10 Thf Statman, Salam, Oregon, Tuday. June 13, 1848 Situations Wanted For Sale Minceflaneoni For Sale Real For Sals -r- RaL EUU GOOD ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY that the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Arthur Donald Smith. Deceased, has filed his Pinal Account as such and that Wednesday. 7th day of July. 1948 at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time and the Court Room of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County at the Court House.
Salem. Oregon, has been fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to said Final Account. EVERETT T. SMITH Everett F. Smith.
Administrator of the Estate of Arthur Donald Smith. Deceased. June It. 22. 29.
July 1948. T. Harold Tomllnson 390 State Street Salem. Oregon Attorney for Administrator. J.a-15-22 2'j" Unfinished small house.
mL South rf Pringlo acboH. 3250 2 garage. 90x100 lot. neat St clean, close to dry bus. 830 Judaon Si.
3 J50 1 acre, Unf inished. but livable garage house, miles out Wallace road. 5,500 New 2 Bdrm. home, large lot. located at 885 S.
4th SU Indcpendenca. 6503 Bdrm. clean, plastered home. 180 N. 23rd Street.
4 8.500 2 Bdrm. home on large (50x274) lot in No. 3 hurlnsss irma at 1278 a. 12th SL Yes, we'll take an offer, too. i tJSO Lovely 2 Bdrm.
borne. Urge lot. Kingwood Heights, attached wall to will carpets, fireplace, nice kitchen. V-bUnds. weathers tn ped and Insulated, all electric This la at 1022 Parkway Drive.
Consider offer -i i 8.500 i Bdrm. bom on acre tn city limits, cloae to city buaea. bIm garden. chicken coop. 2825 S.
Summer St. i 9 25o 4 Bdrm. plastered home, fireplace, basement, double) carage. sound and solid. $2500 down will handle, 2180 Maple Ave.
9 9.9502 Bdrm. (room for 1 more) home. Englewood school Pistrict Dinln room and living room carpeted, fireplace. V-blinds, niee lawn and shrubs. 155u Roosevelt, make an offer.
$12300 Lonely, new 2 Bdrm. (room for 3 more up, stairway tn) full basement. Jarge lot. double garage. Hdw.
floors uto. oil heat at Rt. Box 140. about 4 mile from Bridge on Wallace road. $12500 No.
3 business zone. 2 apts. with workshop in rear. 71 i Tmrrr St Reasonable offer, Yislll 916.8002 Nice English style homes on Street, on for a home, tha'etbay (furnished) for an income. Nice close tn location, good terms, tool 9 650 Look at the group of lota (restricted) at the and of South Capital It.
They're good for either home or court sites. a 4.000 Complete equipment for battery rebuilding. chargers. 40x40 building. on Lancaster, near 4 corner.
3.0005 acres, black soil, on McCain Ave. Soma berries, terms. $13.000 Completely equipped and stocked. 44 acres between Turner and Auma- vtlle. 2 creeks with water rights, soma fruit, aid 3 Bdrm.
modern aous. arn. chick, house, sheds, etc. Drive by ar.y of these. Please do not disturb the occupants.
Call either Crawford or Mr. Reese. BURT PICHA, REALTORS I Phone 3210. eve. 2-5390 High Street Salem Market Quotations BbTTkJtrAI Premium No.
1 No. 1 FttUMTa Wboltuh .78 A3 JtO Jl Jbl .42 .28 JO J4 XI .14 Retail lout- Burin! i Large Meoium Pullets ana cracks EUOI (wholesale) Large Mtaium Pullets and crack rOlLIMV No. 1 Leghorn No. 1 colored hetu No. 1 colored Iryers.
2'i-J lbs. No. 1 colored frers, 3 Ids. up No. 1 old cocki Livestock (By valley Pack) prinf lame up to 24 00 Vr ooltd lamb 1 00 Eren sheared Umbi 20 00 Yearling.
10 00 to 15 00 Iwe 2 00 to 7.00 Fat dairy cowi IS Jo to 20 00 Cutter cowi la oo to 18 00 Dairy heifers IS uo to 22.00 Bulls 17.00 to 23 00 Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) 20.00 to 23.00 Veal, choice zt oo Stocks and Bonds Compiled by trie Associated Press June 14 ITOCK AVERAGES 30 13 13 60 Indus. Rails L'til. Stocks Monday Prev. Day Week Ago Month Ago Tear Ago W.i 44 8 42 2 71 9 98 6 97 3 90 7 5 0 43 5 43 2 31 4 42 2 41 7 42 3 42 1 71 7 7 02 713 S3 4 BONO AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Ra.ls Indust. Uti! Forgn 9.1.
7 -H 101.7 101 tt 6 93.6 101 8 101 8 62 5 93 0 101 6 101 7 61 8 92.3 1013 101 1 61 9 90 9 103 3 105 3 73.1 93 7-H 101 8 1H2 0 Mondiy Prev. -Day Week Ago Montn Ago Year Ago Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore. June 14 -iAPi-Butterfat tentative subject to immediate change. Premium quality maximum of 35 of 1 fx-r cent acidity delivered Portland 89-92c.
f.rit quality. 87-0Oe lb. second quality 81 vailev routes and country potnts 1c lesi irst 3i-88c Better Wholesale KOB bulk grade AA. 93 score 81c A. 92 score.
Soc B. 90 score, 7jc lb C. 90 cort. 75c lb. Above prices str.clly noni-inal.
Cheese Selling price to Pnrtlard wholesalers Ori-kon SO'j-oTi Oregon 5-lb loaf. 5j'j-o9i EgiCl To vi noloaler A grade, large 64'j-5jc do Meri'um 5 1 1 A grade, small nominal. grade, larue 46l2-48: EKs Purchased frcn farr.ers Current receipts. 4rtlJ-481i doz. Bavus pay 3-3'c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery egs Live chickens Paving price to firoducers No 1 biu.lns under 2' 32-33c lb: frvers 2 to 3 lbs.
35c lb: 3 to 4 lbs. 36c lb roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 35c lb fovl.
leghorn. under 4 lbs 22-23c lb over 4 lbs 25-2ftc; coiorrd fowl all weights. 29c lbb lJ weiKnt i4-27c lb. College for Women, Rut-Rabbits Average to retailers for locally dressed animal. 55-S0c; university, including Wlll- live.
white. 3o-32c lb colored 28-30c. iam H. Carlson of Oregon State MiwrrUneau PLAYER piano for sale at a sacrifice. Call 5657.
icrl laneou Davis Appliance Repair New owners. Formerly Paul Parker's repair. Washing machines, all house-bold appliances repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. All work guaranteed.
1117 Edgewater. W. Salem. Ph. 2-524 ROTOTILLTNG Phone 22122.
I.FS SPRINGER, men's batter. Court. Closed Sat, p.m. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repair OR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State 8r Com Ph 331 1 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 AUTO painting, lust a shade better by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 HAVE YOUR sewing machine repaired by qualified Singer representative Ph 3512 for free pickup delivery service on all makes of ma chines.
Free estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 Commercial Commercial Art Letterheads, cartoons, business slgs. trade marks, photo retouching. Bob Browne, Salem Engraving. Phone BIOL 215 S. Commercial.
WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffield Broa. Rt t. Box 423 Phone I-1. 11 Salem Sand Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Cleailng Dltcblng Sewer Basement Equipment Rental IS yds J12 00 per hr 10 B-' yds.
$80 per hr D-7 Cat a Dozer 1 80 per hr D-4 Cat Duzer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Da vs 0408 Evenings 824 or 24400 Salem Oregon Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 PUMPS. Universal pump sales. frompt repair service all makes. Stett-er Supply Co, 173 S. Liberty.
Phone 2-6038. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras 81 lene McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used piano St other musical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaouith Music Co 191 High USED FURNITURE Phone 9185 WantfMl Miscellaneous WILL BUY good used adding machine. Phone 4457. 18MM MOVIE CAMERA, magazine type. 1.9 I-en.
266 No. Capitol. CLEANRX5S7Hogg 260 State. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem REWARD: $1.00 each for aluminum Salem Motor R.R.
tokens, used years ago. Paul Fouts. 928-32 Seattle. iMnnrv tn Loan Private Money On Cars. Trucks.
Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Paymenta Rov H. Simmons 138 Commercial St Phone $168 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST Nst'l Bank (old quart ersi 1st Vacation Season Special Loan Service Short of time as well as Cash? Then see Personal where 4 out of who apply get a loan. Loans $25 to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on Furniture or Salary. Up to 20 months to repay.
$50 for 2 weeks costs only 75c Other amounts in proportion. Special lunch hour service for busy business men and women. For faster service phone first. We Like to say Yes Personal Finance Co. 518 State Rm.
125 Phone 1191 E. Gsllinger. mgr Lie. 5-122. M-165 QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN LVSTOCK FARM MACH NO COSIGNERS From S25.00 to S300.00 Lie No S-138 ON CARS OR TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS From S50.00 to $500.00 Lie.
No. M-338 MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr. S. of Ladd Bush 138 Commercial St Salem FARM and CI TV LOANS 4i and 8 Your own terms of repayment wlth-tn reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages.
CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone T182 Financial SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph 9261 5 EARNINGS ON YOUR" INVESTMENT We have a number of first mortgages on real estate, amounts $500 to $10,000.
to offer, net you 5 on your Investment. Examine the security yourself: Salem and vicinity. Call us at 4121 for particulars. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 High St.
Salem. Oregon Ed Byrkit and Companv FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4U H. A. construction loans. 339 Chemeketa Phone 5981 INTEREST net, on your surplus money: buy a first mortgage on Salem and vicinity property: examine security yourself, make your own selections.
Amounts to $500 to $10,000 mortgages now available. Come in and look over the list of mortgages now. State Finance Co. 152 S. High St Telephone 4121 Loans Wanted $2300 loan wanted.
Pay 8 first mortgage. Salem property. Inquire E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S.
Com! Ph. 25497 Fof Urn I ftooms SLEEPING PORCH for ladies with bath and parlor privileges. No smok- ing. No. Capitol KlCsT rm.
lot gentleman. felks. to state house. Elee. heat.
Ph. 4286. EEETP. employed gentleman. Call evenings.
Ph. 2-1726. NICE, CLEAN Ught house keeping room. Close in for emp. lady of good habits.
No smoking. $23 N. ComX St. Phone 2-5928. 2 NICE Sip rms in Hollywood Dist.
Call $768. Hollywood sip, rms. 2035 McCoy. 4Q93. NICE sleepingroom.
Ph. SXiP ING rm. for men. 7M N. Church.
Ph. 4333. I CLEAN, well furtW sleeping For Sal i i l. BUYS MODERN bedxm born, dbl plumb, V. blinds.
flrcpL. dbl garage, cor. lot $7 138. fruit and nut trees, extra 1 room over garage, oil heat, full baami. 1690.
5th. Phono 4561. OWNER LEA VINO town. Modern home. 2 bdrms, liv.s rm, din.
rm, kitchen with nook, utility, v. blinds. Insulated. Att. garage.
On double lot. Located 580 S. 16th. $8500. FOR SALE or trad, Modern horn.
1 Iiv, rm, din, krtch, gx rage. 3623 Pleasant View Drive. 4 BY OWNER: 3-rm. modern tious. Reasonable, terms.
2040 Maple Ave. PRICED TO sell: New and unfinished 2 bedrm. house. Two 80x150 lots with Urge garden. Good welL $1850.
Melvln Nichol. West Stavton. BY OWNER: To Nature Boy St family, beautifully situated home in wilderness of walnut, fruit, evergreen, oak trees, grapevines, shrubs, flowers. While that tiie coulter rusts: that should deracinate such savagery, you can make this place put up its lovely tn best garden In the world. i Mundane consideration: br.
If, fr. dng. hdwd. flrs, v. lge, kit, glassed in back porch, full bmU.
close bus lines, schools, ins. eitv So. Price $8500. TeL 6308 i eve. No PhUia-tinc.
please. BY OWNER, new 2 BR home. A hardwood floors. elc. heat, $7450.
Past Pen 4 Corners on Macleav road. RL Pox 8BE. FOR SALE or traaei 3 BR home fof acreage around Salem. Bv owner. Moore.
771 Rosemofit. W. Salern. SELL OR exchange for smaller home, modern 4 BR. home, furnace.
Call after 6 p. m. Sunday. 333 Miyion St. SMALL DOWNpyrnt 2 bdrrni hs ft- ukis.
qiu on roe. Ed Byrkit Co. Realtors U1' 1orr'- tLric- Con En, 1 BR. LR. Kitchen.
Breakfast Nook. Bath. Wired for range. Elec. hot wtr.
100x100 lot. $5500. Maybe GI. 1000 sq. hdw.
fir, elec heat, plastered. 2 BR. LR. Kitch, Breakfast Nook, large utility room! bath, plenty of closets, attchd. garage.
$8400. 4 Fireplace and basement, hardwood floors, plastered. 2 BR. bath. LR.
dm-ette. kitchen, built -ins. wired for rang nd electric hot water heater. Englewood district. $8950.
Three bedroom, elec, heat hdw. flr brand new. LR. DR. fireplace, utii roorn attchd garage.
Beady to go tZm Garden Road, new modern French type home. hdw. fireplace, piped air con. oil furn, unf in. attic, attchd garage, large lot 00x200.
fruit and berries. Exceptional buy. 813.500. ET BYRKIT AND CoTT 30 Chemeketa Ph. $981 or $70 Eveninxf 23277 NEW possession July first, slue co.
2 bedrooms, attached garage, ail elect ric utilities, very convenient term. 1 I bidroorn furnished home, lot 60x153'. rone ret foundation, wired for rang and water heater, oil heat. WiQ accept car part payment. $8100 To settle an estate Good on bed, room home with finished attic, cement foundation, livin- room, dining room, kitchen, oil heat.
lot 50'xl30 Good lo-CiS? bu and choola. S0500. 4. H1d or larger unfinished house, bedroom horn witll fireplace, bath living: room and dining rooms combined, kitchen, wired for bedroom home on lot 50 x100. with bath living room, dining room.
nook, built-in s. Venetian blinds, electric heating system, attached mil ai? refrigerator. Bendix and clock. $8750. nxou food 4 bedroom home with oak floors, double plumb 1' room, kitchen.
DUlIt-inS. haMnn 1 wired for ranee mnA LX vurrTTiri iifwirr rang $8950. P. H. Bell, Realtor 31 Chemeketa St.
tv Eves. 755f 8649 $4300 West Salem Neat 5 room home on paved street, lawn and shrubs. Sicknes In fanf causes this remarkably low prtceT 7,900 bedroom modern horn located State st. An older type house but Teplr- L' ot with law sj h.v 'csr Art 'Madsen I 1358 State St, Ph. S580.
Eves 3818 S750.00 Down G. I. mK bedJor' Kel2r. with hardwood floors, attached Saras' plastered on rock lath. $350.00 Down G.
T. foofed 2 bedroom home, over 1000 square feet of floor spacer Nice entry hall, d.nlng room. In Keizer. Make An Offer 1 On the up-and-down duplex.llocatv ed north In town. Call ws lor fuxth information.
a Abrams tV Skinner 411 Masonic: Bldr, Phone 9S1 Insurant. ADVERTISING Western AdrtrtiUng Representatives Ward-Oriffth Company, taav ana) FTaocieo Eastern Advertlsim I Representativea 'rd-Crtfftth Company, fa. Chicaro New York. DetreiL Atlanta Member -4 Padflc Coast DiiigfoB Bureau of AdrertlslritT Entered at (He Pestofftee at sW Oreoon gsraaa Cm af. rsiHuiM every msfls tfd- tesj office us South C4rasMrcal air.
4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES atari ftubeertprkm Rate Ad. vane: Wltato Ore foal Daily- and -Sunday. Me eenls. stkm. $3 ti I yar $4 wo Cieewher SO cents no $2 20 tor I rear ta advsne Per copy swats.
Oty Carrier. Tt ceerts a rot $00 a year ta advsa as i rtej TRXX falling, pruning. Call 0309 or 2-5838 for estimates. Curtains washed, stretched. Ph.
2-8343. LAWNS worked, seeded. Light trac. on rubber with doier. Ph.
-8750. Valley Engineering Co. Logging engineering, surveying. 600 Locust St. Phone 2r318.
CARE for child In my home. Ph. GARDENING' of all kinds, also lawns gut In. Ph 2-5834. 8 to 3 OTOTILLIR work.
Howie? Bros. Ph. 348 for appointment. Brush or spray. Roofs stained.
Paul Bassett. Ph. 2-2308. CEMENT WORK, large and small jobs, fh. 4398 or 3-3400 TXfirsiBiib on Spray Painting L.
Gottcnberg. ph. 4248 SEWERS and septic Unks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph.
2-5588. EXPERT HAND, circle and crosscut saw filing. AU work guaranteed. 1705 Yew St. Ray's Saw Shop.
Ph. 3305. CHTLPcare. Any age. Ph.
5788. Bookkeeping Call Wallace, 2-4JX CARPENTER work of all types. Re- pair and alteration. Ph. 25787.
I DO special and regular typing. 6 yrs. experience. Reasonable rates. Ph.
24401 from 9 to 6 weekdays. HIGH school girl needs steady work. Ph. 28702. WELL experienced young lady wish-es light housework and care of children for working parents.
Go home eves. Apply In person. 457 S. 8:30 pm. Ask for Miss Lennlnger.
WILL CARE for children In my home. Phone 7750. CHILD CARE, day or night. Call 21945 CUSTOM plowingand discing. Phone 2-5712 after 8 p.m.
Elmer Schmidt. Mc-Cain Ave. OIL CIRCULATOR furnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum used B. Ensley Ph 7176 house" pTansPTT9821 WEATHERSTRIPPINO and Crofoot Bros Phone 2-4658 LAWS MOWERS, scissors, knives 1 sharpened Dexter, 968 Center. Ph.
6833 Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation Industrial II. A ROBINSON 2214 TRONT, Salem Ph CHIMNEY sweep Nortnness. ph 4450 CEMENT CONTRACTING Phone 2-3045 Stanley FaX Painting Decorating i j.M44 DIC OREY 6265 PA IN TEH and PaDernanJcf Reasonable prices Free estimates. II Ph 3015 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers Ph 94r.8 or 5327 PAINTING papering Free estimate Ph 9513 857 Shipping.
Sewer Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains. Septic tanks cleaned reasonable. 5327 or 9468 Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine Service. Modern. Econ.
Easy Meth. Clears lines of Roots. Grease. Etc K. Hamel.
1143 8th W. Salem Ph 7404 WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair Lee Bros Furniture Refinishlng Co Ph 2-1233 4020 State St HAY to bale mow ing. Ph75or2 Salem. Neel Bice. AlNTTN'G and decorating, interior and exterior, roof spray.
Free estimate. Ph. 2-4815. For Sale Miscellaneous SUN and heat lamps, heating pads. electric comforters.
EATER APPLIANCE CO. FIREWORKS Parents, why don't you let your child make his spending money selling fireworks? A complete stock. Send for catalog. SAXL ENTERPRISES Agents. Wholesalers 1275 N.
9th Corvsllls. Ore. Ph. 1080R Or contact agent Wm. W.
Lasley, 458 Mill Salem. Ore son. ONE very nice mahogany poster bed. box rpnngs a mattress: chest of drawers to match: 2 twin size walnut veneer bedsteads. Morns chair and ottoman cheap.
One beautiful rose broadloom rug it pad. 12x24 ft 8-pc. mahogany dining set Call 8907. BAR RUN GRAVEL Ton Soil Cat. hovel and truck work of all kinds Llovd M.
Hill, Inc. Phone 2-4587 Rt. 2. Box 32B FOR SALE: 2 corn fed hogs, dressed. Ph.
2-2639 Will deliver "1 BATTERY brooder. 1 finished brooder. 2 oak brooders. All for $130. Garden tractor.
40 gal. h.w. tank and 120 bass sccordlon. 1205 Alder Ave. Phone 2-3871 Tim TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS GARDENS 8 SACKS $5 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere In Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph 8127 days: 2-4397 eve or 8127 USED ranges and water heaters.
YEATER APPLIANCE CO. PRESSURE cookers. Revere ware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. HAIR dryers, electric shavers, hair cuppers, vibrators YEATER APPLIANCE CO.
ELECTRIC mixers. waffle irons sandwich grill coffee makers, blend-ors. roasters, clocks door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. CHICKEN OR cow manure.
$1 per sack here at place Will del 9 sacks Ph 68F22 Phillips Bros Rt 8. Box 118 4 miles out State St CARDBOARD packing boxes snd sheets snv size 1790 Front PLASTER BOARD, walfboard. 4 x8' Ceillnr tile 8c wall plank Rt 7. Box 434A. McCain off Sllverton Rd.
TRACTOR tires reduced up to 20. All brand new. first quality Clearance to make room for Wards new extra Hi-Bar" tires 1 Sale includes most popular sizes. Quantities limited! Hurry 1 Montgomery Ward. 155 N.
Liberty PLASTI-KOTE for walls, woodwork, automobiles, linoleum, no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC irons, steam irons, metal Ironing boards, pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. INSERT oil burners, trash burners, oil circulators, room heaters.
YEATER APPLIANCE CO. FARMERS Milking rrTa-chlnes. butter churns, milk pasteurizers, fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. GRAVEL, sand and silt.
Delivered, or on your truck at the pit. Phone 6444. ELECTRIC ranges', water Sealers, washers Ironers. vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, radios recorders. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.
Pumice Blocks Tested and approved class Brick, cement, aluminum window, waterproofing materials, etc. BOOK BLDG. BLOCK CO. 8. River Rd.
Ph. 2-5873, eve. 5988 SECRETARY office desk and matching table. 820 State st. DAVENO and chair.
$180. Ph. 400 Beck ave. COUCH and chair $25. Daveno $50.
drop-leaf table and four chairs $20, standard Royal typewriter $44. port-able washing machine $15. oil heater $25, garden tractor $154. Route t. box 621.
south on Liberty road to Cun-nlnghsm Lane and turn right '4 mile. BENDIX ironer. practically new. Call after p. m.
at $44 N. 23rd or Ph. 624 IRRIGATION" pump. 6x5 Inch. Double outlet for flooding or single outlet for sprinklers.
Used guaranteed h.p. let type water pump and tank for home water system. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St. USED washing machine, good cond.
853. See at 1280 Lewis St. after m. WHEEL trailer, in. wheels, new bed and springs.
Ph. 2-5287. 11 CU. ft. bom deep freese.
St. CEDAR POSTS Ph CSTTl HEED doU buggy. Basklnette with skirt, mattress and alL Scarcely used. 3315 Abrams ave. GOOD wood used Universal range.
Looks like new. Grey with a lot of nickel trim. Easy to keep dean. 175 N. 15th.
Ph. 4291. HELP We have been caught with our dav-enos down (In price, that is). We are now offering a piece group consist' ing of daveno. swing rocker.
2 pillows. and matching ottoman, all for only 899.00 Thet Glen Woodry furniture Market. 1805 N. Summer St. The Store that Bargains BuiH.
MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES. 24M Broadway. MEW LUMBER. 2 $35 per M. Shlplap and 545 per M.
Cedar posts, cedsr shingles and paint. COMMERCIAL LUMBER CO. 3185 S. Com'l. Phone 2-3245 KKEE HAY for cutting.
Over 1 acre. 470 N. 24th. 1 ELEC. Portable sewing machine.
1 cabinet, treadle. 435 Pine St. DAVENPORT and chair, elec. stove, dinette set. rug and pad.
RL 1. Box 344-J. Wheatland. BALtD STRAW. flS ton.
Come and get It 2110 Mission St MODKHN GAS range. Built-in clrcu- latlng heater. $100. Practically new, verv clean. 2235 State.
3-PIECE Matched Used several times. N. 21t after 8 a.m. Airline luggare. $50.
Call at 1220 GOOD CANVAS boat. 1445 Center St River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MDX READY MIX AIL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1968 2-3100 ter St Wstkms Co product 1717 Cen Salem Ph 5395 free del PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A.
Approved 12th St Block Co 12th St at Vista Ave. 2-5383 Eveninn 8904 Tele COMMERCIAL range with grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO ALWAYS a big tock Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph M10 OIMTSbicycTe. good $18. 3825 Monroe Ave.
STOKE OWNERS. attention table top blue flash Brunswick refrigerator cnmnletely overhauled. Ph. 21675. DAVENPORT AND chair.
Rood con-rlifon. 2420 Laurel Ave. Ph. S624. JvTrtXv BERRIES.
16c U-pick. patch. '4 miles north of Lablsh Onter school. Lvle Klampe. GOOD UNIVERSAL electric range.
automatic oven. Ph. 2-6693. UABY GRAND piano. 5-piece light bedroom set.
wicker settee with 3 chairs. Wicker settee, table and chair. Summer St. WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE MODERN AND antique firearms.
Don Madison. 266 N. Capitol CLOSE OUT prices on check pro- I tector. electric eye. 40M BTU floor furnace complete like new: 266 No.
Capitol. 2 NEW MODEL 70. 30-06 with scopes; 2 Enfield Sptr. with receiver sights: Springfield Sptr. with K2.5 Weaver; 303 Savage reconditioned; 8MM Mauser Sptr.
with KT.5 Weaver; model 75 Win: Model 521T Rem. 22 Jr. TARGET: Savage 22 pump action: several fine 22 rifles; model 12. 16 both new and used: 12-gauge dbl. bbl.
field grade L. C. Smith at wsale-; 12-gauge single shot and dbl. 20-gauge bolt action like new: 38 Spls. 2" 8c 5" 4" bbL model HiStandard; 6" bbl.
HD-M HiStandard slightly used at close-out; beautiful antique FLINT LOCK and POWDER HORN. 268 North Capitol 3 USED outboard motors; 2 Evinrudes 2'i and 10 hp. 1 Johnson 2's hp. How-ser Bros. Ph.
3648. 16 ACRES red clover, alsike hay. You cut. Rt. 6.
Box 151L. M. Johnson. 4a miles East Pen 4 Corners. HEAVY steel clothesline posts, porch railings In stock and order.
25 bars 4" Chanel at cost. 1145 N. Liberty. NEW and used refrigeratorsT elec. ranges, some apt.
size. Gas ranges, some apt. size. Wood ranges oil ranges, dining room sets, radios. 'vacuum cleaners.
ice boxes, oil heaters, misc. '41 Pontiac station wagon with new '47 motor. Car in excellent cond. Liberal credit terms. Open until 10 m.
Hardman Bros. 4 ml. north ofisalem on Portland hlwsy. 8-MOST OLD cockTr pup, male. registered Ph.
5127. sEftVTCE statiorTbusinefs at inven-tory price. Dallas. Oregon. Good established business $2500 to $3000 to handle.
Ph Salem 4619 week days. 2-6045 or 3398 eves, a Sun. "MANS'blcyclersTSJ Sunnyview. PH. 2-3601 LUMBER Direct from sawmill.
Free delivery. West Salem Lumber Mill. 1050 Wallace Road. Phone 9593. LATE model 1947 fto Soulier.
$3. Howscr Bros. Ph. 3648. "TrrTLTTY trailer 4x7 3 ft.
High size, good $85. 1058 Howard. BARNYARD Chicken manure. Del $5 per cu rard Ph 68F23 Phillips Bros Rt 6 Box 1 1 8 12" SWING cutoff saw. hp.
motor. 16-ft. bench. 830 Union. DOMESTIC sewing machine $TFold-lng baby buggy $2.
New Model A rsdl-atorr. Rt. 9. Box 614. 1st door E.
of Bel-crest Memorial osrk. "BRAKD NEW WHH'l'LN SPINETpT: a no. Cost $745; sell for S479. 2045 N. 4th street.
TOLDrNG camp trailer. fl5d72085Tr. Com'l. STOPTN PUMILITE BLOCK SUPPLY CO. Edgewater St.
West Salem Empire Pumice Blocks Outside White Paint Norrls-Walker Aluminum Garage Doors Estimates Figured 18 FT runabout boat with 33 h.p. 1948 Evinrude motor. Will demonstrate. 3801. CHEAP 1 boy's Rollfast '41 bike and girl's Sheby Flyer bike.
Also '41. Ph. 8678. STRAWBERRIES, by crate, box or you pick. No children please.
Merrill's Greenhouse. Brooks. WASHING machine with mangle, full si7e. bed dinette set. Ph.
2-5198. COMBINATION gas and wood range. gas heater. Inq. 256 N.
12th. OLD style Frigidaire. good cond. Ph. 4771.
915 N. 18th. 2M FEET California Redwood IS" rustic; 10 Camp Adair windows snd screens, 40x54" opening; 4 lavatories: other items. 5th and Streets, Independence. 3 LB.
G.E. auto. iron. Calrod unit. lb.
G.E. iron. Ekco 4 qt. pressure cooker, new. 2880 Brooks St.
HOUSE TO WRECK H. L. STIFT TH0R6UGHBRD male sable collie punpy. Excellent perlgree. Ph.
25639. ICE BOX. good cond. R. Harvey.
RL 7, box 263 after 5:00 p.m. NEARLY new 2 horse disc. cullers. wheel. 2494 N.
Front. ELECTRIC pump in good condition $40. Rt. S. box 1176.
Ketrer dist. WHEELCTlAra. PfTHft. "BREAKFAST seU-fII30 to (2sio. S-piece chrome sets $45.50.
7-plece bedrm. suit $170.00: set of twin size box Lsprlnrs and lnnenprlng mattress $140.00 Al STKUT fUKfilTUm 1900 State St. Ph. T598 vValling Sand Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads Si drtvewsy Cement Heady -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulkdocing.
drainage and ditching 4 yd shovel Ss drag line Phone 8561 Ensilage Arrange daU to nave your ensilage delivered to your silo now from the Waeonda pea viner. Prion 24031. FILL DTRT lorl cheap from Stat Bldg. Inquire Capital and Court Sts. or Ph.
2-4002. ALL porcelain wood rang wtth oil burner, colls and not wtr. tank. $75. 4-wbeel farm trailer, $230.
RL 2. box 14. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore June 14 -(AP)-USDA)- North Portland livestock market still flooded. Receipts at four open plants over weekend include 790 cattle. ISO carves.
230 hogs and 600 sheep. Supply largely direct or bought to arrive. Limited trading on steady basis. Top and bulk good-choice 180-230 lb. hogs 28 00.
Good sows largely IS Good and choice feeder pigs held above 28.00 with demand urgent. Good -choice spring lambs largely OO with part of supply on shipping orders. Cattle trading about steady. Some good fed steers up to 91.00 on bought to arrive basts. Odd medium grass fat steers 2800-2900.
Good heifers to 28 00. Medium beef cows 22 00. Canners and cutters 17.00-19 00. Medium sausage bulls 23.50-24.tO. Good and choice veal-ers 28.00-30.00.
Dressed mest trade slow, generally steady except good steer 1.00 higher. Top 93.00. And veal 1.00 or more slower, top 90.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore-.
June 14 -AP-Whest: Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.30; soft white (etxrludlng Rev) 2 30, white club 2.30; western red 2.30. Hard red winter: Ordinary 130. 10 per cent 2 32; 11 per cent 2.40; 12 per cent 2 48 Hard white taart Ordinary 2 34; 10 per cent 2 94; 11 per cent 2 80; 12 per cent 2.M. Today's csr receipts' Wheat 2: barley 3. flour corn oats mill-feed 3.
Four Corner Visitor Is Guest at Lunrheon FOUR CORNERS Mrg. Stan Brarlrn entertained Thuriday at her home. 3890 La Branch complimenting her mother, Mrs. L. G.
Clapp of Cheyenne. Wyo. Dessert luncheon was followed by pinochle. Playing were Mrs. Ross Chris-man.
Mrs. Margaret Willis, Mrs. Marcy. Mrs Nora Pound. Mrs urnce ivasson.
Airs, nay vsoorn, Mis L. C'lnpp and Mrs. Bra- rk-n Mr Marrv, Mr. Chrirman. Mrs Willis and Mrs.
Clapp won hor oi s. New Stamps Arrive At Salem Postoffice a Arr.val of two new stamps, for which many inquiries nave Deen vl, unnniim-pH Monriav Al stamps are the three-cent Wisconsin centennial and the three-cent commemorative issue of four chaplains who died in the sinking of the S. S. Dorchester. AT LIBRARY INSTITl'TE NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J..
June 14 (Special )-Representatives of 25 s'ates attended a three-day Ld- brarv Lesislation institute at New college library, Corvallis, Ore, and Eleanor Stephens of Oregon state library, Salem, Ore. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OREGON FOREST DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS Pursuant to an order of the Oregon Ctmt P.narj4 nf FnrMlrv nnl rm hrhv Is fiven that all Issued and outstand- ing Oregon Forest Development Rev- enue Bonds have been called for re- demption on the 20th dsy of July 1948. at the office of the State Treasurer of 'the State of Oregon, room 103, State Capitol Building. Salem. Oregon, st par value and accrued interest.
The bonds representing or including serial number and par value called for re demption are as follows: Serial No. Par Value 31 to 81 Inc. 500 00 each 82 to 88 Inc. 100 00 each 70 to 100 Inc. 500 00 each 101 to 104 Inc.
100 00 each 105 to 109 Inc. 500 00 each Mat Date Jan. 1. 1994 Jan. 1, 1994 Jan.
1. 1994 Jan. 1. 1994 Jan. 1.
1994 110toll2Inc. 100 00 each Jan. 1, 1994 113 to 117 Inc. 500 00 each June 10. 1994 118 to 148 Inc.
100.00 each July 1. 1996 147 to 157 Inc. l.OOOOOeach July 1. 1998 158 to 180 Inc. 600 00 each Jan.
1. 1997 161 to 172 Inc. 100 00 each Jan. 1. 1997 Upon presentation and surrender st the office of the State Treasurer, room 103.
Capitol Building. Salem, Oregon, on or after the 20th day of July. 1948. of said bonds and coupons to be redeemed, the holder thereof will receive payment of the redempUon price and accrued interest. From and after July 20th.
1948. Interest cn the bonds called for redemption will cease to accrue, and all rights with respect to said bonds, except the right to secure the redemption price and accrued Interest to redemption date, shsll forthwith after such date cease and determine. Dated this 29th day of May. 1948. OREGON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY By N.
S. Rogers. My-29-J-15 Secretary NOTICE Or APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed as executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mae Ledgerwood. deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, sitting in probate, and has duly qualified as such executor: all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the undersigned at 205 Oregon Building. Salem.
Oregon, within six (8) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated st Salem. Oregon, this 25th day of May. 1948 CLAUDE WHITE, Executor of the Estate of Mae Ledgerwood. deceased.
RONALD C. CLOVER. Attorney for Executor. 205 Oregon Building. Salem.
Oregon. My25-J-l-8-15-22. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given that the undersigned baa filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County. Probata Department, her duly verf led Final Account as administratrix of the estate of George E. Lewis, deceased, and said Court has fixed Monday, the 28th day of June.
1948. at the hour Of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day as time, and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, In Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said Final Account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 25th day of May, 1948 MARGARET MILLER LEWIS. Administratrix of the aetata of George E.
Lewis, deceased. RONALD Ct GLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix. 206 Oregon Buildings, Salem. Oregon.
My-25-J-l-8-15-22. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that CARRIE ft. ROSS has been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, appointed administratrix of the estate of LEWIS BRADFORD, deceased. Any persona having claims against said estate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said administratrix at 31S Pioneer Trust Building. Salem.
Oregon, within six months from the data of this notice. Dated this 1st day of June. IMS. CARRIE B. ROSS Admin iatrstrlx of the Estate of, Lewis Bradford, Deceased.
RHOTT-N A RHOTEN SAM F. 1PEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem. Oregon. Attorneys for Administratrix.
J.1-S-1S-22-2S Livestock and Poultry FRYERS FOR sale. 2 to 4 lbs. Call 2-9712 after 6 p. m. Elmer Schmidt.
McCain Ave. BABY CHICKS varieties Weekly hatches. Lee's Hatchery. iMPROVKTTr day-old or started chicks and pullets for Immediate or future delivery Also a complete line of feed. Poultry equipment, remedies and seed: and garden tools.
Foxes Hatchery 2710 State St Phone 4009 WANT EST Any kind of cattle. bo A sheep Will call at farm Licensed 3t bonded buyers Prompt service I Snelhen Son 1930 Lancaster Dr 3alem Ph 2 1343 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer McCandltsh Rt 9. Box 233 Ph 8147 DEAD Su-k picked up of Ph Call dav and night servlo Sherwood 4432 or 4424 GUERNSEY Holsteln cow. A dandy. Call evm.
W. E. Pardo. 2393 Bluff St. Auctions Furniture Auction Wed.
night at 7 p. m. sharp at Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard. Located l1 mi. east of Salem on SU- verton Road.
Ph. 6098. ror convenience Mrs. Charles A. De Graff will sell her complete line of good furniture as 8- Diece mahoEanv poster bedroom suite.
secretary desk, blue silk Lawson chair, I and ottoman. 2 (rood davenport, lea-i drum top table. Duncan Phyfe type. Walnut Duncan Phyfe tir taoie. good overstuffed chair, walnut uun- can Phyre coiiee taoie.
comoinauon table and lamp, large gold leaf plate glass mirror, rug WUtnn and Alexander Smith 9x12 and 8x10. 5 piece i breakfast set. Ken cnlne GE tripie Kenmore washing ma- wli'p Mixmaster. dishes, canned fruit, tool MISCELLANEOUS AND FCRNITURE 10 A. LIVESTOCK AND MACHINERY 1 P.
M. New davenos. davenports and chairs. 5 piece dining et. 2 organs, beds and springs, and many miscellaneous articles.
10-20 McCormick Deering tractor on rubber. Trailers, posts, chickens and rabbits. Day old and veal calves Pigs of all sires. Cows, heifers, bulls, beef type stock. Tor your convenience we are always open.
Help Wanted Strawberry pickers, starting Monday. June 14. P. E. Sanders.
Rt. 7. Box 352. Ph. 2-2919 1 ml.
E. mi. Totem Pole TWO openings only available for competent routemen. preferably middle aged: car is necessary but capital la not. aside from small amount necessary for Initial order of merchandise.
Local or out-of-town. Contact Dist. R. Watklns Co. Products, 1717 Center St Phone 5395 1 STRAWBERRY picker? Sllverton- Chemawa road, l'i mi.
east Hazelgrei school. 1st road left. Peter Hasle- bacher. STRAWBERRY PICKERS 3 ml. of Brooks.
Inquire St ins tor Store, Arthur Morgsn. WANTED 6 or 8 strawberry plck-er for small patch. Ph. 2-5381. RELIABLE and cooperative middle age couple, semi or retired, to man- age rentals for consideration in rent in very good location.
Both parties apply in person. Ivan Martin, Masonic Rlrt? WANTED Strawberry pickers 18 A. Excellent berries. mi. N.W.
Ketzer. R. P. Barnwell. Rt.
1, Box 201. Ph 2-5957. Help Wanted Mule OREGON JOURNAL needs man for car route. See Miss Beatty. 433 Ferry St.
11 a to 7 p.m. TWO MECHANICS and a combma- tlon and paint man for permanent positions in ultrs modern shop in 4jor-vsllls Apply Pound Motor Company, WOODCUTTERS wanted. Phillips rt. 6, box 118. EXPERIENCED fender ac body men and mechanics.
See Mr. Gearhart, Valley Motor Salem. Help Wanted Female RELIABLE woman to help with house and children. Room, board, good wsses. Phone 9440.
BEAUTY operator wanted as an instructor. Phone 8141. ATTRACTIVE young lady for per manent fountain work. Capable of management. Local references.
Apply In person. 1997 N. Capitol. LADY for telephone work in own home. Give street and phone number.
Write Box 234, co Statesman. GIRL FOR stenographic position. Must be able to take rspid dictation. Experience not necessary. See Mrs.
Pickett. 355 N. Liberty. RELIABLE WOMAN for housekeeper. 2 adults and 2 children.
References. 430 Summer waitress. Days, fio phone calls. Black 4 White Coffee Shop WANTED Beauty operator, exp. or non-exp.
Good salary, comm. basis in large payroll town. Rooms available. Write Box 1024 Sweet Home, or 38 W. Ash Lebanon.
Phone Lebanon 1381 davv EXP. lingerie salesladies! Apply ai Sallys. CASHIER wanted Give experience and references. Write Box 189 co Statesman. "BEAUTY operstor.
Beauty 58lon. Ph. 3921. Salon sir conditioned EXPERIENCED bookkeeper itelT Norrls Walker Chemical 1780 N. Front.
Ph. 2-19Q8. EXPERIENCE!) housek eeper for two adults. Can go home nights. Phone 4341 EXP.
stenographer. Steady employ-ment. Send appucaUon to Statesman. Box 238. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN for Fireworks Co.
Exceptional earnings. Merchants need the merchandise. I need men to supply them. SAXL ENTERPRISES. 1275 N.
rth Corvallis. Oregon. Phono 108O-R. tWO VACUUM cleaner salesmen lot outside selling. Guaranteed draw plus J'ood commission.
Excellent opportun-lie. Writ Box 103. Situation Wanted CLASS A Machinist tool-die maker wishes employment wtth local firm. Haa complete) knowledge of machine design, largo or small. John Kolshl.
H. 4. Box 462-E. Palnfm ntina. brusn or sorav Ph.
1-J5I1 WILL care for children in my bom. Ph. 5497. 2020 John St. LIGHT dozer work, discing.
Ph. iRONINQ done in my home. Ph. $31 Barns Whitewashed Fly control guaranteed, any kind of tree sprayed. Pn.
2-eMe. For Rent Room LGE. kit, priv. Ph. 8c radio.
Also bed for man. 5oc per day. p. 8048. tor Kent Apartments 2 RM.
APT. Private bath. No drink-era or smokers. 1135 N. 21st.
courts ready to rent. 4 rooms and bath. Partly furnished. Inquire 13th and Rural Sts. Ph.
9561 after 5. CABINS by week. Cam Joy Motel. ALL MOO. 3 rin.
lu.n. or senu-iurn. apt. $60 Ph. 2-5514.
CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. middle aged lady preferred. 645 Ferry. FURNISHED choice tf 2 or 3 rms. Also sleeping rooms.
330 Mission. 1 RM. apt. with private entrance for 1 or 2 girls. $25.
Ph. 4961. FURN. modern couple. Id Bush.
2 rm. apt. Ph. 91 Emp. NEW 3 rm.
apt. with" bath, stove and refrigerator. 1 block from State build-Ines. 1196 Chemeketa. FURN.
light housekeeping room. 2605 Maple ave. Ph. 25093. For Rent Houses NELSCOTT Beach cottage.
Ph. 6160. V1ALL hou-c for rent. 1225 S. 25tn.
LAHGE ii.rnished house luily equipped, ready ISth of June and available till the first of September. All utilities paid. $200 per mo. 2 bedroom home fullv furnished with living room, dining room, kitchen and $80 per mo. P.
H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa Phone 4896 For Rent MODERN OFFICES for rent Ph. 8:89 TRAILER house. Adults only. Also trailer space.
1730 N. Water St. IRONERS by the week Phone 2-4439 U-DRJVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 Liberty Ph. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner.
Wallace Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877 GOOD Used Piano Stiff CAT. AND SHOVEL work, excava-tion. trenching and scraper work. Call Ha Worsen Construction Co. Phone 4047 or 60O8 ATMORAYS.
Ozone Good health Rent-sell Pugh 684 17 4692 TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets furnished Smitty's Clipper Service. Center and Church. Phone 9600 TRAILERS 75c first hr, SOc brs following Woodry Mkt, 1803 Summer TRAILER Space, shad, clean rest rooms, Reasonable rates. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N.
River Road. Wanted to Rent FURNISHED house, small preferred, close in. for couple. Ph. 7483 from 9-5 30 WORKING couple desires partially furn.
2 bedrm. apt. or house. No children. Contact Mrs.
Johnson. Ph. 4171. ext. 391.
between Sam. and 3 p.m. THREE bedroom fully modern fur-nished or unfurnished house. Will lease. Reasonable rent.
Writ Rev. A. E. Butcher. 2901 Gough st, apt.
201. San Francisco 23. California. OFFICE manager and wife want nicely furnished apartment. No pets.
To $75 Call Independence S6J Collect. TELEPHONE employe and ex pec t- nt wife need small furn. apt. or 1st. Call 4648 after house by July 5:30 m.
EMPLOYED lady and yr. old boy desire 3 rm. furn. apt. Close in.
Ph. 4171 ext 537. SINGLE professional man desires nice furnished 2-3 room apt. Statesman box 235. Lots 80 242 LOT.
paved street. 8 rows of 1st yr. bo pen berries bearing. Keizer Dist. West end of Evans Ave.
South side. Business Location Near State Buildings Lot 79x141. zone 3. could utilize old house. Drive by 1338 State.
Ph. 835 for further detail. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate Broker OR TRADE: Lots. 6 to get. Excellent for court site.
Englewood 13SO Jefferson. 2 LOTS NORTH on Cade each 60x187. All set out to berries. $1200 for both. Write or call at 3590 N.
River Rd. No Sundav calls. LOTS ON FISHER ROAD. Ph. or 2-1156.
LOT 56 98 in College addition on Dallas Rd. Phone 4455. VIEW LOT: Nice view. Paved street. Kingwood district.
Phone 9537 eve nines. Phone 4641 Days. SUBURBAN building site. Lot SO 183. Fisher Road.
Phone 2-6133. VIEW LOT $950 100 163 walnut trees, city water. power, bus. Inquire 2693 Huisey off Ratcliff between So, 12th St, and 99E highway. BY OWNER: Lar irge lot on paved dead-end street.
Excellent location. Priced right. Ph. 23. River and Highway Frontage Close in north, frontage lot suitable for drive-in restaurant or mar ket.
Terms available. M. 0. Humphreys Co. Realtors PortUnd rd.
Ph. 7220 mt S43M Fof Sale Ileal Ektalc IMAGINE BEING ABLE TO BUT A 5-bdrm. home, furnished, including radio, GE ref, washing machine, and en extra lot for only $7350. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St.
Ph. 2-4793 NEW f-bedrm. house, ait, Saras, elee. beat. 100x183 ft.
lot, walnut trees, view, nice district, city water, bu. $9300. 2895 Huisey Ave. Off Ratcliff between SVC end B. I2tn St.
"T-BtDRiL East: newly orated. Large lot. Ph. 2241. orated.
Large EOOD J-bdFrn. horn. acT US UofiZ tnrstd. Off Huisey Ave. BY ER TNe 2-bdrm.
boo with larg attic floored. Oil floor furnace. Hardwood floors throurhout. Large lot. North near Xeizr.
SftoOO; good lenn. Ph. 2-UU2. old or heav. 15-18c Breeder turkevs No.
1 hens. 47-48c lb. net to producer on dressed bai. No. 1 toms.
43-44c lb someu higher. Fresh dressed meats' All prices are nominal due to interruptions of normal marketing and processing procedures by the flood. Country killed meats Vesl Per pound, top light. other grades according to weight and quality. Hogi Light blockers.
32-34c; sows, 18-28c lb. Lambs 44-47c lb mutton 12-22c lb Beef Good cows 40-4c lb csn- ers and cutters 3V37c. Wool Coarse, valley and medium kyade. 45c Jb. Mohair 25c lb.
on 12 month growth Onions 50 lb. old crop, Australian browns. $4 35-4 50 new crop Texa wine wax. $4-4 23. ellow Bermudas.
$4 4 25. babosav 50. Potatoes New crop iVlifornia white rose. 100 ibs. size B.
$2 tome lower. Hay (Following prices sre strictly nominal): U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa pr better carlots FOB Portland.
$41.42. U. S. No. 1 timothy, eastern Oregon or Washington carlots FOB Portland.
$40-40: oats and vetch "mixed hay, uncertified clover hay. nominal. Hay (new crop) V. S. No 2 green tlfalfa or better, carlots FOB Port-ind.
$32 38. Needlecraft PARK SPARK vow fO Half th fun of housekeeping li the trimmin'g! Such as embroidering: these gay romantic towels to give your kitchen an original touch. Tea towels you'll love, in embroidery you'll find easy. Pattern 718; transfer of 6 motifs 6x7 Inches. Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos, concise directions.
Send TWENTY CENTS la coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Laura Wheeler, 1st and Stevenson Ran Francisco. Calif. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME, AD-DRESS with ZONE. bend FIFTEEN CENTS right now for your Laura Wheeler Neediecraft Book I The best need leers ft catalog ever published, with 101 Uiuatrauons of the finest embroidery, crochet, knKtlng, home decorations, toys, sccesaorles. Printed in this book are FREE instructions for weaving oa buck toweling the newest hobby I 9mfi va.
472 N. Liberty..