Marysville Journal-Tribune from Marysville, Ohio (2025)

I 2 THE Monday, JOUKNAL April TRIBUNE, North Lewisburg Farmer Dies At Home Saturday Chester McKellop, 64, of North Lewisburg Rt. 1, died 'at his home at 3 p.m. Saturday. lle had been in failing health for the past year. A native of Champaign he was born Sept.

3, 1900-to David and Anna (Conard) McKellop and lived all his life in the North Lewisburg area where he was a farmer. Survivors include four brothers, Floyd of Cable Rt. Berle, Merle, and Herbert, all of bana: and a sister, Mrs. Ed (Lena) Dean, Urbana. Friends may call at the Freshwater- Funeral lome in North Lewisburg after 7 p.m.

tonight where services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday. The Rev. Lewis Mershon. of -Springfield will officiate.

Burial will be in -Maple Grove Cemetery, Plain City Man Dies Saturday Funeral services for Thomas William Steele, 80, of Plain City, who died Saturday at Doctor's Hospital, Columbus, will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the Ferguson Funeral Home, City. A native Kentucky, he was born May 7, -1884, ot the late Mr. and Mrs. John Steele.

-He is survived by a son, Raymond, of Columbus; two daughters, Mrs. Beulah Shively, Milford Center and Mrs. Lucille Fry, Columbus; a brother, Charles; a sister, Mrs. Millie Ward, and a half-sister, Mrs. Lullie Ward.

Friends may call at the funeral home anytime. Burial will be in Jcrome Cemetery. Services Held Funeral services were held last week for Norbert Kahn, 81, of Evansville, Ind. He was the husband of a former Marysville resident, Smart Faster Bunnies give our. CANDY, I Big Savings In Our Candy Dept.

Reg. $1.20 Value Box of 24 Brach's Foil Wrapped CREME EGGS ONLY 99C Box Reg. $3,00 box of 120 Chocolate Covered MARSHMALLOW RABBITS ONLY 2.39 BOX Reg. 25c Bag. MarshmallowCREME PETS 19c BAG Many Other Big Values in EASTER CANDY Here Is a Real Value Reg.

5c Brach's Creme Filled Unwrapped EASTER EGGS ONLY 2c EACH Made-Up Easter Baskets by Brach's 69c to $2.98 CARNEY'S 5 10 Cor S. Main Sixth Buster Brown HEADQUARTERS COUNTY Springs, and Richwood. Roy Harless, local manager of the Telephone Company, Robert Carder, Marysville district manager, of the Dayton Power and Light reported little damage. Storm warnings were lifted at a.m. Monday.

The heavy winds were accompanied by .65 of an inch of rain in Marysville. (Continued From Page 1) a time in Plain City, Magnetic Marysville Rt. 1 Resident Dies. At Riverside Earl. Edison Guthrey, 76, Marysville Rt.

1, died at 8:45 p.m. pital, Columbus. He was a breeder of Shropshire sheep. Born July 22, 1888, in LaRue, he was the son of Issac and Marilla (Higgins) Guthrey. lle married Mary McAllister who He was a member of the Consknighted gregational by the Knights of the Church and was Golden Fleece.

Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mary Jo Stasell of Akron; a grandson, Jeffrey Robert Stasell; two Harry Johnson of Marysville; Mrs. Nellie Mathews of Marion; and a brother, Will, of Upper Sandusky. Funeral services will be held at, 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Faulkner Funeral Home with the Rev.

E. J. Goedeking offici-: ating. Burial will be in Oakdale cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral Country-Style Brawl Reported At Theater Here Marysville police were called about 10 p.m.

Sunday to the Avalon Theater to break up a fight involving two women and a man at the Midwestern Jamboree. Police Chief Richard Simpson they complaints against cach other. They are scheduled to appear today in Municipal Court. Police arrested one of the entertainers al 9:25 p. m.

and charged him with driving while Intoxicated. Ile is Eugene E. Woody, 33, of Columbus, Bond was set at $150. He will also appear in Municipal Court Area Hospital Notes- Man Is Sought! InAlleged Assault of Niles Woman Law enforcement officers are trying to locate a man who allegedly criminally a 22-year-old Niles woman- in Union County carly Saturday. The victim, Marlene Zieg.

ler, reported to Union County Sheriff Amrine met two men at the Columbus bus depot while she was waiting to bus to Richmond, The men convinced her they were from her home town of Logan, W. and that they were enroute to Richmond. She agreed to ride to Richmond with them Instead of waiting for her 4:30 a.m. bus. As they neared Marysville on U.

S. 33 the driver turned onto a side road where she was as-man believed -to be between 30 and 35 years of age with dark complexion. She was. then dropped off on U. S.

33 about 5 to 7 miles from Marysville. The woman told the sheriff the men headed back toward Columbus. The driver was about six feet tall and weighs about 145 pounds. They were a 1959 white Ford green, she said. Local Woman, 86, Dies Following 12-Week Illness Funeral services for Mrs.

Bertie Ellen Spring, 86, of 110 S. Oak St. will be held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Postle-Hale Funeral Home.

Mrs. Spring died at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Hospital after an illness of two weeks. A native of Madison County, she was born July 30, 1878 and had lived Marysville for the past 45 years. She was the daughter of George and Mary Bragg and was married in Delaware July 22, 1906 to Howard Oren Spring.

He died in 1937. Survivors' include two ters, Mrs. Fred (May) Lima: and (Grace) McAdams, Mechanicsburg; three sons, Otis of Marysville, Cecil Oren of -Eau Gallie; and Donald of Columbus; arid four grandchildren. The Rev. Donald Mocerl with officiate.

Burial will be in Claiborne Cemetery. Friends call al the funeral home any-. time. Memorial Hospital Notes Notes JANE. CASE HOSPITAL Admitted: Mrs.

William Heavlin, Richwood ADMISSIONS -SAN ANTONIO-HOSPITAL Josephe. Devine, Richwood EMERGENCIES The following were treated in the emergency room at ial Hospital during the weekend and released. Friday, 9:50 a.m.--Edgar Car lisle, Marysville Rt. 2, cut his hand. Sunday, 2 a.m.

-William Herriott, 38, Marysville Rt. 2, fractured his right leg. Sunday, 12:50 p.m. Aaron Blessing, 2, son of Jerry Blessing, London Rt. 3, cut his hand.

Sunday, 6:45 -Ted Robinson, 15, son of Bernard Robinson, Marysville Rt. 1, received bruises and shoulder injuries when he fell off of a skate board. The Evening JournalTribune Published Every Evening of the Year Except Saturdays, Sundaye and Holidays by MARYSVILLE NEWSPAPERS, INCORPORATED 131-33 N. Maln Maryaville Obio 43040 Combining the SemiJalun County Journal established 1874 and the Muryavillo Evesing Tribune established in 1849. R.

E. President and Business Manager dra. W. E. Editor and Publisher TERMS OF SUBCRIPTIONS year to by, Union County 8.00 Ax months to by mail Upion County 4.00 Hp year to in Maby carrier, payable 1o advance 18.20 Pur week to subscribers in ry eville.

by carrier 35 conta Jus year to subscribers mall Ohio 10.00 One year to subscribers by mati Oblo 18.00 Ungly Copy Sovon Conte Second clues postuge pald at ville, Ohio. Member of The Ohio NeW paper Association National Advertising Representative: American pure Representatives, Ind -OHIO-STORM (Continued From Page 1) Red Cross said 120 to 140 sons were hospitalized and dreds of homeless were given shelter in the Point Place school. emergency rooms were overladed with the jured in many places. -At Bluffin Allen County ambulances bringing in three or -four at time had to wait in line to load the injured. -Civil defense units with able electric units shortwave radioes joined volunteers fighting the after fects of the killer storm.

Rural: Farms Suffer. Most of those killed were rural farm homes, which made difficult for rescue workers, hampered by a lack of communications, to find the -In Republic Bloomville area of Seneca County civil fense. units with portable found 14 injured persons took them to a Tiffin hospital. Police and volunteer workers busy hauling the dead and jured to the hospitals had time to bother taking names of those who were pulled from the wreckage or were cars blown off highways. Mount north was of blown Columbus, out of a bed a a ple through a the wall of their Several trailer houses in area, the 'scene of a recent boom, were destroyed.

-Robert -Smith of Galion aluminum siding from houses the Mount Gilead area wrapped around utility poles. "The tornado scored a hit in the area," said. From more than 30 counties -came barns flattened and trees rooted and utility poles knocked down. Many areas were out outside communication cept shortwave radio for A tornado lifted a. from its foundation and satdown.

on interstate 75 south Lima. The Lucas County sheriff this mornin, as crews searching the swept that 24. persons might still buried in the debris. He off all roads into area while the search was derway. Ronald Schacter, 20; a sity.

student to the area to see his house. deputy replled, "Sorry you go. It there anymore." Schaefer arrived about minutes after the tornado It took him four hours to his parents who were home the time. His mother was critical condition in one arms broken. The storm killed three sons as it cut a 15-mile half a mile wide through County.

They were identified Mrs. Jacob -Zimpher, in her 80s, who lived with brother, Isaac and Mrs. Casher, Barnadine who killed, Barhorst, who alone in farm house about five from Sidney. Governor Inspects Shelby County reported 40 sons were hospitalized. A grim faced Gov.

A. Rhodes left Columbus morning for a first hand stop was Toledo with visits other areas planned. Before leaving Rhodes nated the hard hit areas as aster areas and ordered the tional Guard, the Highway partment, the Highway and the Civil Defense tion to render all possible sistance to the arcas. Designation of the area disaster area will make it ble for the state to apply federal assistance for and long-range help in ing the communities. -Delaware County three- -persons -killed -when winds flattened their another dying from a heart lack.

Fourteen persons were mitted to Jane M. Case tal, with three of them and released.Roadblock Set Up The storm killed Richard Kibben, 39, and his wife, geret, 38, who lived near nor. Their bodies were about 300 yards from house, which was The storm also killed Zeigler, 55, who lived across road from the McKibbens. Sarah Humphries, 70; who lived about eight away died of an apparent attack as the storm pounded home. Survivors of the storm aware and elsewhere houses falling apart under lashing from the wind.

Roud blocks were set many areas to keep pilferers and sightseers away from the stricken-areas. At least nine persons were killed at Pittsfield in hard-hit Lorain County- county which was battered by the worst tornado in the state's history which killed 85 persons in the LorainSandusky area Lorain County Blitzed Pittsfield. a community on Ohio 58 south of Oberlin, was reported leveled by the winds. Lorain Deputy sheriffs report: ed deaths at LaGrange, Station and Grafton. At least .60 Lorain County persons were hospitalized.

Mayor William Tomson in Strongsville said, at least 22 houses were -flattened -in the County community reported a child killed. Damage in the community was put at more than $250,000. Kenneth- Knipper of Strongstwo of who were trapped when a wall in down. His wife, came another child their bedroom tumbling and grandmother Strongsville police reported that Lisa Sposet, six weeks old, was blown 150 feet into the family backyard and crushed when a radio tower her father, an amateur operator had, was -blown her. The child was the daughter.

of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sposet, both 27. He was attending a ham operators meeting. Their son, -Peter and his mother, suffered cuts as their home was demolished.

Children Two children were blown from 2-car on Ohio 65. County and killed. Their bodies were found almost half a mile from the car. The parents, not immediately Identified, were hospitalized. The storm, which struck many areas without much warning, moved across Ohio.

It raked the western counties, then split and hit some areas north and south of Columbus while the capital was doused with heavy rain and an storm. It moved into Morrow- coming in from Michigan swept along the Lake Erie counties toward the Cleveland area. Cleveland, however, received only minor damage. Emergency Reports Sunday, 12:12 a.m.-Mrs. John Fleck, from her home on the Boulevard -to- -Hospital.

Sunday, 1:34 a.m. William Herriott from his home on Co. Rd. 108 to Memorial Hospital. Sunday, 8:37 p.m.

Mrs. John Butler, Marysville Rt. 5, from a home in New Dover to Memorial Hospital. Arranges For Funeral Then Kills Himself COLUMBUS (UPI) An elderly man here made certain he would like the arrangements for his funeral and then killed himself 'a shotgun Sunday, police said. They' reported Melvin J.

rison, about 75, local funeral home Thursday and inquired, about the cost of a funeral. The mortician answered all of his questions. Harrison then tpld the man: "'Thanks. You'll be getting me soon." He was found dead Sunday of a gunshot wound of the chest. The coroner ruled suicide.

Youth, 16, Is Held Following Crash A sixteen-year-old boy was cited for driving without ed clear -clear-distance-following-a two car crash at 3:15 p.m. Saturday in Marysville: A. Marysville policeman said John A. Kiss of Marysville Rt. 1, Vine crashed into a stopped auto.

listed. No injuries were reported. Driver of the. other auto was Richard Pack, 20, of Irwin. SEEK DEFINITE CAUSE OF CRASH DAMASCUS, Syria (UPI)- turbo-prop aircraft.

Cow. Mothering Orphan Lambs NORTH PETHERTON, England (UPI)-A cow is acting as foster mother to four, orphan lambs here.A Syrian authorities today sought to pinpoint the cause of the crash of an Alia Jordanian Royal Airlines plane Saturday night killing all 54 persons aboard, Hussein's personal pilot. The plane, a British-made Herald; apparently exploded in the air and crashed in flames on a mountain top about 13 miles from Damascus, observoffers, was said. believed to be the first crash involving that type of Driver Charged Following Death Of Passenger The driver of an auto crashed into a moving freight train, April 2 in Arnold has been charged. Union.

County Deputy Sheriff Everett Humble with reckless operation. Paul R. Streater, 18, of Plain City, is expected to appear in Muncipal Court Monday. The crash took the life of Jack J. Jordan.

19. of Plain City Rt. 1. Mr. Streater told the sheriff he was traveling at approximately 45 to 50 miles per hour when he saw the New York Central freight train.

The car's skid marks measured 126 feet. Myers Funeral To Be Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Clara Myers, 79, of Sunbury, a former Marysville resident, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the DeVore Funeral Home, Sunbury. -Mrs.

p.nt. Saturday at Doctor's Hospital, Columbus. Survivors include three sons, Francis of Conneaut, Reed of Oregon, and Leo of Columbus; and a sister, Mrs. Fern Hornbeck of Marysville. Mrs.

Myers' 'husband, Calvin, a former employee of the Nestle's preceded her in dellends may call at the funeral home. Burial will be in Galena. LEARN Western Square Dancing -Phone Ken Stults 642-3117 NOTICE No ARTIFICIAL flowers, wreaths or 'decorations of any type will be permitted on the grounds during the growing season. April 1 to November 1. OAKDALE CEMETERY be blocked the un- UniverA can't two struck find at in hospital, both.

perstrip Shelby as her was her miles per- James this look at to desigdis- NaDe- Patrol, organizaas- as a possifor immediate rebuild- reported the and atad- Hospitreated McMar- Radfound their demolished. Gertrude the Radnor, miles heart her in Delreported the up in! THORPE MOTORS, INC. Transportation Marysville, Ohio Moying to larger quarters, our service department will be closed April 14. 15 16 17. Our new telephone will be 612-7010.

ADMISSIONS Josephe. Brown, Urbana Plain-CityMrs. Sanders, Plain City Mrs. Ivan Wilson, Peoria Mrs. D.

L. Gabriel Marysville Rt. 5 James Daniels 326 Sycamore St. Cryder L. Hardin, Marysville, Rt.

2. William Leibold, Marysville Rt. 1 Arthur Knox, Marysville Rt. 5 Mrs. Robert Anderson, P'eoria Mrs.

Paul Kingham, Milford Center. John S. Hayes, Peoria. Clyde Bishop, 609 London Ave. Escom Skaggs, Amlin Mrs.

John Butler, Marysville, Rt. 5 Mrs. Floyd Loy, Plain City BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. James Caudill.

Marysville Rt. 2, son Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Peoria, daughter DISCHARGED -Paul-Ludwig, 180 Connolly St: Mrs. Donald DeGood, 509 Ninth St.

Mrs. Derwin Welch, 730 Milford Ave. Mrs. Paul Kingham, Milford Center Mrs. Robertdaughter, 187 Buerger St.

Harry E. Nicol, 541 S. Chestnut St. Josephe Brown, Urbana Mrs. Kirby Conley, North Lewisburg Robey Wilson, Plain City Mrs.

Myrtle Harmon, Mechanicsburg Mrs. Jack Sutherly, Richwood Mrs. Jerry Hackley and daughter, Irwin Lawrence Evans, Marysville Rt. 4 Mrs. Dale Bidwell, Plain City it.

2 Mrs. James Caudill and son, Marysville Rt. 2 Mrs. Rodney Drumm, and son, Marysville Rt. 5 YOU select the car we supply the money! Buy Today the Way! Year after year Bancplan leads the way as the -most-economical-and-convenient convenient way to buy a new or used car.

Just tell your dealer or visit us right away for the money you need to buy the car of your choice! U.S. Trade Mark Fint National Bark OF MARYSVILLE, OHIO MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER F. D. 1. C.


Marysville Journal-Tribune from Marysville, Ohio (2025)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.