-to ad vertise any thing they may have scriptions and wishing to stop their STATE OF KANSAS, EI.K COUNTY, a few hours she, who had sat at dinner a healthy and robust woman was a corpse. Tho doctor thinks that in the plants used for greens a spiier or other poisonous insect was cooked and that Mrs. Greenwood unfortunately got the most of it. Other members of the family who partook of the greens were more or less effected. Medicinal agents had 110 apparent effect, and nothing came to the unfortunate woman's relief until death laid his strong hand upon her.

"This should be a warning to all who learn of the sad death of Mrs. Greenwood. People are too often careless about preparing vegetables for the table, in which are myrades of little insects, liable to be found that contain sufficient poison to cause death. for salo, or give notice of anything paper are referred to the newspaper Elk County, Kansas, Plaintiff, vs. to actual Herts in iJinJntiiies not aers.

tio railroad grants cover any portion ol the county. The question ol tit is In no complicated by the claims ni railroad corporations. The rapidity with, which this section lias settled, and tiie per-muneiit character and ex tent of the improvements ai niurveloiis-to all observ-rs, and well lor the industry and of tbe citizens. Within tblee-qiiarters of ainile of the geographical center of LIU county is located her county seat City which is acknowledged by all who have visited it to be the most desiialde locution for a prosperous inland city and railroad center iu the southern part of the stale. There are some.

the date ol issue and draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per anum, payable semi-annually ou the 15th days of April and October of each year. No part of the principal be paid for twenty years livnn the date ol the bouds, after vrnich il shall be paid in ten equal annual installments. Cupous shall be attached for lhe install infills of both interest aud principal, payable at the I'iscal Agencv of the teuite of laws to be found in another column LONGTON, KANSAS, they may want to buy. II. S.

Defendant. VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO Pay up and we will willingly erase your name from our books. THE CELEBRATED HYPODERMIC IJ me directed aud delivered, issued out MEDICATED VAPOR BATH INSTITUTE. Wo do not drum or solicit patronage but advertisers who wish to reach the attention of the peo Those paying us $2 on subscrip- Theie was morn good looking strangers in tho eitj' during the past week, than at any previous time. Several loads of wood is wanting at this office, for wbish we will pay cash or give credit on subscription.

The Kansas Rural, to de published in this city by Mr. J. A. Somerby, wili make its appearance in a short time. of the thirteenth Judicial District Court of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Elk county, in raid state, I will, on Friday, May IS, 1871, of Kansas, cannot uon.Pnor to tne luta 01 JQne will ple of this part find any other medium equal to lcuclvo WUK-W1 lu luul 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Courant.

It goes, every week, luue nets, xu uiuer worus, 94 win pa' for the paper until June 10th, 1378. Call in and see us. An effort was made to consolidate Kansas in the city of New York, The forms of the ballots to be used at said election to be "For the Kailway Slock and Bond' or "Against the Itaitway Slock and Bonds." And iti further ordered by the boa'd that the Shcrift give notice of the time and purpose of said election by his proclamation on that behalf to be published iu Tiie Courant, a new-papei published iu Howard City, in said county ot Elk, tor the period of thirty days preceediug the date of such election, STATE OF KANSAS, 1 COUNTY OF KLK, I George Thompson, County Clerk, in ami for tue county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify the above uii'J f. rcg nig to be a title and" correct copy of the original order. Witness my hand and seal this28th to 500 subscribers in Elk county.

It has long lists at every postoffice, and reaches every nook and corner of the county. Besides its large circulation to look for and read it more regularly than those who are not subscribers. the editorial and legislative excur The legislature last winter passed an act known as a "Law Relative to Weights arid Measures." It requires the county commissioners of each county to provide themselves with stand weight and meas- sions which were talked about and The farmers are jubulent ovei the prospects for a bountiful crop. They say the young corn looks thrifty and nice. Now permanently located at Long-ton, corner of Kansas avenue and Fifth street, and we are prepared to treat all diseases which the flesh is heir tOj including sore eyes, scald-head, scurvy, tetter, salt rheum, fever-sores, white-swellings, ulcers, tumors, leprosy, diseases of the skin, scrofulous, affections, pains, spasms, cramps, rheumatism, neuralgia, gravel, dropsy, bronchitis, diabets, liver and kidney affections, female weakness, and all female diseases, ague, and all billions affections.

For further particulars, address Drs. H. Stephens, and J. C. Penny, Longton, Elk County, Kansas.

P. S. This is to certify that I goou Diisiness ntiiidings and some neat residences, and numerous others constantly under coiirseof erection. Am.ingthe inauv natural advantages surrounding Howard City are 1st, the townisalmost surrounded by water 0ii the south swiftly glides the rippling Elk Itiver, on the vDSt. Kock Creek, and ou the east and nnii h-east, l'avv Taw and Snake Creeks.

Thesestreams are very cleverly timbered hero being an abu nuance ot lire-wood and enough saw-, limber to supply all demands lor native lumber. 2d, the quality of the laud immediately surrounding cannot be excelled in the known world. And, 3d, within 5 miles of town, in almost any direction. Is found large fields ol coal, and of a. variety, that is equal to any we ever used.

Air1' near by there is, lit endless quantity, the very best, of stoue suitable for all dressing and building purposes. miles south of the county seat. is the live and enterprising town of L'kk Falls, have one excursion ia July. The proposition is met by disfavor by at 10 o'clock a. M.

of said day, at the court house door, in Howard City, iu the couuty and state aforesaid, offer at public'sale, and seil to the highest bidder, tor cash iu hand, all the right, litlcoud interest of the above name defendant in and to the following described real estate, situated in the county of Elk, and slate of Kansas, to-wit The south half of the scnt'i-feat trvarter ttt section number tventy-llve, the west half ot the south-east quarter of section number twenty-six, and the south-east quarter ol section number thirty-six, all in township number thirty, range twelve east, Said property levied on. and to be sold as the property of the above named defendant. J. Q. Burchfield, Sheriff.

Sheriff's office, Howard City, Kansas April 6, 1877. Printers fee 12.00 ilwa many. 1 ures of every denomination. Every 1 F.lDorado is soon to have a rail- man in tries ennntv whit is in husi- Sheriff Burchfield took a flying road an extension of T. S.

F. A it rt 1 ness requiring him to weigh his trip to Humbolt last week. A pris 1 1 vv. v. fffirtila rw flirt nniinn ctr tnn ni' to oner to convey was the point of his trip.

day of April A. D. 1S77. Go. Thompson.

County Clerk. OW, therefore, John Q. Burchfield, -I Sherid of Elk county Kansas, do hereby proclaim and make known that on the 12th Stock, as a general thing, come out of winter quarters in good condition, yet we hear occasionaly of a cow or heifer that has died from lask of proper attention. With corn at twenty cents per bushel, and a large surplus of hay and fodder in the country there is no excuse for this stale of things. If originates from a lack of good John Albright aeturned Saturday of Florence.

jmeasure by lije yard Ioot bushel. The picnic season will open as i pock, gallon, quart, or pint, must soon as children cease to take cold taie every measure or weight that and become sick from natural caus- he uses to the county clerk and es at heme. have them tested by the standard in his office, and sealed by him, if Blue glass has achieved another found correct. Any man using a fuom a visit of some 8ix weeks in fhe vicinity of Humbolt. SHERIFF'S SALE.

day of June A. I). 1377 there will be held a special election at the several voting precincts iu said county of Elk, for the proposition contained in the above order in the manner and form therein provided aud setlorth. JOIIS Q. DCUCHFILt.

Sheriff of Elk couctv Kansas. A lodge of the Nights of Honor, STATE OF KANSAS, KLK COUNTY, will be Instituted at Elk Falls triumph. It cured a book agent of weight or measure without the seal lockiaw. but it pale as death when is subiect to a penalty. The law is A certairi voting man 01 our it got through have this day sold to J.

Pennj' and Dr. H. Stephens, of Longton, Elk county, Kansas, all my right, title and interest, for Elk county, Kansas, of my celebrated flj'poder mic and Medicated Vapor Bath, patented August 11, 1874, and running for seventeen years from said date. Dr. O.

H. HiftfLAN. Longton, Feb. 14, 1877. 37-tf town went home with his girl." other night' and in order to make a George Garnick, of Longton, was Minor Wright, Plaiutiff vs.

R. It. Kockwood, Administrator Defendant. VIRTUE OF AS Ot'DKR OF SALE Jit uie directed and delivered. iKiird out in to see us Monday.

pleasant bow on leaving, he hanged undoubtedly a fraud ot the very worst kind. County clerk Thompson informs us that it will cost the county at least g500, to buy a complete set of these standard weights and will cost every business man at his hat on the mud-seraper, and, goods at Mis. Gartmeil's. BRICK! BRICK I BRICK? For sale at works of James Murphy, Eureka, Kansas. 47tf Mr.

Robert Stebens, of Elk Falls, was in the city last Wednesday and made us a pleasant call. He starts to Texas soon. DIED. probably being embarrassed, ho for one oi me nest trading points the state, and known throughout the account of the thorough-going men who have settled in and around the young city. Near the southeast corner of the is situated the blooming and go-ahead town of Loxgtox, the tradiug point of a large scope of country, and is surrounded by some of tbe largest and most handsomely improved (arms iu the southern portion of the Klk county, like all southern Kansas, is settled with people of the highestcharacter.

Their enterprise and industry is manifested in tbe extent uud permanence of the uieann. taken to promote and secure learning morality by the organization of schoolsanu churches. A late receiver ol the U.S. Land' Ollice remarked that he had spent almost an entire lifetime on the frontiers, but had! never seen any part of the counliy settled, with so good a class of settlers as those who for the past few been coming into Southern Kansas. Societies for social and intellectual culture are formed in all parts of the community.

Immigrants will find good society ready to give them a hospitable welcome, aud good markets in which to buy all the appliancesand appurtenances ol old and well-organized communities. The got to lake it home. It was found the next morning, in the position what you owe in which he left it. Baughman. A residence ol his son's John Baughman, in the township of Howard.

Elk coouty, on Tuesday, May 1st, 1S77, PHILIP HAUGHilAN, aged yeirs and months. Mr. Baughman was born in Paris ol tlie Tliirteentli Judicial District Court of ibe state of Kansas, bitting in aud lor county, in said state, 1 will, on Saturday, May 2G, 1S77, at 2 o'clock p. M. of said day, at tbe court house door, in Howard -City, in lhe countv aud state aforesaid, oiler at puWio sale, and sell to the highest bidder, for casli in liand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant in and to the following described real estate, situated iu the coun Pay the printer him and live.

ry. least 25 cents to comply with the Mr. lell, of was A in the city, last week, canvassing for do. not b.e,e some new books which have lately an7 P110 Jl laW 1 11 Horse shoeing a specialty at Iiongton shop of Stopper Mr. Hollands of Winfield, was in 1 the Sweet By-and-By the city, last week.

He is working France, in the year 1803, and imi- ueen puonsneu. Watkins Co Bankers, at Cannot but be the happy though as We are reminded of the approach Humboldt, have ap Wo wnt tn atralo-lnpTi nn rmr snh-1 Lawrence and the fortunate recipient ot the'ilvjCKY in the in the interest of the Nights migrated to New York at about the of Honor, a secret society which is age of 30, and since then has lived Motjntais Ioukist scans its won scriotion books, and will again ask fast spreading over the world. Mr. 111 Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, us corn, to derfully attractive pages and peruses its tacinating Most Holland is organizing many lodges Iowa and Kansas. He lived On one those who promised "fotch" it along.

in southern ivansas. tne nrsi piace in jenerson counly, Juwa, tor embellished with new of the pleasure season of the year, by noticing several sets of the most handsome CROQUET SETS, at J. B. HALLS. Call on Stopper and Biggerstaff and see their work ank get prices.

"WAIT FOB THE To the merchants" of lllk and sur lodge organized in the state was in 135 years, which he left when he and highly artistic engravings, its Winfield. came to Kansas. in 1871. He leaves ly ot and slate ol Kansas, to-wit The norih half of the south east quarter of section twenty-nine (2')) in township twenty-eifrht (28) south of range thirteen (Vi east. Situated iu Elk county Kansas.

Said appraised at six hunched and fony dollars. Said property levied on, and to be sold as tbe property of the above named defendant. J. Q. 15UKCIIFIKLI, Sheriff.

sberitl's Office, Howard City, Kansas; April 1877. Printers lee 4Gwo pointed N. B. Cartmell, of this city, as their agent fur Elk and Chautauqua counties, and empowered him with authority to negotiate loans in this section. Mr.

Cartmell is therefore prepared to furnish money to those who need it at a much lower rate of interest than any loaning agency in Southern Kansas. This company is a reliable one, and all wishing to borrow money cannot do letter-press a modll ot typographi a wife aged 72 years, and three sons cal rienness, and the arrangement II. B. Gurnsey. our accommoda I Michael, r'hilip and John, who rd- throughout simple superb, the Rocky The annual conference of the Methodist church, Kansas district, will be held in Emporia tho middle of September next.

W. J. Tieid, of Canola, was in the pity Friday, and of course dropped in to see us. He reports everything ting mail contractor, and stage man Uide in the countv: one daughter. Mountain Iourist is worthy ol from Independence to this placo was the wife rounding counties.

or ir. M. Vinson, and a times ol peculiar hardship to immigrant are past. Wc have given in the foregoing, a truthful statement, and oiler no gilded pill for the immigrant to swallow. The facts are.

as stated, and we will stake our reputation upon the fairuessof oui description of what may be realized by those who will settle in our midst. To those who will cast their, fortunes in our county, We extend a cordial welcomeand the assurance that their, expectations will not fall short of the fri-. ducements held out. Idleness and shift-, lessness will uo more prosper here than elsewhere, but Honesty. Induktky and Economy will meet with the reward it deserves.

The spring is the time to come: comparison with Picturesque America in the city one day last week, look- large circlo of friends, who mourn W. C. WATSON, will be at your place every sixty mg atter me miersisoi me Hum mie nis demise. In his death Jlils better than to call on or address X. at this.

end. sir. Gurnsey, is a good county looees a eood and true man. days with a full line of Motions and fellow and we are always glad to and a worthy and examnlarv citi- Fancy (roods, tor the trade only. B.

Cartmell at this place. The Industrialist, published at the or lhe Aldine. It is written in gossipy, graphic etyle, covering details of the tocr through the garden of the Southwest (the Arkansas Vulley, Southern Kansas), to the very heart of the Alps of America the Rocky Mountains. Jaunts are made to all to see him. zen.

We deenlv svmnathize with FARM FOR SALE. Eighty acres of land, GO acres of number one bottom, under cultivation, good frame house, dtone s'able, two fiame cribs, good bearing orch- Pocket photographic albums and State Agricultural College, says the in good running order down in his part of the country. Ex Senator William G. Brown-low, jamiliarly known as "Parson" died at his residence in Knoxville, Tennessee, on th 29th at tne age of 72. fancy photographs, at J.

R. Hall s. the beraved family, and tender to this aged companion and children our sincere and heartfelt sympathy. following persons compose the present Senior class, and will graduate next month Miss Ella Child, J. SHERIFF'S SALE STATE OF KANSAS, the famous resorts of Colorado, the aid, best improved place in Elk Co.

remarkable ruins, the springs, thi and only 8 miles from eountj scat, mines, and, in short, to every point; Best bargain ever He red in South-of interest to the tourist, agriculiu-j ern Kansas must Pell. Price 8850. Items lrom tlio Lc ss, ex-- S. Grifiing, W. C.

Howard and Wm. The CoukAkt will soon enter upon its fourth volume, and those wishing it the coming year should hand in their names between now and the commencement of the new volume, and get the remaining numbers of the present volume, which ends the 1st of June, free. ELK COUNTY. Ulnch, of Manhattan G. li.

rail Asa Thompson's singing school prospers. TO CON IKACTOKS AND BUILD Ells. Sealed bids will be received at the county. Clerk's oflice in Howard City, up to noon' Saturday June, ad 1877, for building a jail for Siitd iiiuly. i'lans and epeettication to bo seen in the Cleik" By order or the Bo-ird of Commissioners" of Elk County.

Kansas. G. V. AIcKey. Chairm.iu.' 45w Mr.

Ban. Miles, of Wichita, was In town yeri Columbus; L. E. Humphrey, O'Neal, Plaintiff, vs, 1 rist, capitalist, miner irna in vana. i nquire at Una oflice, or ot A.r Uby, With the Touaisx, th San lax county treasurer's GGiiiG Milford F.

O. Hoyt. Hiawatba A lot of new body type will be added to The Courant office in a few days. The increasing amount of legal matter compells us to provide an extra amount of material. The boys are talking of orcanizine a base ball Henry E.

Waterhoiise, Defendent. F. Leasure, LaCygne, Kansas, and club in Howard shortly. Guide keeps fitting company, ana the two publications are mailed free il AIL rig tit takes good picurcs. Notice Is given that the Howard Citv Cemeterv J.

F. LaTourrette, Fort Dyon Col Ty VIRTUE of cfit Execution to me directed and delilvered, is Association will hold an election 3. R. Hall's The chicken cholera has arrived and dead chickens are being thrown to all writinrr for one or both to store room on jUoiMiay, May 14, 1877, at o'clock, p. ni.

J. E. Hall, See. sued oat of the Thirteenth Judicial orado. Newspapers are the accepted mod Kew work put up to ordor and in good style at 'Stopper T.

J. ANIXEItSON, out on the ground all over town, to SHLEIFF'S SALE." District Court of the State of Kan Go to Mr. Wm. Eckcrt's newBakervand n36yt Topeka, Kan. spread that disease and other infec em medium ot public communica ui um lam wicrtu, cages ana i i The Kansas City Times "ould' Bachelor and Maid distribution scheme is daily augumenting.

The right is reserved to decline the seductive influences of the old Burbon. KnaoKs. Mr. uekert has been at infinite tronhle OF KANSAS, Kt.K COUNTY, ss tion and intelligence and it is cer SHERIFF'S SALE. tious diseases.

People who do not bu dead chickens, ought te loose ana expense to ht np a iirst-elasa bakery and we nope to see mm prosper. tainly a good way to make a favor There are entirely too many rnnnins- THE STATE OF KANSAS, all they have, and fined beside. able impression of a new business Kl County, Kansas, vs. It. II.

Defendant, KLK COUNTY, large in tswn, for the comfort of the people whi don't oro them. We don't believe any citizen has enterprise in aftv community, for The best slock of bill pc rip Uo'. memorandum ready refcianue riles, tablets, and in fact, tli notion line, ia to R. HALL'S Druir Ri either legal or moral, to raise h(a at Die A. Bowman and S.

Kirk M. Hamburg, Plaintiff, pocket books, is nolo hooks, t'y books'," fin mpn, vcrylhing in he found ji J. i ie, idio door' iv OI- AN EXECUTION TO expense, inconvenience and discomfort of his neigh' vs. H. B.

Barnes and I id delivered, Usued out is tne directed bor. patrick have opened a law office at Howard City, Elk county. We the parties to walk up to the newspapers and insert their cards in the same. It shows the right kind of spirit, and creates a reciprocal good The Black Hills fever has again broke out in this vicinity and it will undoubtedly carry away some of our citizens, who will return in three or four months if not sooner much wiser if not better men. Julia Barnes, All necessary blanks have been received and the sas sitting in and for Elk County! in eai 4 State.

I will; on Saturday May 26th 1877, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Court House door in Howard City, in the county and state aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highe3t bidder, for cash in all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant in and to the following described real estate, situated in the county of Elk, and state ol to-wit The south west quarter of s'ectibn twenty-tix (26) township twenty-nine (29) south of range ten flO i east in Elk County Kansas Etc connty Banc ia now prepared to do any and all commend this firm to the favorable consideration of the people of Elk BY VIRTUE of an Order ol Sale to me directed and delivered, issued out of north of the postofiicv'. feeling all around Kinds of banking business. The members of the firm; Messrs.

Momma Kby, are well known toonr corrtmuiitty. as gentlemen of enterprise and gooa county, and predict for it a success ni the Tuirteuitli Judicial District Co'ui of the -ate of Kaiii-as, siuin? in and for J-lk in said state. 1 will, on Saturday May 10, 16'77, at 1) o'clock A. t. of sriid day, at tb'ti court house dnor.

in Howard City, in the counly, lute utoresaid, iUer at public "ale, aud "ell to tbe hitjliet bidder, for cah in all the rfifh', and interest ot the above unnied deleii'Ient iu and to the following. I ias.sels and ful career. Fredonia Irwune. and per ruled I a 's 1' i 'ie ELK FALLS. card board, fit The Eureka Censorial man has had a row with his wife, and she has returned to her paternal home Mr.

Joe French, of Falls has recently returned from a trip out west. He traveled over Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, Harrwrr, Keno and Botter counties. Hexiys it is the country he ever saw and that it is rapidly Giline on with enteniria- A. J. DnfTey, the popular and ge Frank Osborn has made arrangements to locate-a saw mill on trs 320 acre farm about two miles foatbeast of Howard.

There is a largs amount of good eaw timber Otl this farm and those surrounding. nial tooth-carpenter ot oouthern to remain a month or so. Since the mg go-ahead people. A. large colony from Iowa Kansas was in the 6tty most of last better half left, Doud has blacked PAPER, J.

R. HALL'S, NEW WALL cheap, at week. Mr. JJ. is a splendid work Notice.

his boots, oiled his hair, commenced Said property appraised at three To all whom it may concern V.wi 9rn no man and the people of this part of the 13th Judicial District Court of the state of Kansas, sitting in and for Eik county, in said state, 1 will, on Saturday, May 2iith 1877 at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at tiie Court House door in Howard City, in the county and state aforesaid, offer sit public sale and sell to tbe highest bidder, for cash in band, ail the right, title and interest of the above named defendant iu and to tbe following described real estate, situated iu the county of Elk and state oj Kanas, to-wit: The" south C3st quarter of section SI, in township 2S, south of range 11 east. Said property Jevjod on, and to be sold as the property of the above named defendants, J. Q.

Burchfiki.p, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Howard Citv. April 10th lb77. Printer's fees 3,03. 43o tified that the Board of County Commissioners in hundred dollars.

the state know it, consequently he ana tor cuaiy, Kansas will meet as a Board of Said property levied on, and to Equalization at the Countv Clerk has all the work he can do. Ladies' dresses will fit more closely than ever this spring, Their dresses will be made 'so tight, in For the latest etylea of ladies spring hats, go to Mrs. Albright. Cigars and emokini; tobacco, at J. 11.

HALL'S. Heal Itate, MUlaleil in Couuty of Elk, ami Slate ol Kansas, Tho south of tho north-west iuarter. ofscctiou towuship thirty-one range eleven. Sai rrr.perty levied on, and to be sold us the p'ro'H-rty oi theabove named J. l- tfittunn.p; Mieriff.

Office, Howard SLstiu. April 6. 1377 Fi inters fee tti county on Monday June 3, 1877. for the purpose of be sold as the property of the above shaving twice a day, and will now make regular visits to one of those places have plenty of C. H.

McClure has a new suit of clothes, and is now the best looking young man in town at least the girles all say he Mr. Adams, of Independ ence, was eliiz.i" anu persons reeling themselves aggrieved in their assessment for i377 pledge take due notice and be present at that meeting and named defendant. J. Q. Burchfield, Sheriff.

in the city last week, selling the females rights and charts to cut their deed, that' lovely women will lose her last relic of superiority over man phe won't be able to put her elotbes on over her head any more. Sheriff's office, Howard City Kan "'HE save future trouble after the tax rolls have been completed. Of this take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. q0 Tbojtpsos. County Clerk.

CO URN AT ia th for tte TI paper OFLE, sas, April, 16th 1S77. 4dwo. own clothes..

The Howard Courant from Howard, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.