The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

10 THE DAILY PICAYUNE NEW ORLEANS, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1893. COHMEBGIAL MD MAHCIAL NEWS. Tie Day's Eeoord of Interesting EYenta in the Local Market. Cotton Declined Sharply Under the In.

flnenee of UnfaTorable Cables Another ParoraUe Statement Furnislied by the New York Banks, Latest Sugar News Bice Exhibits a Better Tone Easier Western Markets. HB cotton market 1 at Kew York opened at a drop of 5 to 11 Dointa and at tne close the ton was easy with a net decline for the day of from 14 to 15 points. This falling off was due to a net decline In Liverpool of from 1 to 2 16d.and to free selling toy the loags. "When the market opened It was without public advices from Liverpool, ax cable communication wis broken 'by a heavy storm of sleet in England. New York spot ales to day and last Sight for consumption ninety bales.

Spot market easy, middling 8 16c, which is 16c lower, compared with yesterday. The Chonicle makes the amount of cot ton coming in sight this week 400.256 bales, against 395.346 bales last week and S2S.649 bales for corresponding week last year. Hubbard, Price Co. say: "The fact that the quantity of cotton coming into sight during the past week showed an Increase on last year's figures proved too much for the Liverpool market to day. despite the settlement of the coal strike and the strength shown here yesterday.

The liquidation of discouraged holders has again been the feature of the market here, while on the other hand some large lines of cotton have been absorbed for continental and Liverpool accounts. The market seems to have reached a point at Which the disposition to boM is nullified by the necessity of collecting in order to protect open contracts, and until the liquidation shall be over it cannot be expected to show much strength. So far as opinions regarding the crop are concerned, it may be said that there is a reluctant abandonment of short crop Ideas. The amount of cotton coming in Bight weekly is so large that it is difficult to reconcile the theories of crop shortage with the figures of the dally movement, end no fresh buying, however, is likely to make itself felt until more definite assurance can be felt with regard to the movement" The weekly report of the dry goods mar ket Indicates an improved demand for most lines of manufactured goods. Print cloths are generally firm and the stock bows a conslderab reduction.

The currency transfers to Xew Orleans yesterday amounted to $100,000. Latest sugar facts. lTTJLgD SPKCIALLT TO TUB FICATtHTB BT WILLF.TT GRAT. JCew York, Nov. IS.

Speclal.) The market la quiet and steady, as usual on Saturdays, with no special features. The course of the market will largely depend on the amount of arrivals and the urgency of sellers. The largest refiners are entirely out of the market and do not Intimate that they lll come in even at 3 cents for centrifugals, but the small refiners might yet take a small quantity at present quotations of 3 1 Sc European markets continue to decline lightly from day to day. without much effort, but are considerably lower as compared with ten days ago. Some English owned low grade sugars, which arrived yesterday from Liverpool, are going into tore in the absence of buyers.

Refined sugars are quiet and unchanged for quotations, with a moderate demand only and no special indication, though the next change, when it comes, will be a decline and may come soon. SHORTAGE IX IMPORTS OF LEMONS. New York. Nov. IS.

Special.) A leading lemon broker of this city estimates the receipts of lemons in this country during November at 151.700 boxes, against 201,000 boxes in November, ISOi The December he estimates 103,000 boxes, or a total for the two months of 256.000 "boxes. This great decrease is said to be the re cult of an agreement among steamer gents ana exporters and affects Messina. Palermo, on the 10th still had cholera, making shipments prohibitive until Dec 10. or later. If cholera still continues.

New Orleans will not get a cargo until the Palermo embargo Is raised, which at present means arrivals after Jan. 10. COTTON NOTES. McElroy St circular of yesterday ays: Cables from the continent continue to report a lack of orders from spinners, and even though Manchester continues i to buy daily, her takings are only the amount to keep mills going, other words, she is simply taking her daily requirements, and shows no disposition to anticipate higher markets by saying iu surplus supplies. One of our export triends offers a very reasonable explanation for the present ripathy spinners.

May and June ue in Liverpool are now selling at 64. the equivalent in currencv ot 8.7b cents. Calculating freight to Liverpool at the low rate of 1 so. and deducting the charges for putting free on board, as wed as insurance, aud loss in weight, a 25 64 would be equivalent to cents for middling. Middling here to dav wouid cost 1 16 to aoove these figures, and our friend shows by this comparison that the spinner can buy cotton for delivery aix months hence, saving all the inter mediate charges, and on a basis of 1 16 CO Vs cheaper than be wouid have to pay lor cotton In New Orleans to day.

These calculations do not include commissions for buying, on this side, but simply the bare expense of handling. A letter to FT. Jae Andres, of Boston. I from Liverpool, dated Nov. 4.

says: "The course of our market is influenced solely by the fluctuations in the opinion as to the size of your incoming crop. At the present moment, the moderate view of seven and one baif miillona aeems to be coming Into favor, verified by the somewhat sinalier figures of cotton in eight than what had been expected: should this estimate be confirmed, we will ee an advance, as Manchester is engaged for months to come and only awaits the settlement of the coat strike (which has hampered every trade in this country for some time past) when they most buy and consume cotton on a Laree scale. SSA fpot Egyptians are enhanced in value, swing to the lateness of the crop and the running down of the stock of current tonalities here." York. Nov. 18 (Special.) The follow tag fat an extract from the circular of Atwood Vioiett The advance oC yesterday proved premature.

and showed that It was baaed upon sentiment because Liverpool la more affected this morning by facta la the shape of a large anovement, tkanbr the proeprct of obtaining their fuel at reduced prices. The effect, bow vr, nay sot be felt Xpr some time. coal stocks are small everywhere la Great Britain reauoea to ue normal uatilth supply baa been oopaiderably lu In formation from Liverpool la very meager to dav owinz to violent k. Private cables, however, made that market 2 lower. A decline at the opening here of 0 paints from yesterday was followed by an Improvement of to 5, bat gradually eased off natil atmnt Ava 1 uwuc' worn aa estimate of New Orleans recejpt ot la.OOO trim Mmulas aa nln.i i tru a iu.uw iaat year, Dros tne JaDidlJr' ad anal prices are 13 below NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT.

New York, Nov. IS. The weekly bank statement shows the following changes: Reserve, Increase 17.641.750 de2rett8 1,27.3,200 apeoie, increase. 1 7 400 Legal tenders, Deposits, increase 8,944 2JO Circulation, decrease 279700 The banks now hold $65,470,476 in excess of the requirements of the 25 per cent rule. The Honey Mark.

SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 18. 1898. Til Ws1r liaar aritn th. Lul kv aa aa4 Ket decidedly easier, although aa yet not niwitah.

Livm in t. auiiiirr ok ratec All loans are still quoted at full 8 per cent In bank, bat call loans have been reported on the street at 7 per cent. There is at 111 a food demand tor loans. The foreign exchange market in New York was weak and dull, all through the morning. Sterling opened up at to decline, and towards the close the market showed further signs of weakness.

The active dealing In Iranian In AiiurlMn i .1 past two hays has, by creating bills, more 4 K. nuinK. 1. 1 u.iui uj aooriage mere may hare been to commercial grades predicated to cotton. The hardening In the street rate or discount on the other side influenced isolations very materially, and the decline did not come quite unexpectedly.

Francs also showed a weaker feeling to the extent ot 9tt to IVi he low the previous day. The local ntnrket was a quiet one throughout, and quotations were entirely ruled by Kew York. The decline was fully np to Franca were In line at decline. Sight exchange on New York barely maintained yesterday's rates and was doll all through the morning. Bankers were quoted at 25c discount; commercial at 50c discount.

The following are current rates tor loans both in bank and on the street: Call loans In bonk 68 Call loans on the street 74? Al paper Kxceptional commercial paper Time loans on collaterals 8 Mortgage paper COIN. Mexican dollars KKWJ Peruvian sols 61Vo53 Silver bullion at X. O. Mint, peroc. lint 11a ted silver coin, per ounce 6560 The following shows the daily transactions at the New Orleans clearing house, representing the associated banks: Cleartnrs.

Sl.e62.329 Balances. S130.5S4 Nov. 18 This day last Jl.7 W.892 S188.875 Total week before Eirkance. Exchange is weak for sterling bills, weak for francs and dull for New York sight. Quotations here and st New York sre aa follows: New Orleans.

New Yok. Commercial sterling .480 ir t81i 48142 Bank sterling ass Commercial francs Bank franca 619, Keichmarks 84U 9414 MX mix 99 lem Commercial slirht. 50c dla. new lore nana atgnu. Stocks nod Honda, There was only moderate trading in securities to day.

and the tone ot the market was quieter than it bas been for some time. State consols were again easier and sold aa low as Ltvee bondj were still firm and in demand, bat Brewing Association continued to weaken. Gas shares were hrm, a sale being reported at 117. The sales to day at the Kew Orleans Stock Exchange were as follows: Sales at 11 a. m.

Call. SS.5O0 new consols pa SS.OUO new consols ys Sales After 2 p.m. Call. 15 shares N. O.

Gas 117 Lateat Btda and Offers) at tne New Orleans Stork Exenancre. BANK STOCKS. Far value. Bid. Asked.

American National lOO 112 Bank of Coninierce 10 15)4 Canal and Banking Company.lOO J70 rHtixMia' visit wi ists Co sjperatiTe Banking 25 21 22 GernLinia XariotuU 202 213 ireriitaiua mxinpSL iuu 300 a vx wJkiS LdMiiiABM. Natiuual 1Ci 153 jieirupauiM 1W lt lTTv I 1 ta a tin State National 100 132 1JO Traders' 10O Union National lOO 122 Whitney National luo 3H) INSURANCE STOCKS. Firemen's SO 10 HibernLi 10U 8'JVs Home 10O HS KA Tit Merchants' 10 7HV4 N. O. lna.

Company 30 Is Southern 10O 89 Teutunia 100 120 Its STREET RAILROAD STOCKS. Carroll ton Railmad 1.14 J.37 Crescent Citv Railroad loo 100 10014 New Orleans City and Lke lOO 12S 1S5' Orleans Kailrood .50 St. Charln Street SO 71,14 77 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. C. C.

Slaughter house SO 44 49 Jefferoon City Gaslight Co. 80 85 New Orleans Clas 116t llb New Orleans Water 100 N. O. Brewing Association. o' 67V4 Sugar Shed Company so 23 Suind.

Fireless Engine Co IO 14 STATE BONDS. New consols 96 96 LEVEE SIXES. Atcbafalaya 9414 pg 24 05 Caddo 95 91 Lafourche us1 1'uotcUar train (15 years) 92V, 9414 Iontchartrain (20 years) 931, 97 Red river. Atchaf. and bayoa Boeuf 'M 88 Teosaa basin 93 98 CITY BONDS.

Premium 166i 17 City 4s 101 101 Extended consols 103, 104 Extended Crassman 103 104 SECURITIES. organ's I and T. 7s 1224 123 Crescent City It. 1st mort 100 Crescent City It mart, new 10O 10S N. O.

City It mort llVVt 120t Carroljton R. 2d mort (13 rs(. U31Z Carroll tun B. 2d mort 1I4 yrai. 114 N.

O. Water Works. 1st mort 113 N. O. Brewing Ass'n, 1st mort loi ift2v State warrants, ordinary, lssd 32 45 School certificates loraid state coupons.

No. 12.." Lnp'd state c'p ns prior to No. 12.. 30 "I Tne Day la Wall Street. ioere was an ad 7 MJ.

per cent, the latter to IuisviUe and NashvUle. which was atrotut thJLt 'he directors wr th" aoquiaitloo of another soern railroad property. A slight pressure to sell deansnT Chd thTSoef tactSl "action of a rraction in the Kenerai list and of 1U to sugar, npoo wnich the bears mde 1 attack. This was followed bTa "SwerV oZ Pf. the market contlnul firm until clock, except for Lake tthli Ztj1 Pr cent, and aug, SSS sis5 "arlS ft or near the best figure.

"Jk day. Compared with the final saiear rLn JfJ the chaucea are very sEght tSsV 1 1 cent ud above being tohnTof KZ and Wettem and i Centmf.n?. i preferred Some1harereT from tne transactions of cbe wber7 the stock traded taaTta predated in valoe. nvng oe The railway and miscellaneous bond mar. was usually active tolay dSigsere caaracterixed by a strona tone, ilk to Colry has been developed daring the wee tJJ.

best classes of railway bon anTlarge haTiwbef tken 01 the stateby "J110? the most notable advances in to day'a market an xlZl igaa Ccatral tours per cent, do 5. lake Shore division sevens S. rtcilk, Bail road of liiasourl aeooods 2. Jaaahattaa 4a eon sois 1H. Atchison fonrs IV and Pennsylvania 4 coupons 1 per cent.

General Electric debentures fives declined 1 and St. Joseph and Grand Island firsts per cent. In view of the plethora 'of money the bond market Is attracting ssore attention than ascal and the indications are that the coming week will see active dealings la this class of securities. New York. Nov.

IS. The Post says: The New York surplus bank reserve psssrd by ui ubj Micwwi uv wsacH ugare oa record Fifteen months after the May panic of 1SS4 the reserve Mooned Sd4.T24.100. Its Ainiuiu iur in jrr. xfiay Bit ire 475. The comparison is all the more noteworthy ia that so long a period elapsed after the acuta panic period of nine yew ago before the highest notch was reached.

Tnj shrinkage In the bank reserve, however, which cam to the later months of was the sign of reviving activity la the commercial and financial marketa. This summer's panic was confessedly far more severe than that of 18S4. yet there has thus far been passed leas than one fourth the period of "RnaH which waa required before the last decades ootnplete trade revival. It has been very truly said that if the trades of two or tliree professional operators were eliminated from this week's niarke fullr three fourths even of the present rtrlctea business would disappear. But be concluded from to day's transactions that the efforts of these active "Pf7u down prices heavily has failed.

Outside investors, as last week's market prepared to bay. but this week market has proved no lee effectively that they are to no hast at all. CT" P.S.4S rea 112U, North w. den. l1 V.

8. 4SOOU9 1121 7S U. S. 4 "a Pirtlla Kaof 93. 1(13 sn as.

F. g'l IxmlHiana su P.C.4P. lsia.loH's MtawMirt 6a. lOO Tean. new set aa.lOO Ten 11.

nw a oa.loo Tenn. sow sat as. 71 r.n..l.)ln 2la lOO Tex. 10 1 Jtaa. Union West snor 103 Rio G.

W.lSto.. Atchison 4a 7l's Central Pao. 1st. 102 "a Den.

ill Den. B. G. 4a. 70'aloal.

H.S. A 3 KneSds 63 J. K.AT. ea.o. 44U M.

K. a T. ea.aa 0 Ma Union 0a 107V N. J. int.

10's i Oal. HAS. sec 99 H. and 'I. j.o H.

T.COonsoltfslOO North Carolina olj. North Carolina 4s 84 Cl. to i or. mx Nor. Pao.

2da US ITrUtWa oonauU.13S Tenn. old os 2 Virginia BTOCK5! CLOSING. Atchison. 19ai Northern e's ASaina 145 NonatiB rso.n.. 'i U.f.lMaattolL 7 Northwest's 13S V.

.11 2 Alton dsT. 23 ALdT.H. oret 11 American 115 Ualumore a OI1I0. 9a Canana bAntti.n Est 27 50 Ouiscumc Western ii't Ceninu Pacinc. lrt'a'or.

improvement. 11s ChM.aOiiM 18A. OC ChHauaa Altoa. 13j Or.St.Llue a U.S.. 0 17 Peoria.

a.v. HH Plttaonrs H9 PuUiuan 171 Readina 3401 HicOuiond 3 Kiohmoau Tor yt. 15 B.u. IO U.U. 45 Hooa laiand 60 au t3 6U Paul pi UrfLj at.

Paul a umalia. 36 bu. P.aoniaiia oc.lll n. au 7rf Ti CUlcaao 62l Ceusvudaiefl Uaa.134 c. c.

c. a St. 1.. 35 CoL Ooal a Iron IO Cotton Oil oeruu So1 Leia.a UcLiaot. a bnK.U.pI....

Dia a Cat. avdCo. 30 Kast leua 14 tuna la Enept 2aa rort vvayae 140 Ureal aiors a 01 iu8 southern Paoino. 1b3 87 Uocainjc Valley 21Te sugat TetaB.

Coal Jt Iron Texas 1 wL.ouiecayt. Li nioa Paoine U. n. bL uaraa 15' 7 7o 174 6O Hi SUPanl a Italuta. V6 aantuaTeuapL ti Uksama Woat, 17V UMru4Wl.

67Ki LK Shore 1271 Leaal Trust. 2t1 7 Ifti, Weuarargo Kx. ..120 Weatera Union ttf9 LooisviUeaNaaa. 48 LAO. Manbaltaa Coual.

125 Mem. and lu ktichigan Coutral li) Wbeeiiiia a J. Wheeiiuga 14a. 50 Minn, and St. It.

a H. 11H 10 Missouri Paciuo. 24 'a viennral 3 a 14 Nat. Linseed 10 70 nsn. a auouai Oord.

pt. 70 Colorado puol ajVCotoiaoo Fool pt. 50 IH.uaT.C N. J. Central 1 15J'l'nl A.

A. Norfolk a W. at 3obTo1. St LJt K.C.... 1 N.

Amancaa 0 Tol.St l'i LOSTON STOCKS AND BO.V is. Stocks Money Call loaus 2sS4 '11m loana 3Hiad Bonds Atchison 2s 37 lj Atuhisou 4 69 Hi New Kngland Atch.Top.a8.Fe.. 19 American VJ St American igar pt 87 oayoiaio a Tel 18S Redton a Albany. 03 cbi. Burauuincy.

73' uen. Vtnlnv KhiMi aiexican utauu. N.T.AX. ul.l Colony AUaiiUo 7(i 37 a.1 Boston A Mont. 15 177 Ibutlea 8 Kuoner 40 Ban Uiego 67 Union Paciuc 171, West Knd.

tkiv Wont fend SI WesUnah. Kiec. UK 00 4U Calumet a 11 ecla. 23 2 rranklln 10 Keaiaaga. 0 2:89 umcy loj Tamaxaea 134 a Xew York, Nov.

18. Government bonds firm. State bonds dull. Petroleum firm. Pennsylvania oil spot sales none, December oitk sales 10,000, closed To '4 bid.

Lima oil sales none. New York. Nov. 18. Money on call easy, lVs per cent, prime mercantile paper 4st per cent.

Sterling exchange easy, actual business in bankers' bills at 4So! for demand, and for sixty days. Iosted rates 4843480VS. Commercial Mils 4164SlV. Silver certiorate 7 IS bid. The total sale of stocks to day were ti.300 shares.

Intending: American Sugar 4500, Burlington and Quincy G500, Chicago Gas 10.5O0. Louisville and Nashville 12. 000. Beading 7700, Su Paul 10,000, Western Union 10.S0O. New York.

Nov. 18. Exports of specie foe the week were S31.O0O mid, SS35.100 silver. Imports of specie for the week aggregated Imports of general merchandise for the week amounted to dry goods Sl.054.354. New York.

Nov. 19. Bank clearings SS1. 360.U8S. balance St.275.h71.

For the week clearings S53ti.330,2S7. balances S30.s55.S5a Cincinnati, Nov. 18 Money per cent. New York exchange 60t75c premium. Bink clearinps S2.301.550.

for the week S12.760.43O. week last year I13.025.CO0. Philadelphia, Nov. 18 Bank clearings J5. 41 3,704.

balance S3.333.635. For the week S63.938.510, balances 477. 022 Memphis. Not. 18 Xew York exchange selling at par.

Bank clearings $382, 605. balances $120,204. St. Louis. Nov.

IS. Bank clearings $3,802, 657, balance $534,074. Money quiet, 78 per cent. Exchange on New York Oc Clearings this week balances $3.34. 6s0l Clearina tor correspondinn week last year $26,702,562.

balance S3.220.321. dear intrs last week $24,913,121. balance $3,886. 905. hi capo.

Nov. 18 Bank clearing to day S13.825.0OO. for the week $33,253,000. ft the corresponding week last year $109,871,000. Xew York exchange 75iS0c premium.

Sterling exchange firm, actual 4S3VSa. Money Una. rates WfT per cent. Chicago. Nov.

IS. Trading in Mocks Usht to day. Lake Street holding strong. Closing prices: City Railroad 310, West Chicago 15314. North Chicago 247H.

Packing preferred 43V. Alley L. 41, Lake Street L. 27. Chicago Gas 5s S3T COTTON.

Vh9 Tfeve Orleans Market. SATUUDAY EVENING. Nov. 18. 1893.

the Cotton Exchange to day the trading was exceedingly active for a Saturday's abort session, and the scenes around the ring were animated. The sales aggregated 60, 900 bales. The course of the market was a decided disappointment to the bulls, and considerable long cotton waa liquidated em stop orders. TVhen the market closed yesterday bull operators expected that the improvement In American markets and the end of the great cool strike would cause an improvement In Liverpool. This hope was disappointed, as Liverpool declined l2 4d for, deliveries to day and spot sales were only 8000 bales.

This decline in Liverpool, assisted by the continued liberal crop movement and the large estimated receipts at New Orleans Monday IS. 00O to 20,000, against 10.SOO last year caused prices to weaken materially, and although the local market waa comparktively steadier than New York, the close showed a net loss for the day of 11 points. British spinner. In the face of cob tinned Urg receipts, appear content to purchase only daily needs, and as American spinners are following a very cautious policy. In view of possible tariff complications, the market is without nmch support from the spot demand.

The local spot market to day was weak, although prices were quoted unchanged. There was little demand, the sales aggregating only SOO bales, with sales to arrive aggregating 40O bales. The following reports of the local market are from the' closing figures of tne New Orleans Cotton Exchange: Kew Orleaas Claadaar Ssvot Prleea. Quotations are bsssd i cot tea te prpas aarebouae as sold ia average liata not varying soar than one mil grad tk a half graoe above and below the grade quoted. To day.

Yesterday. Low ordinary 5 7 8a 7 8a Ordinary e) ea 3 tsa Uood ordinary 7 8a 7 8a LOW mfal.tllng 7 1 4 7 1 4 1 3 7 1 1 Good middling 7 13 1 13 18 Middling fair 8 5 IS 8 1S Fair lda 9 lda vlr spots SOO bales. Sales to arrive 400 bales. Stained HjcS lower than quotations. Market Weak.

Vararea at Hew Orleaas, The market opened steady, ruled barely steady at 1 nod call, and dosed steady. The sales ccmis iaed 00,900 bales, against 82200 bales yesterday. The aers aa MUs at the various calls as follows: call. Second call. 9:03 a.

11:43 a.m. Jan 7.551 Ml tJM 7.56 Fete 7.71 7.7 7.64f 7.0 March 7.8131 7.83 7.T5 7.7 Anil 7.90 7 81 7.81t 7.84 Third call. None. tj vv May ToS S7 7JH II June 8.04 T.98.f? 8.00 5 8.0wr 8.12 tv Nominal Nominal 32.BI 7.3tt 7.40 M. Price for Rings and Margins February 7.05, March T.74, April 7.K2, May 70, June 7.9oTKovember 7.25, te eember 7.39.

Qoatatloataw Bslse rw. fauur. January 7jss 7.5a T.tmA 757 22,600 iebruarr 7.65 7 7.77 e.700 7.7a 7.7 7.86al 7.87 24.50O fPrtl 7.82M 7.84 7.1HU 7.95 1.000 My 7.0o.a 7.a 8.03 1,700 i.w 8.00 8 ions 0 1 iw 8.18W 8 20 November 7.254 7 JO 7.3 Bid December 7(j 7.40 T.4!J 7J50 8,700 Average Price To day January 7.58, February 7 8. lrch 7.78, April 7.77. May 7.U7.

June ttOK lscniber 7 41. Kew Orleaas Collsa Kateacat. To day. Sine bam tfan oalea. kept.

1. last year. Net receipts 15,863 712,741 500,415 Gross receipts 16,450 764.288 651.048 Exports to Cl. B. 0.650 202.048 150.0S0 J0" 8.0OO 110,103 Continent 101.4UO 73,703 Coastwise 6,624 117,627 103,576 Stock on hand ....267,864 165,17 presses 2OJ.604 120,024 Oa shipboard 68,360 lateac latelllsfeaea rrasa TJailted bates sad Vorclsra Starlteta.

(By the Associated Press.) Beeelata sad Stocks at U. 8. Parts, Tkas far. Tola To day. Week.

15.863 15,863 This Week Ian year. Stock. N. Orleans. Galveston MobUe Savannah Charleston Wilmington Norfolk Baltimore I New York Boston Philad'a W.

Point. Various 7.366 btooo 6,131 4,82) 1.850 1.8o2 856 1.064 154 867 267.S64 6,410 u.as3 171,673 81.516 120,127 VO.UdJ 36,648 VA582 20,801 156.W47 10,663 21.010 2.6U5 1.046 6.433 6,418 2,004 6,433 2,777 1.IT20 6,418 Total 42,217 42.217 84.921 1.030.992 The receipt thus tar last week were. 3U.507 Keceipta at porta to day 42,217 Thia day last year 34,031 Keceipta at ports aince Sept. 1 ......2,421,635 Same time last, year 2,221,318 Same time year before .........3,045,545 Exports and Stocks at All Parts. G.

Brit. France. Cont. Stock. This week 24,974 12.664 1,650 1,030,992 Last week 8,150 V.OJ2 la, 06 938,000 Last year 28,801 11,717 24,739 975,627 Year before.

26,031 15,510 1,171.477 Iatest from New York. To day. Yesterday. Ordinary 11 16 5 3 4 Good ordinary 6 15 16 7 Strict good ordinary 7 1 4 7 6 16 Low middling 7 5 8 7 11 16 Middling upland 8 1 16 8 1 8 Middling gulf 8 5 16 8 3 8 Oood middling 8 3 8 7 16 Middling fair 8 15 16 Kale spots 90 bale. Market Easy.

Futorea. Closing to day. Teeterdav. January 7.8(ii 7.8 8.03AJ 8.04 February 7.964 8.1H 8.12 March OK. 8.

1 8.19 April 8.12f 8.13 8.2U0S 857 May 8.1'Jfc 8 34,.... June 8.26ig 8.27 8.40fq! 8.42 November 7.81ia 7.83 7.S5(S 7.97 December 7.86a 7.87 8.00Q 8.01 Sales futures 121,800 bale. Market Easy. Domestic Marketa, Middling per Tb. Galveston 7 9 16 7 3 8 Savannah 7 3 8 7 1 2 naked Wilmington 7 1 2 Norfolk 7 1 2 Baltimore 8 Boston 8 1 8 Philadelphia 8 1 2 Memphis 7 1 2 Augusta 7 8 8 Latest from Liverpool.

Market Demand moderate, freely met. To day. Yesterday. Estimated total sales 8,000 10,000 Export and speculation 1.0OO 1.O00 Sale of American 6,500 8.800 Middling American 4 16 4 7 16 Keceipta, ail kinds, 16,000 bales, of which American 11.900. Arrivals closed barely steady.

Uplands, any port, not below low middling. Latest to day. Yesterday. November 4 19 20 4d 4 21 a 22 64d Nov Deo 4 29 64d 4 21 it 22 4d Dec Jan 4 19 C4d 4 2l 64d Jan Keb 4 19 20 64d 4 21 a 22 61 Feb March 4 21 6 .1 4 22 4c 23 64d March April 4 22 4d 4 22 as 23 64d April May 4 23 64d 4 25 64d Mar June 4 25 64d 4 27 64d June July 4 26 a 27 6 id 4 29 4d July August 4 80 ft 81 64d Havre Cottoa Market. Market Quiet and easy.

To day. Yesterday. Ordinaire (spots) 6 1 2 55 1 2 Tres ordinaire (spots) 63 1 2 63 1 2 Kas (spots) 60 50 November delivery 50 3 4 1 8 December delivery 51 1 8 61 1 2 January delivery 61 1 2 7 8 February delivery 51 7 8 62 1 4 March delivery 52 1 4 62 6 8 April delivery 62 5 8 63 May dUlvery 63 63 3 8 Tone of futures to day firm, yesterday steady. World Visible Sapply. B.

lea. Total East Indian, ete 876,200 Total American 3.242.154 Total visible supply 3,618.354 Total last year 3.777.06S Oeeaa Frelgrat Rates. As quoted officially ac the Kew Orleans Maritime Association: (a I Cotton. ir lb Steam To Liverpool 17 64d. Manchester 17 64d.

Havre 17 52c, Bremen 17 6il. Antwerp 17 6d. Hamburg 17 64d. Baltic Id) 26 64d. Barcelona 22 64d, Genoa 20 6d, Naples 26 64d, Trieste 28 64d, Malaga 22 64J.

01) Cotton per 100 lb Steem New York SOe. (b Bostoa 43c. (b) Philadelphia 42c, (b) Prorl dene 43a. tb) Fall Kiver 43c, lb) Baltimor 4SC Cotton Steam, via New York To Liverpool 4d. Havre Sc.

Bremen 9 S2d, Antwerp 17 64d, Rotterdam 6cfxl OO. Amsterdam 00. Hamburg 9 32d. Baltic 15 32d. Barcelona Sd, Genoa il 32d.

Naples 5 16d. Trieste 13 324. Grain iteam To Liverpool 4ai. to Botter dam 3s 3d. to Hambnrg 3v te Barcelona 4d, to Cora, orders.

3a 3d. sugar. Molasses, Rice, Steam per bbL pee bM. 100 lbs. New York 50 25c (b) Bostoa 2 OO 35 2e Philadelphia 2 OO S4o (b) Provldenc 2 OO 36 0 Fsll Kiver 2 O0 3rto (b) Baltimore 2 00 8Ss Staves, per 1000 Steam Xew York $45.

Liverpool, ex pipe. 30, continent $35665. Tobacco Steam To Bremen 35. Oil Cake or Meal Steam To Liverpool 225 22s 6d. to continent 22s 6d25s, to New York 15c per 100 lba Oll To Liverpool 6s, continent 6s, Kew York $1 25 oer bbl.

VTa Tort. ta An rates are for esm prsssi cotton, (c) Per 100 ib. (d) To arrtva LOUISIANA STAPLES Basra and Hslasses. The receipts to day were moderate, and the market was active and srronir. All the offerings sold promptly, a did also the remnants carried over from yesterday.

There waa a brisk demand and out of town buyers Conk a large amount, prices were well maintained. Molasses was easy. The New York market was reported ss follows: Fair refining 2c. eentrifugala 3sc atandard granulated 4.47c. standard A J3Ac The London market waa reported to day by cable to the Sngar Exchange as follows: Cane Quiet at 15a 6d.

Beet Dull and declining at 12s Ud. The receipts to day were: 801 ahds and 9127 bbl ot sugar, and 226S bbl of molssses and syrup. The sales to dav at the exchange were: 333 hbds and 11.412 bbls of sugar, and S674 bbis of molasses and syrup. Our Quotation for niantation so car and mo laase sre from the official report of the Louisiana Sugar and Rice Exchange, and are for round lota. Dealers and iobbers ask 4c per lb higher for sugar, and Sdc per gailoa higher for molasses and syrup.

PLANTATION SI GAB Open kettle per lb Market steady. Fully fair 2 13 16C. common to good fair Centrifugals Per lb Market active and strong. Flsntatloa granulated 4 1 HV.M 16c off granulated 334c. choice white ST4t4c, off whit 3St3 13 ltic gray 7 9 16c.

fancy yellow 3 16c. choice yellow 3 7 1 SVxc. prime yellow 3 yellow second 2Hi3W i'LANTATION MOLASSES Open ketUe per gallon Market easy. Choice 32c, strict prime 30c. prune to good prune r6u27c.

fair te good fair common 23c Ceotrirugal Per galioa Market easy. Choice 19c, good prime to strict prim 143 15c good fair to prime lOvtUe, good vwmmon to fair S9c common 7c SYttCP Pe galkm aa2lc KEF1NED SCtiAR Per lb Market Steady. Out loaf 51C posrdered 6C atandard graaa lated 4c coafectianera A 4 11 loc. Porta extra crystal extra royal extra e. Dealers and Jobber are mated lie and 16c oft the above prices ta addition to ether trad discounts.

CO" UtRAGE HoT5beds hoop poles pef 1000 $45 00. barrel do $21 SO. Cyprea barrel staves S15 0O per 1000. Suear noesbead apiece, 2 40jr 60: sugar barrels 371 39c. saoiaases barrei $1 3Sil 40.

snnlasM half barrels We. kegs 5C rle barrel Jobbing higher. Rte There was a decidedly better feeling Is rice to day. The movement in cleaa showed a eided imorovemeat. and as holder are firm In their view, tha market wa very strongs La sympathy wita us unnrwmKu 425 425 75 75 1,641 1,641 rough was strong wita a fair demand.

A decidedly bettar market Is looked for next week. Tb reaaipts to day were: 5O90 sacks of reach. The sales reported at the Board of Trade aggregated 1072 bbls of dean and 14S7 sacks of touch. Spot quotation Qsaa per Ib Stroag, holders Una. Inferior 2 fiTU, lViri1 Common 2vi2si iou' 2 3u s3i4 Prime 41 3ioice 4Vt4'4 Fncy 6V65 Bough Rice Market Strong, fair demand.

Quoted per bbl of 162 lbs aa follows: Honduras. Carolina. "ancy offering. None. Prime S3 25 S3 IO Good 3 00 2 WO Fair 2 75 2 60 Ordinary 2 25 2 25 Common 1 85 1 85 Inferior 1 0Q1 iO 1 OOQl 60 With actual sale at $1 65G3 15.

Bice pnlisb 1U15 per ton from mills. Bice bran SUJ 12 per ton. The rice movement st Ntw Orleans ss cora Slled by Mr. Hy. H.

Smith, secretary of the aw Orleans Board of Trad: Bough, Clean, Sack. Barrela. Receipts to day 5.009 Thus far this week 33,506 Thus far this season 456,294 2,630 Same time last year 814,829 818 Sale to day 1,487 1,072 Millers' receipts 1.... 832 Sales thus far this week, including millers' receipts, etc 16,811 4,375 Thus far this season. 345.220 106.234 Same tuns last year 608,967 133,528 a dst upfs pro VlSIONS a RATHT.

Breadstuff. The flour market continues dull and weak. There is only a hand to mouth business a buyers are not disposed to anticipate wants in the ireent condition of the market. Stocks are ample for needs. Corn goods are quiet.

WHEAT FLOCK Quoted per bbl In round lota, winter patents, S3 5o33 60; extra fancy, S3 25: fancy. S3 00. Jobbiug from store per lb Winter patents, $3 7Vx3 SO; extra fancy. S3 50; fancy, S3 15(48 25: Minnesota patents. $4 254 30; bakers' grades.

S4 Oo. CORN MEAL Per bbl $2 202 25 In round lots. CKEAM MEAL Choice per bbl $2 6a GUITS Per bbl $2 60. BY1S FLOUR Per bbl S4 00. OAT MEAL Per bbl $4 00.

HOMINY Per bbl 43 OO. Provisions. The local market for provisions was decidedly quiet and easy to day. Only a very moderate Jobbing demand was reported. Stocks are ample for present want.

OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS Posted daily at the New Orleans Board of Trade: Mess pork, per bbl $17 75 618 00 D. S. meats, boxed, per lb Shoulders TH, 7 Lomt clear side i 9' 9W Short clear sides 9 Short rib aides fe Bacon, boxed, per lb Saoulder 8Vj63 Long clear sides 10Vs 10 Short clear sides loisftj 104 Short rib sides 10 lo Lard, per lb Prime steam 10 11 Kenned 7fej 7 Ham Sugar cured, per Ib 113 11 The above quotations are for round lota in first bands. Dealers and tobbers ask 25g50c advance on barreled pork and tVo per pound iu cher oa cut meata when sold in a Jobbing war. BREAKFAST BACON Per lb Canvaaed and Uncanvascd 15ViU16c.

SUGAK CCRED 8IIOCLDERS Per lb 8 9c Boston cuts EXTRA PRIME PORK $16 0016 60 per bbl. PRIME MESS OB FAMILY PORK $17 60 per bl l. RUMP PORK $16016 50 per bbL PiCi PORK Bbls $17 60. half bbls $9 5(3 9 60. PIGS FEET large bbls $3 00.

medlnm bbls $7 half bol $3 503 75. SPARE RIBS Fancy $18. medium $12(314. SAUSAGE In oil. $2 10a2 25 per case; dry boiogna.

per lb. HAMS Per lb Uncaavased hams 11c canvas ed llVjlSViC according to brand, quality and average: common 6a7fec according to quality: picnic hams 8V44Uc PIG TONGCES 80 auiece. BEEF Extra mes per bbl $8 OOQS 60, plate per bU S8 OO. extra plate per bbl $12 0O. Fulton market per lfc bbi $3 00.

per bbl $15 00. Th above Quotations from breakfast bacon down, are Jobbers' figure, the demand for such articles known a miscellaneous products being mostly Jobbing in character. Grata aai Keedatafta. The board of grain Inspectors report the following inspections: At West ego Elevator 17 car No. 2 corn; 18 cars No.

2 hard wheat, 9 car No. hard wheat. Total. 44 cars. At Sourbport Elevator 6 cars No.

2 hard wheat. 1 car No. 2 red wheat, cars No. 3 hard wheat. Total, 9 cars.

The following prices are for round lots' In first cnless otherwise Decmed. In sell in; from stor dealers ask advance of 3ffie per bushel on corn, and 2a3c on oats. 6tlOc per cwt on bran, and $1 002 00 per ton on CORN IX SACKS Per bushel No. 2 white ieOe, No. 2 mWd 4500.

No. 2 yellow fetMe. OATS Per bushel Western choice 89c No. 2 SSc. Texas red No.

2 BRAN Per cwt 82VSs7VsC HAY Per too. In baiwPrime $14 00. chu $17 OOtflS 00. Batter. Clieeae and Coffee.

The follow in are wholesale price for goads In first hands. Dealers and Jobbers ask aa advance of 2t3c per lb for small lota. BUTTER Per lb Extra fancy creamery 2S'ac, fancy do 27c choice do 26c, prime do 25c. fancy dairy 24c choice dairy 23c prime do 2022e. common butter 15tl8c.

CHEESE Per lb New York creams 134c Young America full creams 13 4c twins, fuil cream 13c flats full cream 13VC skim, best showed a slightly weaker tone. Futures de clined 5 pomts Deiow tne erase oi jckotjj, but this had uo effect on quotations for spots. There was some little demand apparent in the local market at former raves, which remained unchanged at the dose. Rio. cargoes, per lb Prime 21C good fair 205sC ordinary 19x20c common lSac Mexican Prime 2mie, good 20 fair 20c low fair 20c Jobbing Visio per lb higher.

Poultry and CgC Th market is still well supplied with chickens and the demand i moderate. Docka and geese are steady. There is a fair demand for turkeys st steady prices. Eggs continue to Improve. Quoted per dosen Western.

Louisiana Grown chickens) $4 Olxa 4 50 $3 00.j 3 Yojig chickens 2 OOvi 3 50 1 754c 2 60 Ducks 8 OO 3 50 2 25n 3 00 Geese 4 004 5 OO 3 50 4 50 Young turkeys 9 001I 00 7 Qui 8 00 Old turkey 12 OOalt O0 10 OOS32 90 Egga Western and Texas 2021c TtiL Lafonrch 2c hlrher. Esenlrati. The following quotations are for round lots in first hands. Dealers and Jobbers ask the usual advances of 25t5oc per barrel or box. and MUS'AO per lb on goods suid in a small war from store.

POTATOES Per bbl Western $2(12 25. ONIONS Quoted per bbl Western, $1 75 in produce barrels: la flour barrela, $2 0Oa 2 10 CABBAGE Chicago $1 50 per crate, and 4Q 5c per head. GARLIC Imported 9c per lb. SWESTT POTATOES California $1 25 per bbL yams $1 80. KRAUT Western $5 0O5 60 per bbL and $2 75 per naif bhi.

BEANS Jobbing per lb Choice jorthern white medlnm 8c northern red kidney 6Vfcc northern wbite kidney 447HSC. California pink beans 3a. California red kidney 4c Green peas S4 DRIED FRCTT Jobbing per Ib Dried apples 7ttSc evaporated apples llglSc Fraita aaal Sats. The following are Jobbers figures unless other, wise specified: CRANBERRIES Per bbl $7 00. CALIFORNIA FKLIT Pears S3 50 per box.

Grape $3 O03 6a APPLES 4 OOOd OO per bbL LEMONS Messina S3 OOfi4 60 per baa. Palermo f3 OOQ4 60 per box. ORANGES Loclsiana $3 50 per bbl ard $1 75 per box. Florida oranges Bright $3 00 62 25. russets $1 75.

A MALAGA GRAPES Per bbl $3 00S 5a BANANAS tl O0z2 0O per bench. PINEAPPLES None. OXCUANCTS Choice $27 00 per 1000, and 3Mi3S; apiece packed. FIGS layers per Ib, oval boxes 14c In bar 10c DATES Per lb Fard dates 8c Persia 00. per lb.

PRUNES Californta 10c per Bx French 10c per lb. CITRON 15o per Ib. RAISINS California Losdoa Uyers $1 73 1 89 per box. loose muscatels, 4 crowns. $1 SO: do crown.

SI 60. PEANUTS Per lb Tennessee red 4X3c Virginia white band picked 5V NUTS Loaisiana pecan lSc. Texas pecans 10O15C Naples walnuts 13c. Chili da lOc. Tarraaraaa almoiifti 15c per Ib.

Italian chest not 10c per lb, filberts lie per lb, BxazU IO per lb. Naval Stores sad Otis. NAVAL STORES Fitch $1 731 90 per bM. pine tar $3 ZaA per bta. coal tar $5 OO peT bM.

lUmin per bbi ef 280 lbs. A. fTn tl 02C. $1 TVs. $1 15.

$1 lTVri 'l 2ft. $1 40. I $1 75. $2 15. $2 65.

$3 73. S4 0. S4 IO. Sotrtts tm pearine per calloa 27Vc The above qaotation are for roosd lots. Smaa letm eosaau a "tjasewi OIL Per gallon Eiw 43 boiled 4Ec LARD OIL Per gallon No.

1 extra winter strained 85c. No. 1 65c COAL OIL In barrels 7e per gallon. In ases 131V'tl4o per gallon. Wliminaton.

N. CL. Nov. IS. Rosin steady.

attained 97S. good strained 102W steady 27. Tar steady at $1 IO. Crude turpentine steady, hard $1 5, soft and virgin $1 70. Charleston, S.

Nov. IS. Turpentine firm at 27. Rosin strong 85, good strained. Cotton sales 800 bales.

tunnnik Nov. IS. TcrpenUM opened and closed at 27 for regulars, sales 800 casks, entire receipt, liosin onn uu in god demand. A $1 024. $1 07H.

5l 75, $2 15. $3 65, $3 75. Ytindow glass $4, water woi SUscellaoeoas. TEA Per lb Oolong 1825c Formosa SO 65c owe hows xatidC imperial amaox, jay 1 feWr rW WHISKY Per gallon Finished goods on high" wine basis $1 12. Patent whisky, according to proof and quality.

Si 3oy w. omugni ur bon and rye aecoruuig 10 age uu juul, i no hltKlad. 11 75fiiO OO. SALT Wholesale per sack Liverpool fine SI STVdl SO. Liverpool coarse $1 07HTi IO.

Louisiana coarse 76c do fine 5c Liverpool table in pockets lQ7c, Louisiana table in pockets 1WZg FISH Mackerel The market Is quoted ss follows: Bbl. 4 bbl. bbls. Klta. No.

1 $18 OO S9 75 So IO $1 65 16 75 8 OO 4 65 1 55 9 8 IO 4 40 No! a me.) mm 13 75 7 40 4 00 1 20 Codfish in 100 Ibs boxes $6 00. codfish in Vi drums Cc Herrings per box 25c. boneless codfish 4'sc per lb. OAK STAVES In flatboats and by rail, pip stares bring from according to quality; hogsheads SbsfelOO. For export chvbgkqj A vbgkjq choice ataves, dellverea io vessels, tne iui lowing are the Extra pipe, 60 Inch, fiviu.

extra nice 60 inch. 4x1 Vi. extra pipe cuUa. $105jl20; extra nossaeada jLxai do; rnr loo; extra barrels. $75iS0.

Stave are sold per of 1200 pieces. HIDES Per lb city Steer hides. 70 lbs and op, 3c; steer and cow bides, so to ins, Itxc: kins. 14 to SO lb. 3c; calf skins, each.

35c; cut scored, grubby, 2c; country green salted. 2c for sound; ory mm. arj suit 3c; cut and damaged, lc. MOSS i'pr lb Gray ltilAC mixed lS2c black 2 BEESKAX 20o HtiRN'S IS 1 4c snlece. LEAF TOBAjOCO In round lots, quoted per Ib Heavy lugs leaf 7Q12c.

burley lim 7lwiM2c leaf 1 2 Jli 24c BAGGING. TWINE AND TIES In Job lots Eastern and western 2V lbs. 6o per yaru: 2 Ib, 6iic; 1 lb. 5c. Small lots nigoer.

Twine. tut. iO per lb. Hemp Cotton ties, per bundle steel. 45 Ids, 9oc; arenw KO lhA 15c.

COTTON SEED PRODUCTS Cotton seed $15 per ton 2000 lbs) delivered here. Cot tan seed meal Jobbing st depot $2 00 per short ton. and $22 00 per long ton for export f. o. b.

cotton seed oil in bbls 34c per gallon for strictly prime crude, in bulk 30j 31c. and 37fr39e for refined oil: oil cake $22 60 23 00 per long ton f. o. b. Soap stock lHi 114C Foots Llnters A 3V4ViC XUjTic f.

Slijfi. ti Ashe $17 OOftlS O0 per ton br sifted f. o. b. Hull Delivered 2oO per 100 lbs, according tc.

location of mills. COAL Pittsburg by boat load. 33g35o per bbL Delivered to steamboats 4oo per bbl. to steamships $3 60t3 SO per ton. to families 60c per bbl and So oo per nnu.

auuiii; tu CtttftiKk rul nee tno Alabama Corona 45c per barrel. Corona not cv anlinr crol iwr barrel 50c. nut splint 40c; Cahab. per barrel, 45c Steam coal, car loads, S3 00U3 per ton. Cattle Market.

Stock Arrivals. Cattle 26 Salea on sale. 129 43 80 Calve and yearlings. 13 Hog Sheep Milch cow QUOTATIONS. TEXAS WESTN CATTLE Choice grass beeves, per lb gross.

Common to lair beeves, per lb grua Choice cows, per lb gross Comidou to fair cows, per Choice elves, each Choice yearl'i ngs, each 242 bO 615 633 6 2 2 2V $3 00(0111 OO 7 OOft 8 OO 8 OOulO O0 Common to fair calves, each Common to fair yearlings, each ALA. La. CATTLS Good smooth fat bvea. per lb gros Common to fair beeves, oer lb 4 6 OO 6 UOtf 7 00 cross 1WI 2 Good at cows, per bead $12 O015 00 Common old cows, each 7 004 9 00 Calvec each 4 OOhj 5 OO Yearlings, each OOftJ 7 50 Common to fair yearlings, each 4 OOsti 6 60 MILCH COWS GoOd milch cow Common to fair $30 00tS33 OO 15 OOtJ25 OO 17 OOtt25 00 Choice springers HOGS Good fat cornfed. per lb Common to lair, per lb SHEEP Good lat.

each Common to fair HOESES AND MULES 6 $2 60a 2 75 1 2Zdt 2 25 Heavy draft and coal cart mules Kice and small common mule 4UU 7a First ciasa sugar mule 16o4la5 bood cotton maUa 75311" DOMESTIC MARKETS. New York. Nov. IS. Flour Receipts 23.500 barrels, exports t)300 barrels; sales pctcaages.

nurtet dull and barely steady. Clrv mill patenu $4 25 4 50. winter patent $3 40 fr3 50. city mill clears $3 65. winter siraignts $2 8043 20, Minnesota patents $3 85 t4.

winter extras $2 70, Minnesota bak. ere $2 303 50, winter low grades $1 2 25. aprins low grade $1 601 tfO, spring ex Lraa y.c 40. Cornmeal dull, sales 200 barrels, yellow western $2 0r2 75. brandy wine $2 80.

Rve nominal: barley dulLkNo. 2 Mil wank ee 62U63; barley malt dull, western 65a80, six iwwea 8oraso. Wheat Receipts 230.O0O bushels, sale 630. O0O bushels futures. 32.00O bushel futures, spot market dull and heavy.

No. 2 red store and elevator CotS1. afloat 6trj64. f. b.

66866 ungraded red eSSi. options opened higher on local covering, turned weak oa lower cables, absence of wheat clearances at New York' and decrease In Bradstreet's weekly exports, sold off to the lowest point on record and closed weak. No. 2 red January 67(U7. closed 67, February 6SVa.6Si.

closed ftjyj. March 6viSti. closed May 7272. closed 72V. November dosed 65.

December tioAsOo1 closed C5. Corn Receipt bushels, exports 107, 600 bushels, sale 415. OuO bushels, futures 12i.l(K bushels, spot market easier, Nc 2 elevator. oiloht afloat, option market opened lower on large car lot arrivals wast, closed weak with A heat at net decline. January closed 44A.

May closed 46. November Closed 44 h. December 44(ij45, cljsed 44 Oats Receipts IO 1.700 bushels, exports 7400 bos he sale I00.00O buhel futures. 47.O0O bushels spot; spot market dull and weaker. No.

2 white 36. No. 3 white 33 track mixed western 34Wfr1oV4. track wbite western 3544 40. track white state optino market opened easier with corn, closed weak VVc net decline January closed 344.

May 35Vi. closed So. November closed 334. December 34(34. closed 34.

Hay steady, shipping 65. good to choice 65i 85; bops dull, state, commoa to choice 196i23. Pacific cist 19J23. Hides steadv. Leather steady.

Beef firm, family $12 5ui.i 1 4. extra mess $3 60r9. beef ham 16. dtv extra India mess 1823. cut meats eatrr.

pickled bellies fc' rtjf1. pickled shoulders OH. pickled bams 95 Lard weaker, westers "steam closed at 80, option sales Kit, November closed at 3 to nominal, January closed $8 20 nominal. Pork dull, new mess 1717 73, extra prime 60. family $lSfal9.

Butter firm on fine western. western dairy 18'o22. da creamery 22U271i factory 17eisH. 27v SLate dairy l9yf26. do creamery 22jM.

Cbeeae steady, state large 911. sciall fancy JI0q2'4. part skies full skims 23. Epga steady, state and Pennsylvania 25 27. ice bouse 1921, western f.

eh 24.4 2i, southern 241241. receipts 4722 paok "fr lkw fir city $2 per packac 5 5 16 VrT' Cotton seed oj stesuLer. prime erode 3102. do yeIlow37i38. Petroleum firm, united closod 75.

Washington barrels $5 65. do in bulk $3 15. refined New $5 15, Philadelphia and Baltimore $5 IO, do In bulk $2 60. Rosin steady, straiaed oan good $1 30(1 3ffV. Turpen steady Rice steed domes Uo f'e to extra 3j.

Japan 4Vr4. Malasae steady. New Orleans open kettle, good to choice Pig iron market dull. American $1214 60. Copper market dad.

Lke 65. Lead market easier. ixnestic $3 o5 Tia i market quiet, straight $20 60. Spelter market quiet domestic Ki 70. Coffee Options opened 6 points lower with trading fairly active and easier.

oS about 6 poiata more ea selling to larre dealers, closed steady at 6 to io point decline. Sole 16.750 baxa. including December lS.45.4rlA.50, January 15il6jS. lbruary 16.05, Ma re a 15.S3. May 15owl5.60, January $15 coffee.

Rio quiet and heavy. No. 7 IS. mild, quiet and bareley steady. Cordova sale none, Santn market quiet, good averaae Santo 15.400, recipta 15.0OU, stock 211.000 Hamburg, partially preferred lower, clos big quiet.

Havre about Hf higher, closiog qniet. Kio quiet. Nc 7 15.SO0. exchange 10S. Receipta 10,000.

stoesi LU.0O. London 3 uxd kxrtr. Sugar aw quiet, fair refining eeatrlfa gal ai test 3S. sales none refintd steady. No 6.

4 irji44. Nc 7 4424 3 16. No. 8 15 1624. Nc 9SkTi 1 lfT sZ 10 ilS lt Xc 11 ZG3 15 16, Nc 12 3ii3 13 li.

No. 13 7 16. off 4 16fl 11 1 0, 4 15 16. Btandard 4 7 l4r4te. confectioners' 4 7 14.

cut loaf 6l 5 3 16, crushed 535 3 16. laxxdered 4 13 iiMg 6, graaufcited 4 loa ti. 4 13 165. New York. Nov.

lbw The wiad op of "the week shows la locating back bat very little of important interest bearing la any line'ef good during the week. There ha been a little improvement for the placing of spring giod, and perhaps enough done glve'aicie small indi eatioa of the octknk for the market for the spring trade. Staple cottua goods show a luniud request and the demand is generally poor. Colored goods are compara lively neglected. Print cloth are firm.

Print and print fabric are. however, ia a ll t.e better request. aad woven fabric are sa 1 aUgbUx Improved demand, bat an god are 1 T. tll In almost all ltn ULSSJ fe ST 2 heaV ocTl S31.eX7t ao tion that ufe wtiT. TtMtl5w tnsed Monday TiLS? ,5 aDeL I nrm "'e.

rovuion tut doeed without much ehsnf "beat began the day wiLT, iie aboVe vesnrdly The feeUDR that there wooMiaS(, "actioo from yesterday 'sJmrU' the nrst traderJfght But the 1. another decrease and the decline h. cable a 0 lactar wTrK "fetors im? VLf Lnher bad broken tie na' rallied bet i.c 1 eeesri at OOVi, a.M oar a. rallied i'JOb off and raUied to close at 60. f11, opened at yesterday figures am i.

firm for atime. With receipSTbl the estimate an early advaneaS 12 than lost, but on small estimates SaTaJS? there was a slight reactma. appeared as a heaiy seller andS Jlv? in wheat sent the price down to CcVS it had appeared. May opened at lost raed Vs. lost andnuTT4 to cke at 33V mine Osts were fairly active, but low heavuiess or yesterday market, torethaV sympathy with the weak feeling uwK corn were the principal cause of the May opened sc higher at 30i.

kit if off ic. ralUed Uc to close 30 ve 4 Provision were firmer on a better tlon to buy. opening higher, they aSS on corn alump. to close a boat last VTT. figures.

As compared with last night iTT pork is 2aje lower, January lard kriTr' and J.inuary rib TVc lower. Freights were dull. There were few loads and a number of small one cCwttL which room was scarce. Large loads riiliT for corn to Buffalo and small Jaga abas Estimated receipts for Monday: Twtn cars, corn 450 cars, oat 165 cam. ana, OUO head.

Tbe leading future ranged aa fcUoeat Opening. Htrh eat. Lew Cla. Article. Wheat No.

2 May Com No. 2.. May eura drv nwi. eesBaai 60 "4 675 tlh 3 Mjg 0H 40 5i 1 as J7 27V. S7S, 80? r'i 4 Oats No.

2 May. Mens Pork OJhl I an! $13 90 $12 $12 TO mm May $3 25 $8 27ts $3 OS 7 nm in ttri 7 82H 7 87Ja 7 85 7 7 8331 $7)J Short Hi be 77 77s Cash quotations were aa follows: rVrar ak. No. 2 spring wheat 5V, Nc sprint 50ial. So.

2 red Nc 2 enmV 2 oats 27, Nc 2 white N. 1 Viu 27Mf2Sfc; 2 rye liTsa 2 hartS nominal. Nc 3 4054, Nc 4 Sa 1 nax seed 1 OS; prune st acil IT in mess pork, per bbl $14 OOgl4 50. lard. 4 100 lbs $8 0r33 25; short ribs side floS $7 75Ct 00; dry salted shoulders bod) s3 OO; abort clear sides (hoxedj $8 fid oi7.

uiEuiier nnisnea rooas, a gallon $1 15; Nc n. yellow, SSJa3S. Receipt. ShJBBeHs, Article. Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oau, bu Rye.

bu 13.000 101 .000 274.000 lots. 000 ld.0 lot 1.0OO Barley, bn 64. OUO 75.IM On th Produce Excbanre to dav rs market was dull, creamery dairy 24. Eggs steady, 16. Chicago.

Nov. IS. The Evening Journal a ports: Cattle Receint 22.0P0. lncludlig Texans, ahlpments 600. market dull and steal good export So taajg 00, gn choice steers $4 25, fair to good $3 54 4 6O, choice Hgbt steers $4 00r4 OS.

coma to fair $3 2333 75. feeder $3 65S 85. sun era blank, cows $1 O0rl 35, bulls $1 aax3 a Texas steers $2 603 25. best steers $3 7:1 4 10. Hogs Receipt 14.000.

shipments Sua, heavy 5c higher, light weak, rough aad seaman $4 75g6 lc packing $5 15i3 SO. anas heavy and uu ten era' $6 2.X&5 60, light $5 50. Sheep Receipts 14O0. ahlpmeni 2ui. steady, natives $2 603 SXi, westeras $2 ad 3 50, Iambs $2 50Q5 OO.

St. Louis, Nov. 18. Flour lover B. Wheat 4c up, but ooa dropped le and eka4 14c under yesterday, cash 651.

Dee 65'S5c May 63. Cora declined steady a closed siTsC below yesterday, cash and iNcas ber 32. May 34t35. Oats cash 26 May Rye dull. Barley quiet, Minnesota i'lpA Bran lower, 59 east crack.

Hay dnU. a local trade. Lead lower. $3 22. Seena nominal.

$3 42. Flax flrm, $1 OS. Batte and eggs unchanged. Corn meal quiet. $1 T.

Whisky steady, $1 15. Bagging and eotta ties unchanged. Pork lower. Jobbing Ml Lard lower. $8 121.

Dry salt meats aad hf con dull, unchanged Receipt Fknr wheat 34.000. com S2.000. oat 24.000. Eoi menu Fknr 7000, wheat 66,000, eora oats 11.000. St.

Louis, Nov. IS. Wool entirely changed. St. Louis.

Nov. IS. Oattl Receipts I7M, shipments 700. The market Is firm, fair a good natiev steers $3 75, Texas as Indian steers $2 50 33 25, cows $2 403 23. Hogs Receipts 70, shipments 2400.

The sne ket I 60 higher, light $5 3035 5a a'i $5 053 45, heavy 45 1546 4a Sheep ceipt 100. The market is steady, naxat attires $3 O013 75. Cincinnati. Nov. 18.

Floor dnlL Wheat sail, nominal. Nc 2 red 6S, receipt 87SO. ments 25a Corn weak. Nc 2 mixed 3. Ojjl steady, Nc 2 mixed 31.

Bye doll. 8 Pork nominal. $14. Lard weak, $3. Bulk quiet, 12Vy 25.

Bacon nominal, 9 75. Whisky nrm. sales 505 barrels. $1 1 Butter easy. Sugar steady.

Hist higher. 2C Cheese quiet. Hogs $4 6035 receipts 60OO. shipment 4000. Cattl str.

$1 754i4 60. receipt 600. shipment Sheep firm. $1 503 60, receipt 10O. atdpaaW 20.

Lamb stronger, $2 OO. Kansas Ciry. Nov. IS Wheat lc lower. 2 hard 50.

Nc 2 red 53r53t. Cora lower, mixed Nc 2 30. Nc 2 white SOfeOo Oats nnchanged. Nc 2 mixed 26, Nc 2 van 2V27. EgKS scarce and firm.

20. Reeeipt Wheat 44.000, corn 1O0O, oat none bD ments Wbeat 32,000. corn 1000. eats sea. Cattle Receipts 4000, shipments cattle were hrm.

others steady, Texas st $2 503 SO. shipping steers $4 006 15. ana and native cow $1 lot 13 oO. botra stock $3 00i4 15. stock era and feeders $2 a.

433 65. Hogs Receipt 4O00, hipmeu The market 1 strong, buik $5 3oto5 45, haaT packing and mixed $5 10ti5 50, light and pigs $4 IrV.j5 50. Sheep Receipts a shipments SoO. The market is iincbabgaa. FOREIGN MARKETS.

London. Nov. IS. Closing Consoh wsyd pss, consols acraant SS. Canadian Ps 76 Erie 14 Erie second TOV Illinois tral H.

Mexican ordinary 14. St. Paol ea mua 66 New York Central 154. PeBS vania 514. Reading KS.

Mexlcaa new 4s 41 U. Silver 32H per onarc KtlH Per cent. The rate of diaoonat a open market for both short ana six bill 21 per cent. Bcnk of England on balance to day 40.000. Pari.

Nov. 18. Three per cent reates 70c for the account. Uverpooi. Nov.

1 S. Whea Dnaa holders offer moderately. Califoma e. i. Sd.

Nc 2 red western spnag r' 5 74. Nc 2 red western winter a 3Sd. Corn steady, demand moJcra te. western 4a lc I'caa. iaaiL t.

prime me faae 6d mes 103 d. Bacon Long and short eiear" poands 4s, long clear 45 pound Ltra tiamourg, i Bank of Germany shoo aa increase specie or a.ifcrt.W rqrma. Renned as 7a xu emen. iov 10 PICATTTNE A DAT ir 1 PROVIDED IT IS THE NEW oELEaXJ 1A1LNE THE HO MB PAJ4EB ALWAYS THE BEST AFEK trr rvrrlTTH IT IS BEST FOB. THE UwX.

AXD IT IT BEST 1UK itiiA i i 1 tv. i i IS BEST FOB. YOU ASD BEST F0S because rr is clex. eeliabls NEW SPAftti a xxx. AIDE.

vil eoBStrOC' Among we receui fraan. Ooos of note is a tnpie IS5 conveniently designed to oocarr a not muci wider than an or i.ry al log frame. In carrying ut t4 tne crJU girder, wlncA frame and the crank irt JlS' one piece. I ae ooic 1 J0 three tnmea piiiara. Jt ariat Of screws cynneciej j.

tar are raea ana wa irSr to limit the distance betwea 1 piiJ as mucn as possaote. i .7. rtir stta tied the saw frame ''J'A. thest from the crank siJ TaereM fee.l crank and flywheel at crank shaft, which enable tia'v at him sreeda sTithoot li cexsive TihnfVifsi.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.