All Medallions and What They Do in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 - Fortnite Guide - IGN (2025)


Michael Koczwara,Shailyn Cotten,Andrew Smith,+1.6k more


Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom is here, bringing Marvel superheroes to the battle royale. There's plenty of new content to dive into, and four new Medallions to fight for on the map. This page explains what the Medallions do in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 and where to get them on the Fortnite map.

All New Medallions in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom

There are three new Medallions in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4, which are:

  • Siphon Medallion
  • Stealth Medallion
  • Reveal Medallion


Siphon Medallion - Location and Effects

The Siphon Medallion is obtained from the Doombot boss at Castle Doom in Chapter 5 Season 4. Doombot is located in the Castle Doom throne room, the location of which is in our map screenshot below:

To find the throne room, look for the large castle in the northern section of Castle Doom and walk through the main entrance. Doombot has a handful of lackeys that will attack you, but they're easily one-shottable with a well-aimed heatshot using a Shotgun.

Doombot has two bars: a blue Shield bar and a gold Health bar. You'll need to deplete both of these to defeat him. He's pretty easy, especially if you have a decent Shotgun. Doombot will mostly shoot at you, though he does have a move where he rises into the air and throws green electricity your way, which can deal a chunk of damage if you don't avoid it. Just bring a Med Kit along and you'll be fine - the main thing you have to worry about is other players sneaking up on you and killing you because they want the loot.

Once Doombot is defeated, he will drop:

  • Siphon Medallion
  • Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets
  • Doctor Doom's Monarch Pistol (Mythic)

The Siphon Medallion grants you Health and Shield Siphon when you defeat an opponent. Shield Siphon allows you to steal enemies' Shield when you deal damage to them, making it the perfect Medallion for those final few circles.

Stealth Medallion - Location and Effects

The Stealth Medallion is obtained from the Mysterio boss in Doomstadt in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4. Mysterio is found in the main square in Doomstadt and is impossible to miss. You can see where Doomstadt and Mysterio are in our map screenshot below:


Like the other bosses, Mysterio has two bars: a blue Shield bar and a gold Health bar, and depleting these will defeat him. Mysterio can be an annoying fight because not only does he warp around, but he also summons clones of himself to attack you. We'd advise ignoring the clones and taking him out with a Shotgun, running away to hide and heal if needed.

When defeated, Mysterio drops:

  • Stealth Medallion
  • Mysterio's Sovereign Shotgun (Mythic)

The Stealth Medallion grants you invisibility while crouched, meaning you can hide from your opponents undetected. Note that it appears as though it might not work on a fellow player with the Reveal Medallion. We were crouched and invisible during a match, and an opponent with the Reveal Medallion found us, although we're currently unsure whether it was luck or not!

Reveal Medallion - Location and Effects

The Reveal Medallion is obtained from the Emma Frost boss in The Raft in Chapter 5 Season 4. Emma Frost is found under The Raft. You can see the exact location of The Raft and Emma Frost in our map screenshot below:

The easiest way to get to Emma Frost is to land in the eastern section and enter from the rubble there. Then, it's just a case of heading inside the bottom section of The Raft, where you'll find her and a handful of cronies. Personally, we think Emma Frost is the easiest of the three Medallion bosses, so you should have little issue taking her out.

When defeated, Emma Frost drops:


  • Reveal Medallion
  • Emma Frost's Striker Burst AR

The Reveal Medallion shows you the location of enemies in a certain radius around you temporarily every minute or so. This is useful in the final few circles where people are camping out, waiting for opponents to be taken out.

Up Next: Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 Details and Changes

PreviousFortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 DetailsNextFortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 Details and Changes

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All Medallions and What They Do in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 - Fortnite Guide - IGN (1)


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All Medallions and What They Do in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 - Fortnite Guide - IGN (2025)


What do chapter 5 season 4 Medallions do? ›

The Reveal Medallion shows you the location of enemies in a certain radius around you temporarily every minute or so. This is useful in the final few circles where people are camping out, waiting for opponents to be taken out.

What do the Fortnite Medallions do in chapter 5 season 4? ›

Fortnite's medallions have also returned. There is Siphon Medallion which grants health to the hero, and Shield Siphon from eliminating opponents. Stealth Medallion has also been installed, which can be used temporarily to gain invisibility when crouched.

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This Medallion can reveal the location of nearby enemies, temporarily allowing you to get the drop on them.

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These are special items that drop when you defeat NPC bosses and they give you a bunch of different bonuses that make you gradually more powerful, at the cost of your rough location being revealed on the map.

Which medallion gives infinite ammo? ›

Ringmaster Scarr's Medallion will give you infinite ammo and a small damage buff, which also isn't too crazy. But Megalo Don's Medallion infuses you with infinite Nitro. It is the by far superior Medallion compared to the rest.

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Each Medallion has its own special ability and, the more Medallions you have, the more bonuses you'll have access to. The downside, however, is that having a Medallion in your inventory will mark your position on the map, with this radius becoming more precise with every Medallion you collect.

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The rarest skin in Fortnite is universally considered to be either the Aerial Assault Trooper or the Renegade Rider. They're both Fortnite original skins that predated the introduction of the Battle Pass, and haven't been available to buy from the in-game shop since Season 1 of Chapter 1.

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Chapter 4: Season 4, also known as Season 26, was the twenty-sixth season of Fortnite: Battle Royale. It started on August 25th 2023, and concluded on November 3rd 2023.

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Each Medallion in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 will give the player a different ability: Zeus – Provides a speed boost. Ares – Increases damage dealt. Cerberus – Grants a dash movement.

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What are Pet Medallions? Pet Medallions are a new form of currency in Webkinz World. Each Medallion is pet-specific. When you collect enough of a particular Pet Medallion, you can trade them in to adopt that virtual pet – for FREE!

What happens if you get all 15 Medallions? ›

When the player reaches the Merchant, he asks the character if they have seen the Blue Medallions and informs that if ten are shot, he'll give you a specialized handgun. If all fifteen medallions are shot before collecting the prize, the Merchant will give the gun with a free upgrade in firepower.

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Dropped by The Mechanist upon defeat, The Mechanist's Medallion regenerates your Shield over time in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3.

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Poor Dougie's Medallion is a Medallion type Quest Item used during the A Pirate's Life Tall Tale. It is used as a buy-in to a chess game, necessary to complete the Ship of Thieves commendation. The medallion is found inside of Poor Dougie's Chest.

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With all five Farm Medallions destroyed, the Merchant will reward you with 3x Spinel upon your next visit to one of his shops!

What happens if you shoot all 15 Medallions? ›

When the player reaches the Merchant, he asks the character if they have seen the Blue Medallions and informs that if ten are shot, he'll give you a specialized handgun. If all fifteen medallions are shot before collecting the prize, the Merchant will give the gun with a free upgrade in firepower.

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The Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right) operates the Grand Lift of Rold, unlocking a secret path to the Consecrated Snowfield beyond Leyndell. To use it, stand at the bottom of the lift and switch actions from "Hoist Medallion" to "Hoist Secret Medallion."

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