Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (2024)

Lines and Angles

Lines are the most basic shape that we learn about in Geometry. Almost all the shapes are formed when multiple lines come together in particular positions and orientations. In this chapter, we’ll learn all about a pair of lines, their properties and so on.

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Pair of Lines

  • Point: A point is an exact location and is represented by a fine dot made by a sharp pen on a sheet of a paper. Thus, A is a point, as shown in the adjoining figure.

Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (9)

  • Line: Line is the collection of points which has only length, not breath and thickness. A line is a straight path that is endless in both directions. We denote it by AB or BA.Note that a line has no endpoint.

Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (10)

Browse more Topics under Lines And Angles

  • Basics of Geometry
  • ParallelLines and Transversal
  • Angles and its Types
  • Properties of Angles
  • Related Angles
  • Interior and Exterior Angles of Triangles

Intersecting Lines

A pair of lines, line segments or rays are intersecting if they have a common point. This common point is their point of intersection.For example, two adjacent sides of a sheet of paper, a ruler, a door, a window and letters.

Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (11)

Parallel Lines

If a pair of lines lie in the same plane and do not intersect when produced on either side, then such lines are parallel to each other.

Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (12)

If L and M are two parallel lines, we read it as L is parallel to M. We know that two lines in the same plane either intersect or are parallel to each other. However, these two lines L and M, lying in the same plane are parallel if they do not meet anywhere, however far they are extended.

Note that the distance between two parallel lines is the same everywhere. For example a railway track, opposite sides of a blackboard, two opposite edges of a door etc.

Transversal Lines

A straight line which cuts two or more straight lines at distinct points is called a transversal line. For example, a railway line crossing several other lines.In the figure, t is a transversal line and l, m are parallel lines.

Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (13)

Let us study Parallel lines and Transversal lines in detail.

Solved Example

Question 1: Give an example of intersecting lines and parallel lines from your surroundings.

Answer :

  • Parallel lines: the railway tracks
  • Intersecting line: roadways

Question 2: In the adjoining figure-

  1. Name all the lines present in figure
  2. Find pairs of intersecting lines
  3. Find the parallel lines.

Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (14)

Answer :

  1. Line A, line B, line C, line D
  2. Line A and line C, line A and line D, line B and line C, line B and line D, line D and line C.
  3. Line A and line B

Question 3: Prove that distance between two parallel lines is the same everywhere.
Answer: Parallel Lines are lines that never intersect each other. Thus, the distance between them always remains the same.

Question 4: Can two lines intersect at more than one point?
Answer: No, two lines can’t intersect at more than one point.

Question 5: How many transversals can you draw on any two given lines?
Answer : Infinitive

Question 6: If a line is a transversal to 4 lines, at how many points will it intersect them?
Answer : 4 points

Question 7: Is it necessary that a transversal can intersect only parallel lines?
Answer : No, it is not necessary that a transversal can intersect only parallel lines. A transversal can cut any two lines.

Question 8: Which pairs of lines are parallel?

Answer: When the slopes of the two lines are equal then the two lines will be parallel. Moreover, two lines will be perpendicular when their slopes are negative reciprocals of each other. In addition, the slopes of these two equations are the coefficient for the value of x. Thus, both slopes are equal so the lines are parallel.

Question 9: What equation represents a straight line?

Answer: Commonly, the equation of the straight line is y = mx + c, where m is the gradient, and y = c is the value where the line cuts the y-axis. Moreover, we call this number c the intercept on the y-axis.

Question 10: What is a straight line in mathematics?

Answer: It refers to a set of all points between and extending beyond two points. Furthermore, two properties of straight lines in Euclidean geometry are that they have only one dimension, length, and they extend in two directions forever.

Question 11: How to prove that two lines are perpendicular?

Answer: They are perpendicular when their slopes are negative reciprocals. In addition, for finding the slopes, we must put the equation into slope-intercept form, y = mx + c where m equals the slope of the line.

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Pair of Lines: Intersecting, Parallel and Transversal, Videos and Examples (2024)


What are 5 examples of parallel lines? ›

The real-life examples of parallel lines include railroad tracks, the edges of sidewalks, rails of a ladder, never-ending rail tracks, opposite sides of a ruler, opposite edges of a pen, eraser, etc.

What is an example of intersecting and parallel lines? ›

Question 1: Give an example of intersecting lines and parallel lines from your surroundings. Answer : Parallel lines: the railway tracks. Intersecting line: roadways.

What are examples 2 lines cut by a transversal in real life? ›

Here are some examples of parallel lines cut by a transversal, in our surroundings:
  • Tiles on the floor.
  • Grills on windows and in doorways.
  • The checkered pattern on bedsheets, dining tablecloths, shirts.
  • Chessboard.
  • Graph paper.
  • Bookshelves.
  • Main roads and internal roads.
  • Railway tracks- the rails and sleepers across them.
Oct 28, 2020

What is a real life example of two lines intersected by a transversal? ›

The road crossing the railroad tracks is one example. The railroad tracks are parallel lines. The road crossing the railroad tracks is the transversal. Another example is a fence post crossing barbed wire.

What do intersecting lines look like? ›

Two intersecting lines often look similar to the letter "X". Lines that meet at a single point but do not cross, such as the capital letters "V" and "T", are also considered intersecting lines. In either case, the two intersecting lines cross or meet at only one point.

What are examples of intersecting lines in classrooms? ›

Three examples of intersecting lines are: 1. Two adjacent edges of notebook 2. The letter X of english alphabet 3. Crossing roads.
  • Two adjacent edges of notebook.
  • The letter X of english alphabet.
  • Crossing roads. Was this answer helpful?
Jan 9, 2020

What is an example of a pair of intersecting lines? ›

Two examples of intersecting lines are listed below: Crossroads: When two straight roads meet at a common point they form intersecting lines. Scissors: A pair of scissors has two arms and both the arms form intersecting lines.

What are examples of pairs of parallel lines? ›

The pairs of lines that do not intersect or meet at any point are called parallel lines. These lines lie on the same plane but do not intersect. The line segments or rays that lie on the same plane but do not intersect are also parallel.

What is an example of intersection of a line? ›

The lines will intersect only if they are non-parallel lines. Common examples of real-life intersecting lines include a pair of scissors, a folding chair, a road cross, a signboard, etc. In this mini-lesson, we will learn in detail, how to find the point of intersection of two lines.

Where do you see parallel lines in real life? ›

Parallel line examples in real life are railroad tracks, the edges of sidewalks, markings on the streets, zebra crossing on the roads, the surface of pineapple and strawberry fruit, staircase and railings, etc.

What does a transversal line look like? ›

Yes, transversals are straight lines that intersect two or more lines at different points. A transversal line meets the other line at one point which forms four angles around the point of intersection.

Which two parallel lines are cut by transversal? ›

Any two lines that are intersected by a transversal are said to be parallel if the alternate exterior angles are equal. Any two lines that are intersected by a transversal are said to be parallel if the consecutive interior angles are supplementary.

What are two examples of parallel lines in the real world? ›

The real-life examples of parallel lines:
  • Railway tracks.
  • Opposite walls.
  • Black and white lines of zebra crossing.

What is a line that intersects two parallel lines transversal? ›

If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the pairs of consecutive interior angles formed are supplementary . When two lines are cut by a transversal, the pairs of angles on either side of the transversal and inside the two lines are called the alternate interior angles .

What are other real life scenarios where parallel lines and Transversals exist? ›

  • Some examples of parallel lines cut by a transversal:
  • Zebra crossing on the road.
  • Road and railway crossing.
  • Railway tracks with sleepers.
  • Wind screen wiper in cars.
  • Window screens with multiple slats and the cord attached to them.
  • Surface of a pineapple fruit.
  • Surface of a strawberry fruit.
Apr 27, 2017

Parallel Lines: Definition, Properties, Examples ...Turito ›

Parallel lines are defined as two lines that do not intersect each other at any point in the plane. Throughout, parallel lines are equidistant from one another.
Some examples of parallel lines cut by a transversal: Zebra crossing on the road. Road and railway crossing. Railway tracks with sleepers. Wind screen ...
Transversals are one of the best ways of gaining insights into the principles of geometry and angles. These principles are also useful for practical purposes su...

What are the 5 parallel lines of latitude? ›

Major Parallel Lines

There are five significant parallel latitudes running across North-South: Equator, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn.

What are 5 examples of perpendicular lines? ›

In real life, the following are examples of perpendicular lines:
  • Football field.
  • Railway track crossing.
  • First aid kit.
  • Construction of a house in which floor and the wall are perpendiculars.
  • Television.
  • Designs in windows.
Oct 29, 2020

What are four examples for parallel lines from your surroundings? ›

Parallel lines Examples from Real Life
  • The railway tracks run parallel to each other. ...
  • The edges of a ruler are parallel to each other.
  • Cricket stumps are parallel.
  • Lines on a ruled paper are parallel.
  • Zebra crossing has parallel white lines.
  • The opposite boundaries of an eraser are parallel.
Mar 4, 2022

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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