STEAMSHIP LlXf3. RAILROAD LINES. H. Wilder, Chicago: O. Munis, Los Angeles: Rey.
H. T. Ames. B. 0.
Fisher, ittsburg; H. W. Kv naea. Carlisle. Pa.
interest, this matter was also postponed for final settlement until next Monday. The jury in the suit brought in the Supreme Court by the New England Iron Company against the Metropolitan Elevated Railroad Company, as the successor of the Gilbert Elevated Railroad Company, were locked up all of last night, being unable to agree on a verdict. The suit involves about claimed for building and furnishing the material for the road. Tlie defense 13 that the contract was never carried out. THE BIVOTJAC OF THE DEAD.
BY COL. TIIEO. O'lIARA. The muffled drum's sad roll bag beat The soldier's last tattoo! No more on life's parade shall meet The lirave and fallen few. On fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards, with silent round, The bivouac of the dead.
No rumor of the foe's advance Now swells upon the wind. Nor troubled thoughtsof idnight haunts, Ol loved ones left behind: No vision of the morrow's strife Hie warrior's dreams alarms. No braying horn, or screaming fifo, At dawn to call to arms. Their shivered swords are rd with rust, Tin ir plumed heads are bowed. Their haughty banner, trailed in dust, Is now their martial shroud And plenteous funeral teats have washed The red stains from each brow.
And the proud forms, by battle gashed, Are lree from anguish now. The neighing troops, the flashing blade, 1 he bugle's stirring blast, Tbe (barge, the dreauful cannonade, Tbe din and shout are pulsed; Nor war's wild notes, nor glory peal Shall thrill with fierce delight Those breasts that never more shall feel The rapture of the tight. Like the fierce northern hurricane That sweeps the great plateau, Flushed with the triumpli yet to gain, Come down the serried foe. Who heard the thunder of the fray Break o'er the field beneath. Knew the watchword of the day Was "victory or death!" Rest on, embalmed and sainted dead, Dear is the blood you gave Ko in, pious footsteps here shall tread The herbage of your grave.
Nor shall your glory be forgot While Fame her record keeps, Or honor points the hallowed spot Where valor proudly sleeps. Yon marble minstrel's voiceless stone In oeatbless Bong shall tell, When many a vanquished year hath flown, The story how you fell; If or wreck. nor change, nor winter's blight, Nor time's remorsless doom, Can dim one rav of holy light. That gilds your glorious tomb. St Elmo.
H. 8. McCulloch, Port Royal, Edwin Twaddell. Unper Blucks Eddv: John Sel- domridge, Epbrata, Ephraiin Hitcbeo, Chain-bersburg. NEW JERSEY.
A Eecord of the More Important Events Occurring Across the lllver, Hon. Charles Wilson, formerly sheriff of Camden county, died at his Home, Third and Penn streets, on Wednesday night, aged sixty-four He was a native of Burlington county, having been born near Moorestown. Karly in life learned the carpenter trade, and in Camden, where he came soon after learning his trade, he tin a large number of buildings, including the 11st National Bank. Ho was elected sheriff of Camden county in 1859 by the Republican party. was afterward elected to the State Assembly the F'irst district of Camden county, and 1H73 to 1870 was State prison keeper.
He a director of the Camden Mtituai Insurance Association, the directors of which met yesterday resolved to attend his funeral in a body. A lodee of the Benevolent Order of Builaloes is be organized at the rooms of Primrose Social, Camden, this evening. A large number of Camden politicians announce intention of going to the National Republican Convention. T. B.
Harned and Senator I. V. Nichols, the First district delegates, will go with William J. Hewell, delegate-at-large, in a private car, leaving Camden on Sunday night. No session of the Camden County Courts or the District Court is to be held to-day, as it is a public holiday.
Decoration day will be observed to a greater or extent in nearly all of the South Jersey towns. Copies of a circular are being distributed giving cut and description of the tombstones which have been approved by the Governor, Adiutant- (Jeneral and liuarterruaster-Genera', lor placing over the graves of honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines who shall hereafter die without leaving sullicient money to defray funeral expenses. These stones are to be provided in accordance with a recently passed law, and are described in the circulars as being of white marble less than four feet three inches in height, one foot eight inches in width and three inches in thickness, with name, service and date of death inscribed thereon. Cooper Athletic Association of North Camden will celebrate to-day by a general outdoor reception to its friends at its grounds. Third and State f4 Prosecutor of the Pleas of Camdon County Wilson H.
Jenkins yesterday admitted to bail Win. Welsh, charged with assault and battery on Mary Coram. Vice Chancellor Bird will hold court at his chambers in Camden on June 4, 5, 11 and 14, after which be will not be in Camden again until about tbe middle of July. The Camden 7'emperance Gazette has begun the construction of a new three-story brick building its use on Federal street, below Second. iJor-nian White are the contractors.
A large and handsome gas lamp has been presented to the city of Camden by the Gaslight Com pany ana placed in irout 01 me city nan. Two requisitions were received bySheriffGilvbs, Camden, yesterday, for Richard Bitnmons, charged ith grand larceny, and William Jenkins, with embezzlement. Both are said to he incarcerated in Philadelphia. In the Camden county courts yesterday, before Judges Keed, Woolston and liaunt, Alfred Hastings was acquitted of a charge of assault and battery on William 1'. Fowler.
lieniy liillinutK a German baker, was convicted ot keeping a disorderly house. Cornelius Appley was convicted of petit larceny in stealing a dog. Delia Parker was convicted of petit larceny and sentenced to thirty days' imprisonment. In tbe Circuit Court, betore Judge Parker, the case of Christie vs. barton, for breach of contract, was adjourned until Saturday, June 7, owing to the sickness of a juror.
Tlie case of Charles O'Neil vs. the city of Camden, for breach of contract, was adjourned until June 11. The jurors were discharged until Monday morilinc An attempt at jail breaking was made yesterday, as will be seen chronicled in another column. At a meeting of the Camden City Council last evening Frank F. Michelon and John Stevens were re-elected without opposition as members of the trustees of the charitable fund of the Fire Department.
Petitions for a number of street lamps, for paving in various places and from the rSoittli Jersey Telegraph Company for permission to erect poles on Hvcamore street, from Second to Fourth, were read and referred to the various committees without action. William W. Mines, Republican, and Richard O. Thompson, Democrat, were nominated for supervisor of highways, and Thompson wi elected by a vote of 14 to 11, four Republicans voting with the Democrats. The Finance Committee and the city treasurer were empowered to renew a note in bank for $18,000.
The Committee on Accounts reported bills to the amount of 915211.81, which were ordered paid, with the exception of -25 for printing one hundred copies of tbe rules of Council in favor of B. L. Bonsall, which was referred back as exorbitant. TRUSTS AND DEPOSITS THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Office, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street Incorporated Third M.
22, 1805. Charter Perpetual. Capital ji.ooo.ooo. ASSETS, SI 1.5S3.44 1.83. TNSrRES 1 ,1 ES, (tBA NTS A CITIES, RE CEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT, returnable on demand, for which interest is allowed, aud is en-powered by law to act as EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, TRISTKE, GUARDIAN, ASSIGNEE, COMMITTEE, RECEIVER.
AGENT, lor tlie iaitiirui perioriuance oi which its capital and surplus fund furnish am- ''aLl'tUI'ST FUNDS ANT) INVESTMENTS ARE KEPT SEPARATE AND APART from the assets ul the company. The incomes of parties residing abroad carefully collected and dulv remitted. SAMl EL R. SHIPLEY. President Vv ISTAR BROWN.
Vice President ASA S. WING. Vice President and Actuary. J( SEPH ASHBROi iK.M imager of Ins. Dup'fc J.
Shipley, Phila. T. Wistar Brown, Phila. Rii'hard Cadbury, Phila. Henrv Haines.
Phila, Israel Morris, Phila. has. Hartshorne. Phila, Wm. Gununere, Phila.
Frederic Collins, Phila. Philip C. Garrett, Phila, Murray Shipley, Cinn. Philadelphia. Joshua H.
Morris, Phila. Richard Wood, Plula. William Hacker, Phila. Asa S. Wing.
$1,000 CASH For first reason. S200 CRAND ORGAN For second reason. SI0O SILVER TEA For third reason why SET r.Tiles'BakingPowder Is the best 1 Miles' Baking Povder MadelpMa. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR LAYING ASPHALT Pavement Ot'FICK OK THE COMMTSqiOKR.
WAMHINiiTox. li. May 27, ISrtt. By direction of the Board of Commissioners, sealed proposals will be received at this oflice until 12 o'clock M. on Monday, June 18SI.
for lay-iiunin Aanh.iltmn Pavement on the carriageway of Ninth street, N. between Rhode Island avenue and Boundary, in the city of Washington, Blank forms of proposals and specifications can be obtained at this olllce upon application therefor, together with all necessary information, and bids upon these forms will alone be considered. '1 ne right is reserved to reject any and all bids or parts of bids. G. J.
LYDECKER. Mafnr nl' KnirhiAerH IT. S. A Engineer Commissioner. D.
S. S. S. P. 8.
B. HTBETtNIAN, tons, Wei, June 4 H. I'H( 'KMCI AN. tons, '25, 8. CANADIAN.
2U(1 tons. July 10. FOR PHILADKLPIIIA. H. PHOENICIAN, 2:150 tons.
Wed June 4. 8. CANADIAN tons, June 25. Steamer sailing every threo weeks from each F'or prepaid possase on lowest terms apply to ALDKN. No.
1:151 CHESTNUT Street, for rates of freight and other information to WILLIAM EROCKIE, Agent, No. lot WALNUT Philadelphia. INMANLETE. MAIL 8TEAMER.S. OF CH I( 'A i Baturuay.
May 31, 10 A.M. OF CilEhTER, Saturday, June 7. PM Rates of Passage to and from Philadelphia: 80 and $100 Intermediate S40 (Steerage to Liverpool, Queenstown, Belfast, Londonderry or Glasgow, $18. Ijondon, Galway. Bristol or Cardiff, $21.
Bteerage from Liverpool. (ueeustown, Bolfast, Londonderry or Glasgow, $21. Ixmdon, Galway, Bristol or Cardiff, $24. Bank Drafts on England, Ireland and Scotland. Company's Oflice No.
105 8. FOURTH, btreet, below Chestnut street. GEORGE A. FAULK, Agont. AMERICAN LINE.
FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Only Transatlantic Line under the American sailing every Saturday from Philadelphia. Extra sailiugs on alternate Wednesdays. INDIANA. Saturday, Mav 31.
at 5 A. M. BRITISH PRINCE, Wed' day, June 4, 0 A. M. RED STAR LINE.
FOR ANTWERP. Hailing every week alternately from Philadel phia and New York, landing passenger within a hours' ride of the important points of interest The 1 outwent. NOORDLAND. Saturday, May 31. 10.30 A.
M. For rates of passage and other information, ap- Plyt PETER WRIGHT A SONS. General Agents, No. 307 WALNUT Phila. GKEAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENUKR LINK, VIA SAVANNAH TO F1ARII)A, THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST.
OCEMSTEAMSHIPOOMPY of Savannah. The Bteamnrs of this Line are appointed to sail for SAVANNAH from Pier 41, foot of QUEEN Street, Delaware river, Philadelphia, at 12 o'clock noon, as follows: CITY OF SAVANNAH, Sat'day, May 31, at 12 M. JUNIATA, Saturday, June 7. at 12 M. Connecting with the Florida steamers and Savannah, Florida and Westorn Railway for all points in Florida, and tbe Central Railway of Georgia for all points of the interior.
Despatch given Mobile and New Orleans freight. Insurance effected at lowest rates. These steamers have elegant passenger accommodations. For freight or passage apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, Agent, No.
13 S. THIRD Street CLYDE'S STEAM LINES APPOINTED 8AILINO DAYS. Through Bills ot Lading and Lowest Rates to principal seaboard cities and points South and est and North and East. FOR CHARLESTON EveryThnrsday at noon. Freight received at Pier 2, N.
WHARV ES. RICHMOND. NORKoi.K and CITY POINT, every TUESDAY.TH I' RSDA and SATURDAY at 12 noon, from Pier No. 1, alxtve A RKET St. t.T.
t- ALEXANDRIA, every SATURDAY, at 10 from Pier No. 2, N. WHARVES. FOR NEW YORK Daily Resumption ol Canal navigation on and after March 13, 1884. TOW BOAT COMPANY Barges towed between Philadelphia and Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace, fcu.
Forfxeightay CLYDE General Managers of all the above lines. No. 12 S. WHARVES, Phiia. THE CATERER, FOR MAY.
ALL NEWSDEALER3 HAVE IT. Publication Office, 1013 Chestnut Street Specimen No. mailed on receipt of 15n. In t.mo RAILROAD LINES. Wert Jersey Edlrcai On and after May 18, 1884, Trains leave MARKET ST.
FERRV as follows: FOR CArE MAY. Express on week days, 9 a. 3:50 p. m. Sun- davs, a.
m. Accommodation, week days, 3:10 p.m. FOR ATI.ANTIO CITY. Express, on week days, 8:40 a. in.
and 4 p. m. Saturday onlv. 2:40 p. in.
Sunday, 8:30 a. in. FOR SEA ISLE CITY. Express, weok days, 9 a. in.
and 3:50 p. m. Sundays, 8 a. in. week days, .1:10 p.
m. Kor Forest Grove, rieasantvine ami uiioriuoiu- ate stations, 8:40 a. 3:10 p. m. On Sunday, a.
m. For Somers' Point and May's Landing, 8:40 a. m. and 4:00 p. m.
On Sunday, 8:110 a. m. For Vineland and Millville, 810 and 9:00 a. 3:1 (land 6:40 p. m.
tin Sunday, 8:00 a. m. For Sweoesiioro, a. mu p.m. On Sunday, p.
111. For Brighton, 8 and a. 3:30 and 6:40 Fo'r Salem.via Glassboro, 8 a. m. and p.
via Swedesuoro, a. i.iiu, uu p.m. On Sundays, 5:15 p. in. For Port Norris, 8 a.
m. and 3:30 p. m. in in 1 1:40 a. 3:10, 6:20, 5:10, :30, 9:15 and 11:110 p.
ni. On Sunday, 8 a. 12:30, 6:15 and 9 ForPi)Saware River Railroad, 8 and 11:40 a. m. and 3:10 and 6:40 p.
in. On Sunday, 8 a. ni. and 6:15 p.m. Parlor Car attached.
mnnn JOS. CRAWFORD, 3. R. WOOD, Superintendent Ocn'l Passenger Ageut Canden and Atlantic On and after May 11, 1884, trains will leave as follows: FOR ATLANTIC CITY: Krom Vine and Shackamaxon Street Ferries: 1.x p. week uays, a.
m. nun Sun- Accoiumodaiion St 8:00 a m. and 4:30 p. in. On For Iiaddonheld from Vine and Shackamaxon Street Ferries, 7 8:00, and 11:00 a.
12:30, 4:150, 0:00, p. m. Sunday Trains leave both Ferries at 8:00 and 9:00 iai and 4 :00 p.m. From PennsNlvania Railroad station, foot of Market 6:00 and 1 1:30 p. For Atco.
from Vine and shackamaxon street ferries, 8 and 1 Hio a. 12:30, 4.3i, 6.00 p. m. Sundavs, 8:00 a 4:00 p. m.
loin foot olMarketstreetIl.30p.ru. For Hammonton, from me and Shackamaxon street femes. 8:00 and 1 1:0 a. 4 (to, 4:30, 6:00 p. hi.
Sundays, a. 4:00 p. m. Saturdays only, frou foot of Market street ForVarUonMedford, Mount Holly and interme Fast Pacific Niacai Wat trie Kane Lock On a. Mail York p.
Paoli Brvn 3 Pho For Pennsylvania Eailrcad ON AND AFTER MAY 19, 188 1 MAINLINE. Trains leave Broad Street Station. Daily. jjDaily, except Sunday. "New York and Chicago Limited" of Pullman Palace cars a.
Line. Pittsburg and the ,1 110 a. estern Express p. Express West 1 1:20 p. Ilarrisburg Express a 7:10 a.
kins Express $11:10 a. Mail and 13 11 Halo Express, except Saturday. On (Saturday trains run only to Kcnovo 1 1:20 p. Express 7:40 a. Haven Express DUO and 5 1 1 :10 a.
Sunday, the 4:30 a. m. runs only to Williams-port. 11:10 m. Cbaiubersburg and Ilagerstown Express, 4:30, 7:40 and 11:10 a.m., daily p.m.
For Clianibersburi; onlv. 5:40 n. m. Shenandoah Valley Express, with through car to Menithis, every week day, at 7: to a. Sundays at 7:00 a.
and New Orleaus Express, dailv. at 11:20 11. m. Parrisluirg and ork Express 55:40 p. Train 7:00 a.
iu Harrisburg Accommodation 2:14 p. and Hanover Express a. York. Hanover and Frederick Express.ll:10 a. Columbia and ork Accommodation.
..1:40 p. Parkesburg Train. 11:45 a. m. and 5:45 p.
m. On Sunday, 3:45 p. m. Dowingtown Accommodation. 6:10 and 7:15 a.
and 9:45 p. in. On bunday, 7:45 a. m. Trains, 6:05,6:10.
7:15, 8:15, 10:15 and 11:40 a. 12:45, 1:46, 2:14, 2:45,3:15,3:45, 4:15,4:10,4:14,4:45. 6:15, 5:45, 0:16, 0:45, 7:45. 8:45,9:46, 10:45, and 11:45 p. m.
On Sunday, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, and 11:45 a 1:15, 2:45. 3:45. 6:15, 6:15. 8:15. and 10:15 p.
111. Mawr Trains, :5, :10, 0:45, 7:15, 7:40, 8:15. 10:15,11:45 a.m., 12:45, 2:14, 2:15. 2:45, 3:15. 3:45, 4:15,4:44, 4:45,6:15,6:45, 6:15, 6:45, 7:45,8:45,9:45, 16:45.
and 11:45 n. m. On 8:45, 11:45 a. 1:15, 2:45, 3:45, 6:15, 8:15, and 10 15 r. in.
est Chester Express, 7:10 a. 4:40 and 6:40 p. Accommodation, 6:10 and 11.45 a. 2:14,4:15,6:15, 6:15, 6:45. 7:45, and 11:45 p.
111. On Sunday, 7:45 and 11:45 a. 1:15, 6:15 and 10:15 p. m. nixville, via Frazer, Express 7:40 a.
2:14 and 6:40 p. 111., every week-day. Maiiayuuk, 6:20,7:25, 8:12 and 9:15 a. 120, 3:36, 4:35, 6:10, 6:21, 7:30, 9:25 and 11:40 p.m. On Sunday, 7:30 and 10:05 a.m., 1:25, 5:10 and 7:30 p.
m. Trains arrive: From Pittsburg, 3:05 and 7:50 a. 6:15, 7:25 p. m. daily.
4:25 a. m. except Monday. From Erie, Buffalo and Willianisport, 7:50 a. m.
daily, except Monday. From Buffalo and Niaeara frails. 7:60 a. in. daily, except Mon day.
From Iiock Haven, 3:15 p. in. daily, except Sunday. From Watkins, Eluiira and Williams-port, 1 :25 p. in.
daily, except Sundajr. NEW YORK DIVISION. TRAINS LEAVE BROAD STREET STATION FOR NEW YORK, Express on week days, 8:15, 3:20, 4:00, 4:35 (ex-cept Monday). 6:60, 7:30, 8:20, 11 and 1 1:16 a. m.
(Limited Express 1:30 and 6:20 p. 1. 3, 4, 6, 6, 6:30, 7:40, 7:45 and 8 p. in. and 12:01 night.
On Sundays, 3:16, 3:20, 4:00, 4:35, 8:30 a. 4 (Limited Express 7:40. 7:46 and 8 p. and 12:01 uight. For Brooklyn, N.
all through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "Brooklyn Annex," atloiding direct transfer to Fulton street, avoiding double ferriage aud journey across New York City. Express lor Boston without cbango, 6:30 p. m. Express for Sea Girt, Spring Lake, Ocean Beach, Ucean urove, Anuiiry i. miu ijuuk maoou, 6:50.
11:16 a. aud 3 00 p. 111. on week-days. Freehold only, 4:00 p.
Jamesburg ouly, 8:30 a. m. and p. in. FROM KENSINGTON STATION, FRONT AND NORR1S WTREE1S.
For New York, 0:60, 7:40, 8:37, 10:10 ana 11:15 a. 2:10, 3.30, 4:55 and 6.36 p. in. on week days. I Munoays, n.
jn a. 111. FROM MARKET STREET WHARF. Express for iew York, via Camden and X'renton, 8.60 a. m.
on week-days. Trains for Trenton, connecting for New York, 6:20.7:10, 10:30 a. 12 noon, 2:30,4:30, and 6:30 p. m. On Sundays, 6:45 p.
m. For I.ong Branch, via Tom's Kiver and Berkeley, 8:36 a. on week days. Express for Tom's River aud intermediate stations. 8:30 a.
in. anl 4 P. week days. Tuckerton, 8:30 a. in.
aud 4 p. week days. BELVIDERE DIVISION. FROM BROAD STREET STATION. Dally, except Sunday, Express for Lambertville, F-aston, iielaware Water Gap, Scranton, Ring.
aniton, and Oswego, 8:20 a. m. and 0:110 p. m. or Scran ton and ater Gap ouly, 4 p.m.
For Bingiiainton, 12:01 p.m. For lambertville, 3 p. nu For lemington, 8:20 a. 12:01 and 4 p. ni.
Train arrive daily, except Sunday. From Eas ton, 9:56 a. 8:50, 7:50, and p. in. FROM KENSlNGTf )N STATION, FRONT AND NORRIS STREETS.
Daily, except Sunday. Express for I-ambertville, Easton, Delaware Water Gap, Scranton, Bing- bamton, and Oswego, 7:40 a. m. and 5:35 p. in.
For Scranton and Water Gap only, 3:30 p. in. For Biiighsmton, 12:05 p. in. For Liimbertviile, 2:10 p.
lu. For Heiuington, 111., 1205 and 3:30 n. m. Sleeping car Tickets can be had at Broad and Chestnut streets, No. 838 Chestnut street, aud nnnunuwi niwiuii.
Ihel'iiiouTiansler Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences. 1 line euros aim 1011 imui uiaii.fi. wkmuvv, i.i. stations and at the following No. 83S Cnestnut street I S.Ecor.
Hroad and Chestn't Sts Ticket Offices No. 1 1 Market street I No. 4 Chelten Ave. Ger'town. LNo.
324 Federal St, Cam leu. CTTAR. F. rUGII. R.
WOOD, Ueiural MuMtQcr. Gen 1 1'OMt Arent. fftoa and Ealti- ners Eailroad. MAY 18, 1884. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BROAD STREET STATION.
For Baltimore and Washington, via B. A P. R. 12:30, 7:20. 9:10 and 1 1:55 a.
12:30 ii ni. (Ijinited Express) and p.m., viaB.4 ii R. 3:45 a. 111.. and 10:00 p.
m. For Ballunoie only, 1 1 :30 m. and 6:05 p. m. On Sttndav, 12 30, 3:45, 7 20 and 9:10 a.m., vio B.
P. It R-, 3:45 a. Ui. and 10:00 p. via B.
O. R. It For Rithmond, 12:30, 7:20 and 11:55 a. m. (Limited Impress, 12:30 p.
On Sundays, 12:30 and 7:20 a. m. Sleeping Cars, via B. P. R.
for Richmond, Atlanta, and Uiatleston leave New Broad Street Station at 12:30 a. in. For Baltimore aud Washington, 12:30 a ni. Car open at 10 p. m.
or ihester. 6:30, 7:35. 8:011, 9:10, 10:16, 1 1 30 a. 12:35, 1 :32, 2:30, 3:01, 3:30, 4:25, 6:20, 6:36, 7:16, 8:30. 9:30, JO-bU.
1 1 :32 p. iu. On Sunday, 8:35. 9:10, a. 116,2:06.
6:06, 8:30, 10:00, 10:30, and 11.32 P. m. 7i, 11:0, 11:66 a. 3:01:3:30. 4:02, 4:26.
6:05,6:21,6:01,6:30,8:30,9:30. 10:00, 11 32, p. and 12:30 Night On Sunday, 3:45,7:20, 9:10 a. 1:05, 6:05, 8:30, 10:00, 11:32 p.m., and 12:30 night. Tiains for lielaware Livision will leave for: Harrington, Deluiar and Way SuUons, 8:00 and 1 For Wyoming and Way Stations, 6:21 p.
m. Express for Harrington, 3:0 1 p. m. 1 hrouuh tickets on sale at 1 icket Offices, Nos. ray I HKsiTNL'T Stiect baggage tin eked at residences by the Lnion Transfer Com-1 anv Sleeping Car Berths may be secured at Ticket Office, No.
838 Chestnut street during the uy' 1 1 1 Trains Lfave New BnoAn Street Station For West Chester at 7:0. 9:03 and 11:13 a. 2 47 4 27. 4:65, 5:60, 6:33 and 11:35 p. nu On Sitniiav.
8 55, 9.50 a. 2:60 and 7:00 p. ra. orMedia'at 6:25, 709, 7:43:, 9:03 10:10, 11 13 a.m.. 12:60,2:20, 2:47.
3:27, 4:27, 4:65, 6 27.6:50.6:05,6:33,8:10, 10:15 and 11:35 p. ni. On Sunday, 8:55. 9:50 a. 1:30, 2:50, 7:00 and p.
m. or Avondale. on week days. 6:33 P. in.
For Oxford and intermediate stations, 7:43 a. Depot 4:30 (via ville, vuie nny 6:60 and and 1:15. and Citv 6:30 a. p. and in Car p.
In effect May 11, 188 1 MAINLINE. THIRTEENTH and ALLO WHILL Sts. a. m. Mail ar.d Accommodation, Phnenix-ville, Pottstown, Reading, Pottsville.
Allentown Reading), Columbia, Lancaster, Slatington, Lebanon, Harrisburg and Tamaqna. a. ni. Way, Pbmnixville, Pottstown, Reading, Pottsville, Allentown and Branch Roads. a.
m. Express. Phnenixville, Pottstown, Rtading, Pine Grove, Tremont, Andenried, Wil-liainfitort, Harrisburg, Sunhnry, Ixwisburg. Pottv Tamaipia, Mahanoy City, Ashlvid, Shenandoah, Khamokin. Lancaster, Jersey Shore, Water- ana wcllslmro.
1:35 p. m. Way. Phrcmixville, Pottstown, Reading, Pottsville ami Branch IU.ads. 4:00 p.
in. Express, Phomixvilla, Pottstown, Reading, Harrisburg, Pottsville. Tamaana, Mahv City, Ashland, Shenandoah, Shamokin and Lancaster. 6:15 p. m.
Way, Phmnixville, Pottstown, Reading Pottsville and Allentown. 6:50 p. m. Express. Phumixville, Pottstown, Reading.
Pine Grove, Tremont. Lebanon, Harrisburg, Williamsport, Sunbury, Iewisburg, Pottsville, Taiuaqua, Mahanoy 1 lty, Shenandoah, Ashland and Shamokin. 7:46 p. m. Way, Phoenix ville, Pottstown, Reading and Harrisburg.
Parlor cars to Pottsville on 9:50 a. 4:00 and p. ni. trains. SUNDAYS.
6:30 a. Phoenixville. Pottstown, Reading, Allentown, Pottsville and Harrisburg. 8:30 a. Way, Phrcnixville, Pottstown, Allentown (via Perk.
It Reading, Pottsville Branch Roads. 7:45 p. Phoenixville, Pottstown, Reading Harrisburg. p. Phoenixville, Pottstown.
Pottsville, Allentown and Branch Roads. DEPOT, NINTH AND GREEN STREETS. FOR HEW YORK. NewYork.Trenton and the East, 7:30 (two-honr train). 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 (Fast.
Express) a. m. 3:45, 5:40, 0:45 and 1 midnight, for Trenton only, 9:00 p. m. Direct connection by "Annex" boat at Jersey with Erie Railway and Brooklvn.
Elizabeth and Newark. 8:30, 9:30 and 11 KM) a. 1:16, 3:45.5:40,6:45 p.m.; for Elizabeth only, 12:00 mirnight lng n. ucean orore ana npring lli'O a. 1:15, 3:45 p.
m. 12:00 midnight SLNDAY. New Y'ork and Trenton 8:30 a. p. midnight For Newark, 8:30 5:30 p.
m. For Long Branch, 8:30 a. m. Leave New Y'ork, foot of Liberty street 7:45, 9:30, 11:15 a. 1:30, 4K10, 4:30, 6:30,7:00 tl2i midnight SUNDAY.
8:45 a. 5:30 p. fl2.00 midnight Leave Newark, 8:55 a. 6.30 p. m.
All trains stop at Columbia avenue and Wayne Junction. Parlor Cars are run on all da- trains to from New York. tSlocpmg Car open 10:30 p. m. to 7.00 a m.
Elmira. Buffalo and the West, 9:00 a. 4:15 and 8:00 p. m. Principal points the Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys, via Bethlehem, H-OO, 9:00 a.
4:15, 5:25 aud 8 p. m. Daily Parlor Car on 9:00 a. and Sleeping on 4:15 and 8:00 p. m.
trains through to Buffalo. KA.STON, 8:00, 9:00 a 4:15, 5:25 and 8:00 in. Bath, Wind Gap, Bangor, 8:00 a. m. and 4:15 m.
Abington and ay Points, 6:15, 8:35, 9:10 a. 4:15, 0:15 and 10.00 p. m. Sunday, 1:00, 2:45. 5:30 p.
ni. Fort Washington, 2:35 and 7:00 p. m. Doylestown. 8:00.
9:0, 11:05 a. 1:15, 4:15, 61)0, 6:25, and 11:45 p.m. Sunday. 8:30 3:45 and 10:00 p. m.
CERMANTOWN CHESTNUT HILL 6:00 0K)0. 6:30 7:05, 8:00, 9:10. 9:55, 11:10 12:00 1:15,2:30, 2:60, 3:15. 3:40, 4:00, 4,15, 6:15. 6:50, 7 H), 7:45.
8:50,9:15, 10:30. 11:15, 11:50 p. 12:45 midnight. Additional for Germantiwn, 6:45, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, :3lla.m., 12:30,2:05, 4:05. 4:60, 5:30, 0:15, p.
m. 9:10, 45 a. 12:60,2:15, 3:10, 4:00, 5:15, 6:10,7:00, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45 p.m. I'ave GERMANToWN (Chelton 6:01. 6:19, 7:29,7:41, 7:59, 8:07, 8:11,8:21, 8:31.
8:41. 8:64, 9:20, 9:31. 10:14, 10:69, a.m., 12.19, 1:14, 1:10, 2:34, 8:01, 3:29: 3:4, 4:30, 4:59, 5:21, 6:33, 6:66, 6:39, 7:05, 7:18,7:31,7:58,8:31. 8:58, 9:53, 10:53 p.m., 12:07 midnight 8:24,9:34, 10:44 a. 12:44, 2:24, 4:14, 6:14.
6:14, 7:14, 8:04, 9:44. 10:53 p. m. Leave CHESTNUT HILL 6:05, 6:10, 7:15, 7:45, 8:4, 9:16, 10:00, 10:45 a. 12 05,1:00,2:20,3:15,3:30, 4:25, 0:25, 6:60.
7:16, 7:46. 8:15.9:40, 10:40, 11:55 p. m. 10:30 a. m.
12 30,2:10,4:00,6:00, 0:00, 7:00, 7:50, 10:40 p. m. WANAYUNK, CONSHOHCCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. 4 30, 60S. 7:15, 8:15, 9:15,10,1105 a.m.
12:05 noon; 1:35, 2:25, 4 Oo, 4:30,4:45, 6:10, 6:35, 5:55, 6:06, 6:35, 7 35, 8:30. 9:40, 10:35. 11:30 p. 12:15. SUN DAYS.
7:30, 9:00, 9:45, 11:25 a. 1:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:20, 6:00, 7:30. 8:30, 9:50, 10:40 p. and for 6:40 p.m. I.cave NORlUSTOWN, 5:30, 6:40, 7:05, 7:30, 8:15, 8:45.
JO, 11 :25 a. 12:15, 1:0.. ,2, 3,45. 4:35, 5:05, 6:26 6:20, 6:50. 7:15,7:35, 8:16,9:10, 10:05, 1 1 :20 p.
in. SUNDAY S. 6:10, 7: 10, 0 and 10:00 a. 1:00,2:00,4:00, 6:00. 7:30, 9:10, 10:55 and from Manayunk only 3:30 and 7:30 p.
m. The ahove trams, except the 6-05, 6:20 and 7:35 p. m. week-dav, and the 7:40 a.m. fcunu: vl tiTi notes earl 7:40 a.
m. Sunday trains leave Maia screei uepoi mer. ticket taken. Except Mondiys. yy urklncu'g ti PLYMOUTH EUANCH.
7-15 a. 12:05 noon, and 5:55 p. m. Sunday, it a. 1:30 and ":30 p.
m. POINTS BEYOND NORRISTOWN. I'bo nixvile, Pottstown, and way points. 9:15, and l-35. 4:30 p.m.
Connects Chester Valley, Pickermg alley, Colebrookdale Branches, ami IVrkiomen Railroad. Snmtni. 4:20 p. and additional for Coalbrookdale Branch at 11:23 a. in.
DEPOT, THTRD AND BERKS STREET 1. New Y'oik, Newark, Elizabeth and 'lreuton. 9:00, S10 H-UU, ami p. m. l.i v-fc anil Trenton.
l.V l- JCoiiuect for Long Branch and Ocean Grove. BETHLEHEM BRANCH. 415 a. m. Mail and Aecom.
for Bethlehem, Easton. Ailentown, Mauch Chunk, VV likesharre, Harleton, aud tioints on Lehigh alley Railroad. a. m. Express for Dovlcstown, Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown and Coplay.
2 00 p. ni. lor Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilkesbarre and Scrantou. :30 p. m.
Way for Bethlehem. 7:10, and 10:30 a. 6 p. m. ror Hartsvilleand points on Northeast Pennsylvania 8:20.
10:30 a. 2:00, 4:00, 4:50, 6:20. 6:30 p. m. for Doylestown.
7 40 p. ni. for Fort ashington. 4 and 10:45 p. ni.
for Abington. tl'NDAYS. 9:10 a. m. and 6: la p.
m. for HatWoand Hartsvi'de. 1 1 HIO a. m. 2:00 p.
in. for Abington. 7 -40, 9:30 p. m. for Fort Washington.
8 45 a. m. for Bethlehem and Doylestown, Allentown and Mauch Chunk. Bethlehem aud way points 1:1 5 p.m. NEWTOWN RAILROAD.
6:40, 9:40 a. 1:25, 4:03, 5:10, 6:23 p. m. for It'o afin. 2:45, 9:00 p.
and 12:00 midnight for Fox Chase only. SUNDAYS a. 1:30 and 6:35 Newtown, and for Fox Chase only, at 10:. P- in. Ticket H3il, 131 Chestnut Street, and at the Depots.
Baggage collected and chei ked to destination by Philadelphia aud Read- "tttded time 'tablei at ticket offices and denots. Vl'iKlTEV C. G. HAM -Ol. iv, J' (tenl Manager.
Oen'l Pass, and Ticket Agt goldTought rth Plates Wstches, Cinl Au Vindlof Gold and BUver. Highest Cash Price wlii oe paw. J. L. CLARK, RoHnor, Real Estate Transfers, May 29.
prhe monetary consideration here given represents the cash only. Adams st. S. E. cor.
Kensington ay. .1.1 iwilii, T. A. it. 11 Thomas It.
Hall Ass'u; Slay 17, 'M; irrrg. American It N. Diamond. I.e-ltiiih Coal mid avigation Co. to Henry Clan-h-ii May 5, VM; G.
Nominal ii .0 Hit. 11. iu. May 21, 'S4; Brown si. 1104.
Alary 11. lieiu to XUido Vt iu- sel: May 24, '84; Ureg. aw ft. 1 Ins. W.
isili. James M. Donnelly to Ifeliecca MuCaddcu; Mav Hi, '4; lx74; li. Clarence St. 7.
Jos. M. P. Price to Hamuli A. Ilolion; May 1, 'M: Corinthian av.
o-tt and sis. John McOill to Phillipa Harrison; April 18, 'M; each lti.3x l-ilskey Yifli I. l'li jas. 1,600 2, 30 833.33 1,730 13,800 1,400 Moo 3,700 aven lo Win. T.
Streaker; May 2), 'irt; lax Croskev si'. i is ft i us. 1 ierk JainesCaven to Rachel A. Streaker; May2'J, 'M: 1SX71: G. t75 Cunilierland St.
N. 8., 32 ft. E. Hill. Clias.
II. Lsler lo Alliert Scxlou; May 20, '4: Dst. W. 114 12S 142 Till 170 Is4 his ft 212 22 ft. ami i ft.
S. Indiana. James H. I lever to Samuel l. Help; May 27, 'M; each MxiH.O.1.
Alio, W. s. 1, 320 ft. S. Indiana; iireg shaiie.
Also, W. s. 1 st 3ii2ft. S. Indiana; irreg.
shapu; each suh fr-no Edgeley St. 17U7. it. A. Wilkinson to John h.
(olllns; May 26, 'S4; 15x.W Eighth 220 ft. N. Tloca. Thomas 7,800 2,100 1,300 8,000 HiKigers lo ueoiKe iwbui; Eighlwiit 'lfw A. Kolin, trustee, to Harry M.
Kulin; AprU 'M: lx7.B.'s Ftileral 151 ft. W. loth. -Mary J. Union to Arthur J.
Uuiun; April 22, 'l; liix Km; li. fiu Fifth st. 3iM3 N. Peter Behoner Ut Abraham L2J0 6,400 1,700 4,000 1,800 340 310 2,400 4,725 5,000 2,200 200 Scldeslliger; May 111, IH: 'x'it Filth st. E.
llti ft. N. uiiiliei laiid. Irwin Clias. Okroiigbiwii-z; April zt, 'M: auxH.7'v.; O.
l2i: Fifteenth. 2I2H Ann Clark to Joliu 11. Huu-calle; May '4: Fletcher st. Win. heip-r to Oeorgo W.
Howe; May 27, '84; Foulkrod W. 50 ft. ins. N. Miills-i ry.
CorryT. Fowler to Margaret Ki-nier: May 'M; aoxliw Foulknxl W. 70 ft. ins. N.
Mul-iH-rry. CorryT. Fowler to 11. Bowers Baldwin: Mayas '84: French 3til ft. 4 Ins.
W. tlli. Penu Mutual Idle Ins. Co. to Win.
Moan; May 14 4-X-V4 Front 272B, 272s and 27:10 S. Fraukliu Fire to Edwin O. Micheuer; May lo, 'M: ea Fourth st. 140 N. Isaiah Woggeiibiirger's estate to Nathan Uoggeiihurger; May ls.
'M; It Faii hill st. K. SB ft. S. Cumlterlaiid.
John Kitten lo Anton llw kley: May 2, HixiM.ti.. Frankford 2i ft. a ins. N. James.
in. J. Chamberlain to Matthew Cleary; May 2s, 'M: 20XV2.1 Hanover W. ft. N.
t.eorge He Haven to l.avmia C. 1)0 Haven et Nov. 21, 'M; Iiew son K. 8.. ft.
4 Ins. arah II. Fuliner to Win. Neveling; May 2, Z-x ft. W.
th. Samuel K. Francis Barney; May 22, 'M; 14X A'l'ws'sl'i! lVx'ii; U. Fillmore, iloi- 1,300 650 6j0 Mein IH- Haven to iiausou; i's irrctc. shaiie 2,000 IliinltiiKdoii st.
-4SM. fiN t.trarn l.ile Aiinuiiv and Trust Co. to Mtupsoii. 'si; each I4.iix..7 M.Siiiipsoii.adiu'x. lo Kachei li.
Chler: May 7, 'bl: H.iix; Nominal Bimtiugdiii and E. M. Sniqwiii, ailin'x, to Cliifoid eager; May 7, '4; ea 14 Nominal Huntingdon Clifford eager to ttu'tii M. Simpson; Hun hinson 2 ft. 'i 111.
N. ropiar. in. alker to Harrison Strceter; May 1, tvl 17x14 JiidM.n piai Kdw. II.
Fl-xxl to Annie V. Me atlrey; Ma 2S, '4; -vstoiie 8., 4" ft. N. W. Tyson.
in. 11. Hill lo Jos. liroonihead; Aug. It, 'si; 22.10;i,xl47.7 Laurence W.
cor. Tioga. Fjlw. lnger- 3,030 414 350 soll to Maurice Jleaiy; Jiay nt: -a Lingo st. W.
242 ft. S. Carpenter. Moore to Win. Eudebroek; May Itnla.
T. '84; 1142; LJeiiit'Vf! ii ft" F.dwin s. Benson toC. Howard Col ket: May 22, 'M: 1st lui. Also, S.
8. Locust, It. W. 21st: Lc ust 8., 2 ft. Itlth.
K.imna B. Carver to Henry liis'd: May 27, 'si: Sixluu Market St. 1 1. Elihu lo lienj. S.
Jau- nev. Mav 24. Irreg. 1,123 15,000 Sl.S'X) 22,500 Marriott St. s2n.
liose Noien to no. t. 1 Mav 2ii, 'S4; l.xV: li. 24. Nominal Orthodox W.
117 ft. 6 In. W. I'eim. Lemuel 1 nonius oaioo x.
w.7 -v, u.ii.. 11 i N. 8.. 75 ft. 9U In.
Will. 3,559 Ino. McCllntock to Alex. Ciozier; Mar, 11, '4; St-cond st. 15 ft.
N. Monroe. Sani'ICook to Peter Brown; April 23, 'M; l.ixfiii.. veiilh 8.. 101 ft.
In. Market. Eliza Truekset al. to Saiu'l It. Marshall; May lii, 'M: lti.tixsl Seventeenth 8..
110 ft. S. Hoed. Win. 5,000 12, SV) hitetoiieriHTi.i.
i.io;.n; j-i, AIms W. s. 17lls ft. N. Hickuison: P.xh2.
AIMS Mt. Holly, S. E. 8., 3D ft. N.
Dickinson; Sixth St. K. 150 ft. S. Cumberland.
Anthony Wenzell to Jos. F. Seheswohl; May 27, 's4: glxlv-tilth W. cor. allow lull, J.
1 decretal, to Juliet L. Harbison; May 6, 880 2,900 I1XX225: 2e Soriior liardeii 314 ft. 6 In K. 21st. Halilnii Fulton to Jas.
jh Manes May SI, TaVk'er! Wni! C. h'art'on to lVniia. It. It. May 22.
Taney st. W. lisfi. l'ln. N.
Parrtsh. Jas. Malialfcy to 110. Malialley; May 20, '84; lrny. Teii'th'tit! Mckean.
Scotia 11. Assn. to Win. J. Ferial; May 14, '84; Tld rt.vi'it to, JJ 700 600 agner 10 it, ucox; an) -s rtia; (M TIioihmii St.
SI4. no. Nominal Krilx to Louis t. xi.ti Mayers: May 21, 'm; 1.K5 IW ft. H.
l'arrlsli. to Kills F. Ward; May 31, 'M; irreg. sham- Nominal Vidoii st. Marys.
Wright 10 iiargarc.ua S. limbs; Slay SI. aixTo Vine st. HI It. W.
ISih Tlnw. J. nl-jean to Central SI. E. Churc Slay 21, 'si; lVtsV''jas." VSWy to'Alii-e V.
Champion; April 1, 'W; liixs.i..... aterloo S. Dauphin. It. 1.
Usher lo l.tiulaS. Kauli; Slay it, "sj; 4JX-W. iliow K. s. Chas.
et al. to Win. W. Derrick; May Sa, 'M. And Win.
Derrick to clias. SlcKccver: Slay 21. '4; lr-reir. shaHk Yuk W. s.
and N. W. s. Thompson. Slayii, S00 6.0S0 3,300 2.1J At the Hotels.
Continental. George M. Pullman, Chicatjo; W. S. Kirkpatiick, Easton; E.
Parker, New Haven; D.J. Nell, Altoona; W. F. Lay, Baltimore; P. Gettvs, Athens, Tenn.t A.
L. Somi, Toledo, James Armstrong, l'ortlaud, Oregon; John 1. linn. Pittsburg. liirard.
George P. Balmain, B. Reed Johnston, Pittsburg: P. J. Pierce.
Mercer, A. E. Lewis, Miiiorn: W. T. Tarbrotigh, Richmond, J.
S. Bennett, Buenos Ayres; T. M. Nagle, Erie, illiam foster, wunuury, Bingham. J.
M. Grout, Boston; F. L. Le Clercq, fttihn li James C. Kerr.
New lork; ti. W. Hutchins, Chicago; E. G. Butler, Wilkesbrre; James Benson.
Baltimore. Ealayette. Henry C. Mc.Cormick, Williamspirt; J. J.
Sargent, Manchester, B. F. Rirten-bouse, U. S. E.
P. Parsons, Milwaukee; S. A. Woodson, Brooklyn; Charles F. Kellogi, Vine-land, N.
J. W. will.ird, Cleveland, It. N. Marvin, Johnstown, N.
Y. Colonnade. waiter m. iteea, asninon, i. Melville Church, Washington, 1).
V. K. Finn. Harrisburg; tleorge W. Cross, New York; W'.
H. Cunliife, Liverpool, Eng. Plumer's American. A. M.
Chamberlaino. Mid-dletown. J. C. Foley.
New York; Ed. R. Young. M. Dover.
L. N. Ross. Chicago; J. J.
Maghran, Scranton, T. Gaver, Frederick, Md N.Compton. Newark, N.J. Ht. B.
Isett. Siiruce Creek, O. M. Shaw, Pittsburg: Colonel A. Q.
Patton; Columbus, Ohio; J. M. Guthrie, Indiana; Captain W. H. Pat-terson, Harrisburg; D.
A. Rupp York, Calvin years. be Iiut He from lrom was and to their Gen. City less a not fit I of OUR NEW YORK LETTER. The Financial Flurry Horse Show rrizes Frosty Weather Tappan Steps Down and Out Alleged Smuggling of Jewelry A Va-grant Circassian Girl Unready Kellef of Kadway Strikes More About Grant A Ward, c.
Special Correspondence of Tlie Inciitrer. ew Yokk, May 29. Matters in monetary circles are still unsettled, but there is a constantly improved feeling because of the manifest condition of affairs relating to the recent failures, lor the very worst facts seem to have been ascertained. It is understood that the West Side Bank will resume ou Monday. Tbe cold wave is a general topic still.
It has checked travel to country mountains and seaside, and has put a damper on the summer resort business. People were sadly put to their trumps today in getting out overcoats, wraps and flannels which had been packed up for the summer. Tbe thermometer actually dropped irotu 92 on Saturday last to 40 this morning an extraordinary full. The frosts in thin region have done great damage to growing crops, but it is believed that fruit will escape seiious injury, City Chamberlain Tappan's resignation caused lUito an excitement, although it was not entirely unexpected. The action of the erand jurv is considered proper and timely, as it will put other city Cincia'S iu ineir u'iu iiuiiwvnir.
Inspector Wilsun, of the Special Treasury Agency in this city, visited the post oHice to day and took possession of a large package of jewelry which had been received in the foreign mails. The package was addressed to Daniel J. Tilley, Philadelphia. It was tak to the seizure room of the custom house, and the owner will be notitied to appear and make an explanation. If he can show that there was no intent ou bis part to smuggle tbe property into the port the ponds will be released upon tbe pavment ot the regular duty.
Uolilschmidt Co. and several smaller firms on Cortlamlt and Greenwich streets, New York, were damagod S20.0UO by fire to-day. Surrogate hollins to-day gave a decision admitting to probate the will of the late Richard (i. Rad-wav, of patent medicine fame, who died in February last, leaving an estate valued at about liy the will the decedent made certain be 4juets which were disputed by his next of kin-two grandchildren on tbe ground ot mental iuca-pacitv, that the will was not duly executed and that it was procured by undue intluenoe. Tbe corner-stone of the new library building of f.he Protestant Episcopal General Theological fl.eniinary was laid to-day with appropriate ceremonies, which were participated in by Assistant Bishop Potter, Bishops (Scarborough, of New Jer- iev; Paddock, ot Massachusetts; eseymour, oi Springfield, 111., and Bishop Brown.
Over one hundred clergymen were present. Alice Burns," who was formerly on exhibition In a Bowery museum as a Circassian girl, anil came into prominence some months ago when she tried to hang herself in a cell of the Eldridge street police station, where she was confined for drunkenness, was a prisoner at the Tombs Police Court to-day. List night she was taken in custody by an cfticer of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, ho learned that sho neglected the care of her child, Addie. aged five years, whom lie found last night in a room almost devoid of furniture at No. i hester street.
The woman had not een home for twenty-four hours, during which time tbe little one was locked up with only a lew crusts of bread to eat. She was sent to the Island lor six months and the child was cared for. Home time ago the Executive Council of the laborers' Protective Society passed a resolution, which as adopted by the various branches of the organization, demanding $2.75 a day for plas-terers' laborers. The employers, with but little opposition, conceded tbe demand up till about two arvkmu'ii. when the Boss Plasterers' Association determined to withstand it, and accordingly gave Notice that it would only pay the former rate of $2.60 a dav.
As a result, all the laborers em-i. loved bv tlie members of the Boss Plasterers' Association, to the number of aliout 300, have gone on strike. The first victory scored by the men to-day was at the comer of Thirty-fifth street and Eighth avenue, where cuiien con-tractors, who are members of the Employers' Association, decided to pay the increase of wages demanded. here was a fair attendance at the horse show to-clav. '1 lie prizes awarded as follows: 100 special prize fi-r draught horses Best heavy draught rtallion, three yearsold and under, won by Howard j.
White dapple gray Marquis, of Syracuse. N. Y. First piize. loo.
for saddle horses Stallion, four vcars old. toll. P. Case's bay Question, and second prize, S50. to J.
H. Dahluian'4 Crown C'eb'brc, ot New York. Mare or gelding, not exceeding fifteen hands, four years First prize, 70, to Henry J. Benin's chestnut Jessie, of New York: second prize, 35. to George King's bay gelding co*ck Uobin, of New York.
Mare or gelding ponies, between 13 hands anil 1-1 bands 1 inch, first prize. 00, t- H. L. Herbert's brown gelding Fox, of New York: second prize, 30, to John Wallace'sbrown gelding Snap, of New Mare or gelding ponies not over x. iihums, mm.
Trine. 50, to T. H. Cooper's black gelding Tommy Tit, of Coopersburg, second Prize. $24.
to Richard Stevens' brown gelding Charlie, of Ho-bi kcn, N. J. Shetland marcs or gelding ponies not over 11 hands, first prize, foO, to Thomas rurNngs piebald mare Mollie, of St. John. N.
second prize, $'25, to A. M. Dodge's roan mare Minnie, of New Amotion was made in the Supreme Conrt to day by illiam Allen Butler, to confirm the report of Referee Hamilton Cole, upon the application of Capt. Elihu Spicer, to recover bonds which he bad deposited with the firm of Grant Ward for safe keeping, the referee deciding that the bonds should bo returned. Francis M.
Bangs op-tuseil the motion, and asked for time to preparo argument, claiming that as Spicer held some relation to the firm an account of bis sharing in the contract business, and that the bonds should not be returned to him until it appeared exactly what his relation to the firm was. It was decided to hear further argument on Monday next As soon as this business had been nisposed of, another -tion was made before Judge Donohuo, in the partition suit brought by John H. Mom, as assignee of James D- Fish against Ferdinand Ward, for the appointment of a receiver of the Booth Theatre proposed John P.Wilson, hut was opposed in this by Mr, BuUer, on the ground that Mr. Wilson was the brother-in-law of the plaintiff, lie suggested instead that the Mercantile Trust Company should be appoiuted to that office. After a rambling discussion among the various lwver wuo appeared for the vWIreat uwttes la diate stations, leave iuoui nv, davs 7-30 a.
3KI0and 6:00 p.m. Sumlays, 9-30 a 6:00 p. m. From Viue and Shackamaxon street ferries, 10:00 a. m.
week days. Parsons. Parsons, lion. J. a.
au rasaiuore, J'i'ttftviil). Washington. M. M. Johnson, Front Royal, Hon.
George Hav, Boston; E. H. Holmes, Plv-nioutb: John Whitehead. Huntingdon: A. 1L Sumei Madison, J.
1L Thompson, Clearfield, Pa. Guy's Hotel. Edward E. Parberr Boston; E. TJnderhill, I-owell, Eli J.
Sayer, Allentown; A. Wr. Carter, Boston; J. C. Diehl, Allentown.
West End. George W. Peck, Boston; M. Don-cell, BunburyjB, F. Kami, San Jose, CaL; Charles For Williamstown from Vine ana AUCTION SALES.
JENNINGS, M. THOMAS 4 SONS, AUCTIONEERS, No. 137, 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street 2:47, 4:66 p. m.
On uunoay, a. m. anu 4 FoiPPort I)epo't 7:43 a. m. and 4:55 p.
Manaccr. Geo. Pass. Agent Btreet terries. Parlor Car attached.
W.N.BANNARD. J. K. WUUO, 023 Filbert Street. Phllad'a..