The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (2024)

A Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You? đŸ€š

Is there really a secret F word that makes her chase you?

Yes and no.

There is an F word that’s part of a bigger strategy for making her chase you, but it only works in certain circ*mstances.

Let’s go over the secret F word plus 5 flirting examples using it.

But first, let’s look at some of your guesses that it isn’t

The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You Is NOT

  • Food
  • Faith
  • Flatulence (shocking, I know—but you get a point for humour)

While the first two are good guesses and definitely a part of attracting a woman, there’s another F word that makes her want to chase you when she was otherwise on the fence.

Wait, hold up, Anna.

Are you telling me food attracts women? I thought the saying was, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?”

Dude, have you seen all the chubby Sheilas out there. Women be liking the goodies, too.

And, ready for this?

Even before there was ever a nasty wave of feminism, good women appreciated their man stoking the Barbie—as in BBQ.

So, yeah, we like to eat, too, and we love a man who knows his way around the kitchen.

Side note: Remember, everyone’s basic needs are based on survival—food, clothing, shelter.

Plus, sometimes baby needs a break from baking!

Ok, back to the secret F word that makes her chase you

In the pick up artist (PUA) world, this strategy is called a neg, an indicator of disinterest, or a disqualifier: disqualifying her.

When you use this word, you’ll have a 300% greater chance of having her chase you and a 300% greater chance of having her put the moves on you first!

The secret F word that makes her chase you is


Oh, how a seemingly innocent word can illicit the challenger gene in a woman!

When she does something nice for you say, “Aww, Ashley, you’re such a great friend.”

The challenger gene is present in all of us!

When we’re challenged by someone who says we can’t do or have something, we want to prove them wrong.

Do we always try to prove them wrong?


You may ask, Why not?

I say, Good question!

We want to prove them wrong when doing so has meaning to us.

Which means

The secret F word that makes her chase you only works if there’s a chance of her wanting you, which means you either have to be a Chad or you have to already know her socially.

If her feelings are a hard “no” then you can “friend” bomb her all day long and it won’t mean a thing.

However, if she’s slightly attracted to you but hesitant or even if she’s unsure about her attraction to you, the F word can spark her challenge gene.

Though it still won’t usually garner immediate results. This is long game.

I know, I know, you hate games. We all do. So think of it as a strategy then.

Another good one, “Hello my friend, what are you up to this weekend?”

If she’s not yet convinced she has romantic feelings toward you, she’ll feel more comfortable hanging out if there’s no expectation of physical intimacy.

Over time you demonstrate your value and she starts to see you in a new, sexier, way.

Stick around for the downside to the friend zone strategy, but first

Why The F Word Can Work

First, if she’s unsure about her attraction to you using the F word on her takes the romantic pressure off.

She can feel safe getting to know you without worrying about hurting your feelings by rejecting you—you’ve already friend zoned her!

Second, if she does have some attraction to you, she’ll want to get out of the friend zone with you.

How to Use the Secret F Word Effectively

Friend-zoning a girl is a skill that takes a lot of practice, failure, re-evaluation, modification and diligence to master.

But you can’t go in with obvious romantic interest and suddenly switch gears, she’ll feel the incongruence and it’ll be a turnoff.

So, you start with an indirect approach putting her in the friend zone before you even talk to her—doing so will show up in your body language, words, attitude et al.

Then you get her attracted and let her chase you.

All the while she’s chasing you, you’re vetting her and letting her know you’re qualifying her in subtle but unmistakable ways.

“You’re cute, Ashley, but you’ll have to convince how any guy would want a woman who likes Hillary.” 😉

Which is why, either way, you must keep the sexual tension alive in your relationship with her.

You’ll have to gauge how far you can go, but if you don’t keep the sexual tension activated, you’ll end up truly friend zoning yourself.

What is Sexual Tension?

Essentially, sexual tension is flirting in such a manner that the object of your attention has no doubt you want to bump nasties with her.

Flirting While Using the F Word!

1. Flirting includes subtle sexual innuendo—

“If I tell you how much I like your body, friend, would you hold it against me?” 😉

2. Flirting includes inside jokes—

You’ve had a recent discussion with your friend zoned girl on whether or not girls with tats are naughtier in bed and your female server shows up with an exposed sleeve of ink and pink hair.

You look at each other with a knowing glance, you wink or smirk at your girl “friend” and say, “She’s definitely a minx in bed.”

You both laugh.

3. Flirting includes granny touching—

Breaking the touch barrier often but in safe places, like arms, shoulder, small of her back, even grabbing her hand to read her palm

“Give me your hand, I’ll tell you your future.”

She extends her hand.

“Oh, it says here you’re going to meet a charming gentleman but he’s going to friend zone you.”

(You both know you’re talking about you!)

4. Flirting includes teasing texts—

You text: I love redheads!

(She’s a redhead.)

She replies: Redheads are crazy 😉

You text: And so tasty

Her reply: !

You text right away: *Nasty
I meant can be nasty lol

Her: Haha 😘

You: You and I friends for life

5. Flirting includes amusing memes/funnies—

How Often to Use the Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You

Don’t overuse the F word or it’ll start to sound fake and suspiciously intentional.

Rule of thumb: Say/text “friend” once, max, per interaction and only every second or third interaction.

If there’s the slightest interest on her part, she’ll be chasing you in subtle or not so subtle ways in no time!

Don’t be Creepy

The trick to friend zone sexual tension effectiveness is to get in the mindset it’s never gonna happen.

Wait, what?

Yes, you’ve decided the outcome is determined and you’re now only flirting with her as fun and playful practice.

This means you need to be actively dating and/or pursuing other women and not hiding the fact.

If she’s got hot girlfriends, then flirt with them or go for one (or more) of them. But only if you’re sincerely interested.

You’ll either get one of them or potentially maker her jealous and active her competition gene.

Don’t be afraid to check out or engage with other women when in her company—you’re only friends after all and any guy friend would totally cheer you on.

Also, don’t be too available. Go life your life. Improve yourself and become a more attractive man.

Each time you get together, she’ll experience some new and improved trait she didn’t notice before because it wasn’t there before.

If she never bites, it’s no big deal because you already wrote her off to begin with.

If you can’t get to this “it don’t matter” attitude, you’re not going to be able to pull off “the secret F word that makes women chase you.”

Abort mission.

Go work on you.

Start here

Stay out of the friend zone, check out my videos on
 yep, how to stay out of the friend zone!

xo AJ

After I wrote this I found an online PUA forum on the F word that helped validate my own thoughts and experiences that originally inspired this blog.








The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (4)

The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (5)

20+ Signs She's Just Not That Into You | Dating Advice for Men in | #FriendZone

The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (6)

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The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (7)

The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase YOU! + 5 Flirting Examples (Dating Advice for Men)

The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (8)

How to Build Attraction and Avoid the Friend Zone (Dating Advice for Men )

The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (9)









The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (10)

The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! - Dating Coach for Men (2024)


What text will make her chase you? â€ș

Throw her a quick text about a positive impact she made on you and that she's still on your mind. See, it doesn't have to be serious. Keep your texts playful. A text like that is going to make a girl feel special – and making a girl feel good like that is a surefire way to get the girl to like you.

How to make her chase you like crazy? â€ș

We've listed some handy tips that you can try to make her pursue you.
  1. Make a unique first impression. Image: IStock. ...
  2. Mind your appearance when you are around her. ...
  3. Show her your mysterious side. ...
  4. Exude confidence. ...
  5. Hold back a little. ...
  6. Don't be clingy. ...
  7. Keep any romantic feelings for her a secret. ...
  8. Be the one who knows her best.
Aug 30, 2024

How to make a girl chase you by ignoring her text? â€ș

Tip: Make it a point to intentionally miss her calls or take longer than usual to respond to her texts every now and then. This is sure to drive her crazy (in a good way). Stay busy with your own goals and hobbies. Devote time to your own pursuits, even if it means occasionally turning down an offer to hang out.

How to make a girl chase you like crazy and forget about other guys? â€ș

A great way to do this is to misinterpret an innocent comment as “evidence” that your date wants to seduce you. It's sort of reverse psychology to make her chase you instead of being like every other guy she's talked to.

How to make a woman fall in love with you madly? â€ș

How To Make a Girl Fall For You: 20 Simple Strategies
  1. Work on yourself & have your own life. ...
  2. Be optimistic. ...
  3. Keep the conversation going. ...
  4. Respect her as an equal. ...
  5. Be her friend and make it fun. ...
  6. Take it slow – things will fall in place. ...
  7. Be chivalrous. ...
  8. Give her all your attention.
Apr 23, 2018

How to re attract her through text? â€ș

How to Win a Girl Back over Text (the Right Texts to Get Your Ex...
  1. Text her when you feel calm and confident.
  2. Give her a casual “hello.”
  3. Ask her what she's been up to.
  4. Offer to stay friends.
  5. Flirt with her.
  6. Bring up a fun memory.
  7. Mention you miss her.
  8. Tell her no one else is like her.

How to drive a girl crazy over text? â€ș

She's more likely to text back if your texts are interesting. Send messages with unique descriptions of your day, your interests, and your hobbies. It'll show her that you're making an effort to really get to know her, which will help you stand out and make you seem more appealing.

How to make her obsessed with you over text? â€ș

Let's dive in and learn how to make her obsessed with you over text.
  1. Compliment her genuinely and specifically. ...
  2. Share an inside joke to bring back good memories. ...
  3. Ask about her day to show you care. ...
  4. It's a digital age, and emojis can convey your emotions and add a lighthearted vibe to your messages.
Nov 20, 2023

How to text to make her want you? â€ș

To spark her interest via text, show genuine curiosity and be engaging. Ask about her passions, share interesting stories, or crack a light-hearted joke. Remember, it's about being authentic and attentive to what she likes. Find common ground and let the conversation flow naturally.

How to win girl heart by chatting? â€ș

10 Ways to Keep a Girl Interested over Text
  1. Give her a compliment.
  2. Ask open-ended questions.
  3. Follow up on something she told you about.
  4. Tell her a cool story.
  5. Ask her deep questions about herself.
  6. Create an inside joke with her.
  7. Start a fun debate.
  8. Text pics of what you're up to.

What should I text her to make her think of me? â€ș

Short Text Messages

All I need is you right here. You give me endless butterflies. Just the thought of you right now makes my heart soar. I can't wait to come home to your beautiful face tonight.

How to control a woman's mind and make her love you? â€ș

How to Change a Woman's Mind About You
  1. Do something nice for her.
  2. Make her laugh.
  3. Pay her an authentic compliment.
  4. Point out the things you have in common with her.
  5. Be honest with her about your feelings.
  6. Listen to what she has to say without interrupting.
  7. Keep your body language open and confident.

How do you make a girl miss you deeply? â€ș

How to Make Her Miss You
  1. Limit time spent together or texting each other.
  2. Busy yourself with your own life, friends, and hobbies.
  3. Be mysterious and reveal more over time.
  4. Send a goodnight text right before she goes to sleep.
  5. Leave her a gift or something that reminds her of you.

How to give her space to miss you? â€ș

Here's how to give someone space without losing them:
  1. Ask how much time they need. ...
  2. Find out what “space” looks like. ...
  3. Don't ask for an explanation. ...
  4. Thank them for communicating their needs. ...
  5. Honor their request. ...
  6. Encourage them to do their favorite things. ...
  7. Avoid constant texting. ...
  8. Do your own thing.
Jun 23, 2022

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.