Jun 2, 2017

8Sivan, 5777


University ofExcellence

President /Regent


הודעה עבורבנימין נתניהו

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__________________________________________________ CHINA AND THE KINGS OF THEEAST


הודעה עבור בנימיןנתניהו


__________________________________________________ "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo,these from the north and from the west; and these from the land ofSinim."
Isaiah 49:12

"Sinim" was the name of a distant Orientalregion. Wilhem Gesenius, a German biblical critic and Semiticlanguage scholar, commented that "TheArabians and other Asiatics called China Sin, or Tchin; the Chinesehad no special name for themselves, but either adopted that of thereigning dynasty or some high-sounding titles. This view of 'Sinim'suits the context which requires a people to be meant 'from far,'and distinct from those "from the north and from thewest."

"Andthe sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates;and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings ofthe east might be prepared."


God created the

EuphratesRiver."Thename of the third river is Tigris, the one that flows east ofAsshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates"(Torah: Beresh*th /Genesis 2:14).

The river of the same name marked one of the boundaries of the landpromised by God to Abraham and to his descendants: Isaac, Jacob,and to the end of his seed

line. In the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh)it is often referred to simply as "The River" (ha-nahar). (Torah:Beresh*th / Genesis 15:18).

The Euphrates marks the north-eastern border of the land Godpromises to Abram:

"To your descendants I give thisland from the wadi of Egypt to the Great River, the riverEuphrates" (Torah: Genesis 15:18 in theJerusalem Bible)

God tells the Israelites to go to the Promised Land:

"Start out andmake your way to the hill country of the Amorites and to all theirneighbors in the Arabah, the hill country, the Shephelah, theNegeb, the seacoast, the land of the Canaanites, and the Lebanon,as far as the Great River, the river Euphrates."( (Torah: Devarim /Deuteronomy 1:7).

God (through Moses) promises the Israelites the PromisedLand:

"Every place where you set thesoles of your feet shall be yours. Your borders shall run from thewilderness to the Lebanon and from the River, the river Euphrates,to the western sea." (Torah: Devarim / Deuteronomy11:24).

The Lord says

"Your King will make peace amongthe nations; He will rule from sea to sea, from the Euphrates Riverto the ends of the earth." (Tanakh: Zechariah 9:10) THE GREAT EUPHRATES RIVERAND PROPHECY OF REVELATION 16:12

The great River Euphrates is the water boundary separating the HolyLand (promised by God to Moses, Abraham, Israel) from Asia to theEast. Because of dams constructed in the last century to divertwater for irrigation, there are at times little or no water in theriver bed. The act of the sixth angel in pouring out his vial uponthe River Euphrates may have more to do with soil impaction oralignment than hydrological forces.

However, it could be that the Euphrates River

due to some kind of engineering ordredgingmay befed with a network of tributaries in the future. At any rate,regardless of the Euphrates having more or less water in thefuture, it will be a viable variable in the logistics of the futureand the Eastern "region kings" who play a key part in end timeprophecy.


In the last days their will be a major military, political, andeconomic force that arises from the East. This force will NOT befrom just one national entity, but will be a confluence of severalregional powers in the East ... and NOT from just the Pacific Rim.Direction in the Holy Bible is always oriented from Jerusalem,Israel. So these "kings of the east" can represent forces in theNear East, Middle East and/or Far East.

This force may be an amalgamation of national and cultural socialinterests flowing together for advancement, protection, control andpower. One or more of the region kings may be a separate entity,however, working either in cooperation with or separately from theother region kings. However, these region kings will movesimultaneously or in approximation to or with each other. Thetiming will be in prophetical precision and It will be asynergistic force that will be in effect designed by God as "pawns"to bring about the establishment of His Kingdom on earth.

However, even though this force from the East fits into the endtime plans of Almighty God, the regional EPM (Economical -Political - Military) powers will NOT have as their goal(s) theservice of God. They will in effect be drawn (inspired) by Satan todo his bidding.

There are / will be several players in this field of"region kings." In the following discussion, we willreview some of the major players; however, keep in mind, that anypower adjacent to the Euphrates River and beyond (easterly) may bea candidate for this role. This would include present day Iraq,Syria, Eastern Turkey, the southern steppes of Russia (from theformer USSR), Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Mongolia,North and South Korea.

We will now discuss some of the more poignant players at thispresent time from the "region kings" of the East. [Note: Iran willnot be included in this discussion because, even though it could beincluded in the area of the region kings of the East, this sectionis more directed to the area of "Sino Asian Emergence." Iran iscovered in several other sections of the

U of E site:

Israel and Middle East
Islam and Its Teachings
Turkey and Word War Three


China's Silk RoadResurrected. “One Belt, One Road.”

  • 21st Century version of the ancientSilk Road traveled by Marco Polo.

  • President XiJinping [chi-jin-ping] hosts the so-called Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) Summit.

  • The BRI is Xi’s$1 trillion – with a "T" -- plan to build state of the art roads,ports, pipelines and airports that will link China to 110 countriesaround the world and make Beijing the epicenter of world trade fordecades to come.

  • The initiative isa brazen attempt to seize worldwide economic leadership from theUnited States.

  • Xi sees anopportunity to bind emerging trade partners to him by offering themaccess to China’s vast consumer market.

  • Xi is offering alot of money and infrastructure to a lot of recipient countries whohave a pressing need for their economies to bemodernized.

  • China iseffectively applying soft power in a very visible way. It wants tobecome what the USA has been until now – the leader of the worldeconomy.

  • Among the massiveinfrastructure projects being offered to potential partners, Chinawants to build a port in Pakistan, complete a China-to-Myanmarpipeline, giving it access to Middle East crude oil, and dredge anddeepen the historic Greek port of Piraeus.

  • For Xi, thismeans showing that the rest of the world is girded to China, andthat all roads lead to Beijing.

Reference: John Moody, ExecutiveVice President, Executive Editor for FoxNews

China's economywill be larger than that of the USA by 2030.
China controls:

  • The Port of LongBeach (on the West Coast ofUSA);

  • Both entrances to thePanamaCanal; and,

  • Thekey NAFTA Mexican port city of LazaroCardenas at the southern tip of the NorthAmerican Union highway. China and many other countries have wantedto take away control from the USA for many years.

Prohibition of imports of USproducts are now in place unless they are based on intellectualproperty that is developed and/or owned in China. U.S. productscannot be sold in China unless companies give China theircurrent patents plus their research anddevelopment of new products.

The longtime

consensusamong government andbusiness elites has been that as China became richer, its interestswould become more like the FREE world. It didn't work out thatway because China is a Communist totalitarian country striving formilitary and economic superiority and still tortures, kills, andimprisons Christians.

In 1949 China began to eliminate all religious entities from theirborders. When Mao Zedong ("Chairman Mao") took over power hereferred to religion as "the opium of the mind."

China, today,is still one of the most repressive forces of Christianity in theworld, with many Christians belonging to the "house" churches beingtortured and imprisoned.

NOTE: The "house" churches are those NOT registered with thegovernment. In an attempt to control Christians, the governmentrequires that all churches register with them. The governmentcontrolled church is called the "Three-Self Patriotic Movement."Millions of born again believers are part of the "house"churches and are NOT aligned with the government authorizedchurches.

There are about 12 million registered believers in the official"State" churches and over 100 million believers in thenon-registered "house" churches. The Chinese government tells theregistered "3 Self" churches: 1. Where they can worship; 2. Who canworship (only those over 18); and, 3. What they can teach.


President Richard Nixon opened trade agreements with China in 1972.After Chairman "Murderer" Mao died in 1976, certain of theCommunist leaders realized that to succeed in world market sharethey must attempt to pattern what the leading non-communist nationswere doing. These leaders realized they must move toward"capitalism" to become competitive in world trade, but they decidedto "code" their terminology in new language so they would still beidentified as communistic. New terms, such as "market socialism"and "socialism with Chinese characteristics" were coined.

The new economic leaders decided upon a four pronged plan of attackto help them become competitive in world trade. This plan was knownas the "Four Modernizations" and included:





They realized that their previousprograms of mass starvation, torture, forced labor, and personalregimentation were achieving the opposite of motivating the"collective" Chinese people.

In 1978 Deng Xiaoping became the key Communist leader in Chinamainly because of his economic expansionist plans leading China outof an abysmal position of market share production. Having been asluggard in production due to Marxist / socialist control ofmanufacturing, China had been far behind the leading nations of theworld until then. China decided to model other successful nationsin the Far East: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, andSingapore. These countries were referred to as the East AsianTigers, and all of which were non-Communist, free marketeconomies.

As an indicator of how far China has come in world trade, at thistime the USA purchases 40% of its consumer goods from the Chinese.China now produces two-thirds of the world's DVD's, photocopiers,shoes, and microwaves ... and that's just a small part of theirproduction landscape.

As for information and communications technology, China hasovertaken the USA. And, China is expanding its export market fromthe USA, Europe, and Japan to Latin America, Africa, and thirdworld countries. For example, China’s foreign investment in Africahas increased from $1.5 million in 1991 to $1.2 billion in2005.

The KEY move right now by China is to obtain security in oil andenergy imports to supply its great expansion in production andstandard of living. China is investing money in oil and energyprojects in countries where the West (USA, EU, etc) placessanctions. (For example, countries where US companies are NOTallowed to do business.) China is also building factories close toraw materials in African countries, and providing them with foreignaid, military equipment, building infrastructure, and formingfavored agreements to foster friendship. (See the News Release in"Other Resources" below as an example.)

Major leaps in banking have been effected by China. Even AlanGreenspan said China's central bankers “just a few years removedfrom isolated central planning, have become major players inoperating the global financial system.” Chinese centralbankers now play important roles in the BIS (Bank for InternationalSettlements) in Switzerland and in the IMF (International MonetaryFund).

With all its increase in productivity, China has NOT becomeless of a threat in the area of human rights. And, it issoon planning major efforts in redistribution of wealth because ofinternal division in the areas of wealth and literacy between theurban wealthy and poorer citizens. Also, corruption in all levelsof government is a major problem.

China is the most populated country in the world, and has thethird-largest economy. It is also the third-largest exporter. Chinacontrols (owns) over $2 trillion in foreign currency reserves. Andin the worst global recession since the Great Depression, It wasthe only large economy that was growing in the global economicrecession of 2008-2011(since the Great Depression of 1929 thru1934).

In 2012-2013 China overtook the USA as the #1 oil importer from theMiddle East; however, more than just oil ... it is has alreadybecome the largest energy consumer in the world overall taking intoconsideration all forms of energy. It uses more coal than the restof the world combined. China/ automobile production reached 16million compared to 14.5 million in the USA recently. In the nottoo distant future, China may become the world's leadingnation.

Because of

"quantitativeeasing" and other economic factors of theUSA since 2008 that fed potential hyper inflation, the USA leanedon Communist China to purchase US Treasury Bonds. China is forcedto support the US ... and recently Europe ... because these are twomajor markets for China's products. FACT: 83 members of CommunistChina's National People's Congress (NPC) are billionaires in termsof US Dollars. NOTICE:A multiple formation planned by Satan. At the same time as theKings of the East are being forged militarily, politically andculturally, so is an economic front that will force itself intothe New GlobalGovernance: The formation of a global elitesector: a small group of people ... extremely wealthy and powerful... who control political and economic sectors is in preparationfor the "globalequalization." OTHER PLAYERS IN THE SINOASIAN EMERGENCE

Note: All the creditor nations are in Asia: China, Korea, Japan,Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the large amounts of assets inAsia. All of the debtor nations

(USA, UK, etc.) are in theWest. SCO

  • The ShanghaiCooperation Organization – SCO

  • Founded 2001:China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajiistan, andUzbekistan.

  • Nations with“observer” status: Mongolia, India, Pakistan, Iran.

  • Will account forHALF of production of the world.


  • Brazil, Russia,India, and China

  • Looks like willbe more than HALF of GDP on Planet Earth in 20 years.

  • AsIndia, China, and revitalized EU overtake the US, there will be atransformation of the global scene.” David Mason, The End of theAmerican Century

The People's Bankof China is now calling on the world to replace the US Dollar asthe world's reserve currency and for the IMF to issue a new, single“super-sovereign” currency.


  • India isexpanding port control in Indian Ocean: Pakistan, Sri Lanka,Myanmar (Burma), Bangladesh.

  • India has greatR&D, software, services, and simulation packages and is a KEYplayer in world trade. Note: 25% of the world's NEW workers eachyear are in India.


  • Pakistan'smilitary, although smaller than India's, is greater in per capitanumbers.

  • Both Pakistan andIndia are evenly matched in missile and nuclearfacilities.


Indiahas the second largest military manpower in the world (second onlyto China).

WhileIndia has maintained an average annual growth of 8.8% in the recentyears, the failure of the government to control terroristactivities recently have put a dampening effect on new businessventures. Also, India and Pakistan are nuclear sparringpartners.

Chinaand India are the accelerating force in world markets; however,most of the key economists feel that China will be the drivingforce in controlling the current global economic meltdown and bethe major player in economic recovery.

Here is information onIndia as an Economic SuperPower.

China and India will serve asnearly twice the engine for growth as of the United States and theEuro Zone combined by 2025.


Pakistan has a does NOT follow a "no first use" policy with regardto nuclear attack. It "will / can / probably" attack India (oranyone it want to) without notice or even aggravation by theopposing force. This is fundamentally a "super threat" because ofIslamic militancy. In recent months terrorist forces have attemptedto militarily encircle the central storage facilities for thePakistani nuclear weapons armory.

"If apurely conventional war were to take place between both thesecountries, India would most likely overpower Pakistan owing to itssuperior military technology and infrastructure, larger manpower,more territorial area and a strategic advantage in its sea and airforces. It must also be noted that a war between these twocountries will matter more than India’s conventional superiority asboth these nations are nuclear powers on an equal deadlock. Indiahas maintained a ‘no first use’ nuclear policy in the lines of asimilar policy by China while Pakistan does not have any suchpolicy, considering their only hope against India is in nucleardeterrance. It would be risky for India at the present scenario togo into any aggressive war against Pakistan as the repercussionswould be serious a nuclear devastation for bothcountries." Aby the Liberal / TheInternationalist


News Release: Sat Jan 28 2012 at3:55 pm GMT The African Union inaugurates itsnewly built Chinese-funded headquarters in the Ethiopian capital,Addis Ababa. Iraq suffers as Euphrates Riverdwindles: NY Times 2009-07-14 India vs. China on MilitaryStrength - Conventional and Nuclear. Nuclear Missile Forces: USA vs.China vs. Russia.

To compare the military strength of the nations of the world -excluding nuclear capability - go to:

www.globalfirepower.com/.You will see that China and India are two out of the four topplayers in the world. They rank as follows:





Again, this does NOT take intoaccount nuclear capabilities: the ranking above is based solely ona nation's capabilities from land, sea and air (with otherstatistics covering the logistical and financial aspects of wagingwar). But if you include nuclear capabilities, then the "kings ofthe east" (east of the Euphrates River) who would be formidablemilitary threats would have to include: Pakistan, North Korea,Japan, Iran and Turkey. We are NOT including Iran or Turkey in thissection, "Sino Asian Emergence," as we cover Iran and Turkeyelsewhere, as mentioned above. SUMMARY

In conclusion, it is evident that China and India are two of thefastest growing economic and military powers in the world.The

Euphrates River will be driedup (maybe having more to do with soil impaction oralignment than hydrological forces).in the future to prepare the wayfor the kings of the east.

Whether or not the Euphrates Riverhas more or less water in the future (from increased flow oftributaries or from mechanical dredging) remains to be seen. But... the Euphrates River will be a vital variable in thelogistics of the Eastern "region kings" who come (or, are drawn) tothe battle of the great day of El Shaddai, God Almighty.(Brit Chadashah: Revelation 16:14)

In the last days their will be a major military, political,and economic force that arises from the East. This forcewill NOT be from just one national entity, but will be a confluenceof several regional powers in the East ... and NOT from just thePacific Rim. Direction in the Holy Bible is always oriented fromJerusalem, Israel. So these "kings of the east" canrepresent forces in the Near East, Middle East and/or FarEast.

The SinoAsian Emergence is a KEY construct in end times propheticfulfillment. The rapid Sino Asian Emergence that isdeveloping now is a sign of the END TIMES. In Asia ... as in othersectors of the world ... the stage is being set where the kings ofthe east will have their function in the final days of Planet Earthwhen Messiah comes to establish His Kingdom.

Make sure youknow Messiah personally … before He comes to Earth … or before youdie. Be ready. If you are NOT sure you will go to Heavenwhen you die, then pray this prayer:

God of Abraham, Isaac andJacob, if Yeshua is really my Messiah, then reveal Him to me … andI will serve you the rest of my life. Help me to live for You, andtake me to Heaven when I die. Amen!”


"And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great riverEuphrates;
and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings ofthe east might be prepared."

Brit Chadashah:Revelation16:12

Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

Your friend,

Prince Handley
President / Regent

University ofExcellence

Podcast time: 15 minutes, 23seconds


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.