Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

LANSING STATE JOURNAL Thurs June 25. 1981 C-3 IZcrso racing For la6 scores A87-4612 Results off Pro, College, High School, Recreation Sports and Horse Racing City Roc softball Dasobell standings Horse racing 1 MaitrlmueBasctQli ByTkeAsMdoMPriss AMERICAN LEAGUE i driver); Dec Henry (Wright); 1 Mic-koel (Clock); Lata (Te. Bennett); 5. Marilyns Johnnie (West-Phol); 4. Speedy Admiral (Nkcum); 7.

Edgewood Jewel (Wilson); Flying ShodowlG. FOURTH Cead. pace: I. Baron Lucke Byrd (E. Beeler); Concrete (Clock); 3.

Sassy Spartan (Watts); 4. Gypsys Angle (Hphenbeck); 1 GoMie Knox (Rocheteau); 4. Grovekm StoelHe (Lacy); 7. Highland Sunshine (Reach); Full Swing Scetti (Jo. Putnam).

FIFTH-Cend-tret: 1. Minis Son (S. DeMuU); 1 Berbon Whiskey (Watts); 1 Shioway Bilbo (Penney); 4. Paragon Gia (Peden); 5. Darts Pride U.

Sweeney e. Lithe Beetle (Nolan); 7. Toms Gusher (Taylor); Marges vayde (Sales). SIXTH CwvJ. pace: 1.

Hard Ta Guess (Nkcum); 1 Bee Bee Vicky (Mayes); 3. Best (Watts); 4. (Ta Buter); 4. Volleycreek Pem (R. Putnam); 7.

Widow Dragon Rousseau); I. And Shadow (Gorki. SEVENTH Cead. pace: 1. Mod Tux (Moody); I Hesa Ptaybey (nedriver); 1 Windshodow Xpress (Gotdschmldt); 4.

Warp Won (J. Sustic II); 5. Sams First (Ge. Tomlln); 4. Field Flier (Rose); 7.

Journey (Mayes); I Fearless Don (no driver). EIGHTH Clm. hdep. pace: 1 Virginia Star (Watson); 1 Uncle Dow (Mayes); 1 Katie Love (C Putnam); 4. SMoway Abbie Hivlew Sunshine (P.

Kennedy 4. Comets Angel (Wrenn); 7. Raintree Charlie rAppletan); I. Tina (no driver). NINTH CUn.

hdep. trgt: 1. Miriams Cuddles (L Trigg 1 First Chance (Burgess); 3. Devil Dragon (E. Beeler); 4.

A Recording (TonUmson); 5. Paragon Fauna (Peden); 4. Under Currant (Watts); 7. Jambo Galaxy (Wright); I. Tricky Kid (Soles).

TENTH Clm. pace: 1. Rocketeer Saginaw Wednesday's Restitts 2:05 3-5 MghtyJv(Rlsn) 30.40 It J) 4.40 Queens Shirley (Mirolla) 5.40 140 CraigsChamp(Beeler) 120 Cyclone Chip, Billy Spongier, Millers Keven. Adlve Ben, Junior Armbro. SECOIW-Clm.

pace Brians Rhythm (Stonel I1M 5.20 IN Little Ot Fred (Hough) 4J0 100 East Side (Rotason) 100 Von Quench, Ter Chris, I'm Homo First, Merry Berry, Fishvitla. DAILY DOUBLE (7-4) PAID $14440 1 Thinkobte (Mirolla) 1.40 4.00 100 ShirethDomo Jean (Watts) 440 3.80 Southern Reword (Nkcum) 4.40 Bubbling Burgandy, Valient Ceo, Lib-ertv Byrd, Millies Leader, WinO Bret. TRIFECTA (5-4-1) FOURTH -Cend. tret 2:05 1-5 -V Rondvs Dandy (Rentier) 4.40 IN 140 Salem Spook (Soles) 240 120 Our Golden Bear (Forsyth) 140 Shlaway Ord, Prupac Sharp Hook, Semba Herbert Wood. PERFECTA W) PAID $1141 FIFTH-Cond.

pace 2:05 -Qulck-N-Wlld(Roloson) 7.00 4.20 2.00 Pecks Mite (Wright) 4.00 3.00 Superseded (Bruno) .100 Ks Lightning, Cisco Blue, Drift Away, Lady. PERFECTA (4-3) PAIDK74I MxBttsPrncs(Wrn) 4.40 4.00 ISO Elba Bill (Ftnoteri) 5.40 3.40 Phantom Almohurst (Sciocca) 4.20 Jerri Lee, Skeeters Day, Ruby Haze. Quick Cruiser. EAST EAST M. GB Pet.

Gl NewYofk34 22 07 Phil'phio 34 21 ill Bal'more 31 23 Si 2 St.Louts 3t JU lft MiTkee 31 25 iS4 3 Montreal 31 25 4 Detroit 31 2 J44 3ft Pit'tnjrsh 25 23 J21 5ft Boston 30 26 J3i 4 New York 17 34 .333 15 Cle'land 24 24 520 5 Chicogo 15 37 17ft Toronto 1 42 Sk WEST Oakland 37 23 il7 Texas 33 22 .400 1ft LosAns. 31 21 i32 Chicago 31 22 W-Cmcmti 35 21 i25 ft Calif nia 31 2 J17 0 Houston 20 .491 0 Kon.City 20 30 .408 12 Attanta 25 29 .443 9ft Seattle 21 34 14ft SonFron. 27 32 .49 Jh Minnesota 17 39 .304 II SonDiego; 23 33 .411 12ft Dasobsll locdors SEVENTN-Cend. pace 2:01 Alieam Ronnie (Stonel 940 541 140 Po Move (Watts) 140 It) JustatooKMorotta) 3.40 Leo, Gee Gee, Lisa Denisa Lega Med Moggie. Escrow Account (Nolon) 120 100 3.40 Demon Dan (Reynolds) 3.00 100 Quick Worthy (Nkcum) 4.414.40 Mr Shew Biz, Gotf Pro Bill, Smokeys BedaM, LaRoan, Miss Lee Sol-dkv.

PE RFBCTA (44) PAIDSIS.OO Pels Pattern (Trigg) 4.20 140 140 AtonL (Wilson) 5. Beats Nothing (Beeler I 100 Suit camp, memorial Prince, Oe- PIRftKTA(0-7)PAIDlS440 MxBtsRnlelWrn) 12.20 1.40 9.40 OKsJet(Pierpemt) 440 4.40 Omaha Chip (Witson 4.40 Eriks Pride, Dapper Donzel Thor, Mission Acres, Profit Maker. TRIFECTA (24-1) PAID SMM.40 Ttemtay's Entries FIRST am. (Hennessey); 1 Go Royal (Grace); 1 Blue Flomin (Makm); 5. Posh me Kranur (Watts); 4.

Ray Line (V.E. Beeler); 7. Loeb Lod (Watts); 0. Tricky Sea (R. Bachman SECOND- CUn.

pace: Apollo Fifteen (J. Black 1 Rite Out (Lav-ery); 1 Kara Snowflake (Zak); 4. Easy Effort (Pterpoint); 5. Eosy Hoot (M. Sweeney); 4.

Chiauita Foriey (Casa-grando); 7. Dottie Grand Slam (Watts); I ToreGol (A. Kelly). l.Codiwave (no SEVENTH Clm. 4ttF 1:20 Gallant Ruby (Lopez) 11.80 4.00 4.00 Grey Cruiser (Brogan) 7.20 3.20 Chris's First (Catalono) 2.00 LB Clay Wine, Princeton Argument, Blue Due JiA.

Wanomaker. $3 PERFECTA (34) PAID $124.40 Dnvn'sRvival(Lpz) 7.40 3.40 3.00 Run Kenny Run (Judice) 3.20 3.00 Putters Brother (Garcia) 4.00 Rattle Lea, Cabin the Sky, Mild Spec-utatpr, RamMin Red, Doddy Nickie. $3 PERFECTA (0-5) PAID $2741 NINTH Clm. 4F Lucky Sthmn (Low) 2440 0.40 4.20 Roubkrd(Lopezl 4.M 140 Baywocd'sAdonis (Frazzitta) 100 Billy Beorbow, So Iz New Election, Fritz Cup, Saginow Lee, Olympia Bob. $2TRIFEaA(4-7-9) PAID $145541 Teeriday's Entries FIRST -Om.

4F: 1. Peso de Ploto (Cedeno); 1 Hawks Stir (Joseph); 1 Midnite Pricess (Gilbert); 4. Boleros (Kunitake); 5. Right Kut (Brogan); 4. Carry Le Due (Cox); 7.

Just Like Kimmie (Gaston); 0. Coral's Gold (no "sECONO Om. IF: 1. Boy Witch (Joseph); 1 Powerful Pete (Scocca); 1 Somudro (Frauitto); 4. Better Days Ahead (Judice); 5.

French Fury (Pa-chece); 4. A Boy Named Sioux (Cox); 7. Poppas Fire Streak (Lopez); I. Gome Jo (Catalono) 9. Snop Suzie Snap (Ret-tete) THIRD am.

4F: 1. Spunky Sabra (Judice); 1 Cheetah Chick (Catalono) 1 Quick Nature (Stone); 4. Fast New Era (Josephl; 5. Hot Countess (Jes-sup); 4. Nervous Joie (Anderson); 7.

Dusty Millie (Kunitake); 1 Anna Sweeng (Cedeno); 9. MistyXleon Cleon (Lopez); tl.Soorlng Spear (Herbert. FOURTH Clm. 4F: I. Irish Again (Brlnkerhoffl; 1 Carousel Chicket (Garcia); 1 Flying Move (Bliedel); 4.

Gustavo (Siegel); 5. She Dares (Perez); I. Argute (Fromin); 7. War JmmvWltr(Hrmr) 1140 5.40 5.20 Undo valley (Fits) 5.20 100 TVSonsplendorlSotbg) 1140 Kldlat, Jonette, Peter Joe, Boron Marcus, Andys Coho, Go Rk, I $2 TRIFECTA (10-54) PAIDS141S.40 Thursday's Entries FIRST Clm. pace: l.

Brother Bren-dat (CSmith); 1 Ensign Glenfern R.Muntz) 1 Bow Reico Bowman) 4. Kenny Byrd (Buter); 5. Range Roomer (CSmith); 4. Foh Sunbeam (T.Smith); 7. Centennial Sam (Ro.Edwords); 1 Locust- Deek (Gale); 9.

Adlos Rick (Fisher); 10. BlttASam (Sattelberg). SECOND Cend. trot: 1. Miss Courtney (T.Smith); 2.

Jigsaw John (Fulmer); 1 0 Ks Rocket (Wrem); 4. Port Onowav (Sattelberg); 5. O'Mark 4. Michkmo Silver (CSmith); 7. Js Lisaam (Harmer); 1 Summit! Conference (Gate); 9.

Prize Fighter (Gate); 10. Great ExIUTay-lor). THIRD Clm. pace: 1. Stash (James); 1 Federnl Freight (Buter); 1 Alleans Candyman Woody); 4.

Knight All (Manclk); 5. AOeons Por-dtss (Fulmer); e. Hurricane Royal (Hall); 7. Flashy Future (Hormer); Timely Mark (Gale); 9. Jim McLaughlin (Harmer); 10.

Wad (Sattelberg). FOURTH Cend. pace: 1. Golden Rolntree (VonDersten); 1 Sallys True Vol (Knudsen); 3. Jovial Bretta (Goodwin); 4.

Shlaway Skipper (James); 5. Bridge Road Lorry (Boring); 4. Tlmbo (Dincllmurroy); 7. Cocky Kid (Mirolla); I Phantom Ride (Jordan); 9. Shlaway Maureen (Spin- oTer); 10.

NerosBB (O'Brien). FIFTH Coed, trot: l. Racing Fan (R.Wrenn); 2. Noble Traveler (Acker-man); 1 Mark. From Ork (Delphi; 4.

Chlckory Lynn (Gorman); 5. Smokey Lou (Wantz); 4. Hickory Almohurst (O'Brien); 7. Eric (Taylor); I. Black River Girt (Gotdschmldt).

SIXTH Cend. pace: 1. Winning Odds (Dick); 1 Silent Princess (Cotton-gim); 1 Anita Dorntey (CSmith); 4. Dezis Boy (Dev); 5. Streakn Red (Harmer); 4.

Speedy Hawk (Rosson); 7. Acodemy Byrd (Wantz); 0. Night (Merriman.Jr.); 9. Treboh Juliet (Wrenn); 10. Purple Fury (Bronson).

SEVENTH Cand. pace: 1. Adlos Acodemy (Wantz); 1 Shioway Spruce (Alexander); 1 Ships Journal (Greco); 4. Creeders First (Jomes); 5. Shlaway Joker (Boring); 4.

Trudy Cross (Sattelberg); 7. Doring Dolly (Niles); i. Former Joe (Fulmer); 9. Ichi Bon Time (D.Mcllmurray); 10. Pepper Finesse (Dlcken).

EIGHTH Cend. tret: 1. Armbro Speedy (James); 1 Belmont In Time (Sattelberg); 1 Jets Kay (D.Muntz); 4. Grandu (Kelley); 5. Rose Revere (Coweil); 4.

Salty (Sattelberg); 7. Mich iana Sandra (Thomasma); I Coin Toss (Hobbs); 9. Sparky Hanover (Crawford); 10. Double Bubble (T.Smith). NINTH-MOB.

Finals: 1. Richards Maid (Sattelberg); 2. Most Unique (no driver); 3. Lorues Besta Luck (Putnam); 4. Luscious Lea (James); 5.

Wooden Spoon (Osborn); 4. Lindo Leader (Hipsher); 7. Erlonik (Crawford); I. Poster Girl (Ackermon). TENTH Clm.

pace: 1. Worthy Dora (James) 1 Wander Baron (Dengel); 3. Leader Creed (Hormer) 4. Gold Creek Roy (Buter); 5. LePetlt Prince (Sattel-.

berg); 4. Town Crier (no driver); 7. Sunny Rain (Ro.Edwords); I. Hera Sue (Gale); 9. King Ko (M.Smith); 10.

Quick Yankee (Hobbs). MEN FtstPttch Sara Bucher Strati's 2 No Bull About It 4, Amer. Fire Prat. 1 Old Style Beer ICorol Gobies 3 SlewPttck CoOptlcol 10, Downs Heatings 5 Emils East 5. IMC Steamers 1 Bishop Inn 1 Airport Tavern 2 Silver Dollar 11, Schiffer Masonry i Danny's 7-11 1, Capitol Lounge 5 Market Place 10, Lorenz Service I State Travel 5, Steve's Produce 3 Clora's5, Arthur Treacher 2 BWL 14, State Journal 5 BWL21tSummtt Steel 1 Firefighters 11, Michigan Bankard 2 Mlchigon Milters 4, Douglas Steel 2 WVIC-Vndrvrts 10, Rck-N-RIIrs 1 Grdn's Apparel 11 Cmpbll Cater.

2 WVIC-Vndrvrts 11, Bosh-Ath. Vill. 4 Bosh-Athl. VIII. 4, Mason Auto Body 5 Pink Flamingos 5, ICRC 2 Holden Electric Airport Tavern 2 Flfleldl1.Berrv5 Gellersl Art's Bar 1 Spartan Paper 4, South Boptist 2 Plumber A Fitters 5, Tech HIFi 4 Holden Reid II, Stobers5 Mike's fM 9, Silvio's 7 Corey's Lounge Milo's 4 Spartan Oilers 7, Team VI 1 0 WOMEN Fast Pitch Bombers 11, Tesseris Realty 1 Slow Pitch Art's Bar II, Buck's Oilers 3 Hybrid Bollix 9, Dive Shop 2 Suits News 4, Rowdy Ones 2 Gartmon Fobco 9, Lansing General 5 Lindell Forgers 13, Mich.

Bell 0 BWL 4, Brothers 3 Tony's 3, Union Savings I Loon 1 Bankard Chrgrs Arts-Cinci Beer 5 McCloresllAAAO Art's Bore, MorketPloce 2 Lansing's Losers 15, Westdole 2 Standard Block 10, Pick Motor Hotel I CO-ED Stow Pitch Raiders 14, St. Lawrence 5 Wisner Etectfc 17, Lansing Uniform i Eoslside Tigers 7, Eneriox Too 2 Junior baseball St. Casimir 14, Wendy's 10 St. Johns 1, Vondervoorts 1 St. Casimir 10, TDC1 Holt 4, Mason 5 First Boptist 9, SteelersO Hoslett Rotary 10, Okemos 9 Haslettl0.Hudson$4 Wolyerine Wednesday's Resetts Barkley(Buter) 1040 5.20 4.00 Graylln Bo (Boring) 4.40 4.00 Poncho DeCteo (Moody) 4.00 Kdwortha Jabaru.

Tim Tarns Tlgger, Ebony Gal, Banbury Belcount, Baby Allison, Beoutlful Bride, Fred. -Oaypool Hanvr (Gale) tUO 4.40 Pride Spin (T.Smith) 4.20 5.00 Dorothy Belle (Dengel) 4.80 McNamara, Tarport Posauale, Andy Britt, Mr. Smokle Viking, Kelly Overtrade, Knife Away. DAILY DOUBLE (9-10) PAID $44.40 THIRD Clm. pace 2:01 1-5 TmptRngr(Tmln) 15.20 7.20 7.00 Lucky Pay Day (Hor) 7.40 7.10 Vista Time (Gole) 9.20 Titan Security, Poisano, Daily Journal, Journal, Timely Waverly, Fleetwood Fanny.

DNF Air Com-mondore. $2 TRIFECTA (4-1-10) PAID $1,901.40 DchsFoye(Pvyihs) 140 140 140 Sweet Serene (Coweil) 3.20 1U Angelita (Boring) 4.00 Sweet Nattie Lou, Windshodow Bomber, Shlaway Miss Arbor, Shimmer Shine, Arbor Cor Ess. $2 PERFECTA (4-1) PAID tt.40 Stocking Stfr(TBrg) 120 2.40 140 Banner Knox (CPutnam) 120 140 Disco Baby (J.L.Cobb) 140 C'est Mltzte. Rose Alice, Breton, Knight On The Town, Bright Bold, Gays Folly, Peaches McKlyo. $2 PERFECTA 0-7) PAID SH.40 Sam (Johns) 4.N 100 120 i Noble Farr (Gale) 4.20 4.40 Elgin Park (Sattelberg) 3.20 Metric Time, Damon Donbryn Echo, Little Lady Scot, Wormwood Steve, Windshodow Yankee, Nova Bee.

$2 TRIFECTA (14-4) PAID $237.00 SEVENTH Cnd. trot 2:03 Scots Story (Oast) 143.80 54.10 19.00 Cool Cookie (Flis) 9.00 4.40 Roion (Simmons) 7.40 Mildreds Request, Rare Antique, Sandy Will Dunham, Almedas Boy, Princess Greenlee, Great Exit $2 PERFECTA (4-9) PAID (92140 EIGHTH Cend. pace 2:01 TryMyBest(Ackrmn) 4.00 3.20 3.00 Jam Time (MacDonell) 10.00 9.00 PopRuxtonlBlodUr.) 15.00 Little Laurel. Brets Mist. Spring Hope, Dodge Acres Howie, Raven Maniac MS Skyward.

$2 PERFECTA (9-3) PAID $57.40 NINTH- Mich. Celt Puts Trot 2:01 2-5 ShiowovStPat(Huff) 2.80 1 20 2.20 Phantom Don (Crawford) 100 2.40 Our Star Gozer (CJOsbrn) ISO Fleet Champ, Peps Speed, Terry Dragon, Tiger Storm, Arbor Viking, Super Missile. $2 PERFECTA (2-3) PAID $4.40 if Rainbe Mil ino anveri; siue Mne Lee tvouz-illo); 1 Doddio Tom (Stone); 4. I Shadow (Grace); 5. Girt Ripple (Sci-acca); I.

Zestv (Running); 7. Space Rocket (To. Buter); 0. Mover (Wright). rior Dora irussoi; I.

Outlaw Destry (Jessw); 9. Sea Chee (Pellegrino); 10. Restless Sonny (Jessup); II. M.W. Kim (Lopez); 12.

Can He Ramble (Low); 13. G.G. Sting (Judice). FIFTH Clm. 4WF: 1.

Troion Grey (Cedeno); 1 Bryan's Texas Star (Anderson); 3. Alley Chel (Hicks); 4. Run Smooth (Scocca); 5. BHI Huffman (Kunitake); 4. Tear Time Again (Judice); 7.

o-Monev Trick (Brogan); I. Youbelongtome (Russo); 9. Buttered Popcorn (Low); 10. Bock of the Moon o-Fother Zig (Brogan). Pianko entry.

SIXTH -Clm. IViF: 1. It Must Be Me (Brinkerhoff); 1 Hunylin (Scocca); 1 Deluxe Motion (Pellegrino); 4. Speakoronie (Cotalano); 5. Polly's Gift (Jessup); 4.

Trim Cousin (no rider); 7. Sanyo's (laughter (Brinkerhoff); I. J.P. McToegh (Perez); 9. Dash o' Class (Perez); 10.

Ex E. Cute (no rider); IT. Midnight Mini (Judice); 11 No Morinis SEVENTH Chn. IViF: 1. Tu Dancer (Fromin); 1 Scare Tactics (Garcia); 1 Nebiem Palm (no rider); 4.

Pat Dyer (CamHo); 1 Jock's Jeff (Perrodin); 4. Bold Power (Jessup); 7. Joanne's Choice (Fromin); I Bahamas Wind (Scocca); 9. Sarah's Glory (Co- Mono); 10. Our Speciality (Catakmo); 11.

Plunkett Hill (Vela); 11 Royal Finance (Judice); 13. Tap Cat Tim (no rider). EIGHTH Clm. VtM: 1. Mr.

iWng (Gamer); 1 o-Judge Me (Catolano); 3. Bedfellow (Russo); 4. Al's Job (Jessup); 5. Duck Soup (Scocco); 4. Doug's Brother (Vela); 7.

b-lrish Spud (Maxwell); I. Geo's Reflection (Perrodin); 9. Fatmat (Cox); 10. Alan's Warrior (Judice); a-Not Now Jim (Catalono); 12. b-CastteFox (Maxwell).

o-Throsher-Bearaen entry. b-Moxwell entry. NINTH Clm. IF: 1. Heavy Duty (Rettele); 1 Clark Loke (Anderson); 1 Wood stove (Judice); 4.

Hungarian Nurse (Cedeno); 5. Little Art (Perrodin); 4. Plucky's Metal 7. Tiger Moth (no rider); 1 Yumble Polly (Pellegrino); 9. Missiles Do Fly I Jessup); 10.

Madam Risaue (Anderson), x-apprenticeallowanceclaimed. Hazel Park Wednesday's Results Fl RST-Clm. 4F 1:14 2-5 CrossMeNot(Hkks) 11.20 2100 1.20 Colonel Wellington (Cedeno) 5.00 100 Amalkious(Jessup) .140 Cavantauri, Blazing Boy, Pordesthv Little Wreck, Carry Clout, Senate Ruler, On the Rims. -Sky Treasure (Lopez) 4.20 4.40 100 PrdToBeHere(Ctlno) 12.80 7.00 Patrick O'Dollor (Cedeno) 9.40 Paigle Hall, Power Motion, Abby's Sha No Copy, Flight n' Blue, Sent A Stor, Gloria DAILY DOUBLE (9-UPAIDS54940 $3 PERFECTA (1-9) PAIDS11140 Fast Left (Stone) 11.40 7.00 4.00 Welcome Back (Knight) 4.40 140 Jon Boots (Gilbert) 1.40 Little Bit Grey, Witching Rod, Winnie's Bisault, Shefford, Poverty's Jim, Red Rullah, Impeccable. $2 TRIFECTA (H0-1) PAID $1494.00 -Pub's Entry (Stone) 140 140 120 MissYippie(Fromin) 140 140 Shadeward(Broegman) 4.40 Favorite Haven, Besty Dear, Macho Lover, Fleet Coll, Dontaig.

$3 PERFECTA (3-7) PAID $1140 Royal Biship (Low) 7.20 3.00 3.00 Excelltatlon(Judice) 4.00 100 A Chic Affair (Perrodin) 5.00 Takoh Matzyeeah, Hurry Up Jock, Howard, My Boy, Pruner Bay, Tol Nickie. S3 PERFECTA (2-0) PAID $5141 DpndbleMel(Cdno) 13.00 5.00 3.40 Jasmine's Doll (Low) 14.40 5.40 Albert HB (Lopez) 3.20 Dirty Bird, El Banauero, Eddie's Ambition, Rlzzo'fest, Aauiledon, Such an Effort, Spicy Relation. ro Art's steamrollers 11.9 over Gbb vlNMn'ltMN MEM Fast Pitch CaeiM Citl 10-OwrcbAmerieea 4:15 Emil'i East vs. Ponderosa; 7:45 Giro's Laungt vs. Kemper Kit.

(WestSMt). Stew Pitch Stop vs. Mogk Johnson 7:15 Lillo Const, vs. Market Ploct; HotWoy Lonts vs. Mel-villt 9:30 Irish Pub vs.

May-fair Bar (Gier2). Ren Host la vs. Chuck's Pro ShopPlovtrs Club; 7:15 Shannon's vs. Poppy's Pizza; 1:30 R.S. Bennett vs.

Provincial House; Schlitz Rebels vs. Pasauale's (Gier 1). 1:15 University OMs vs. MNB-EPC; 7:15 The Team vs. Peter's Trucking; 9:30 River Terr.

Church vs. Green Door 1 (Sycamore). AneriGM Die CAT vs. APCO Inc. (Sv- American Div.

7 4:15 Montry's vs. South Boot. Blue: 7:15 Quality Dairy vs. Northside (Comstock2); Saloon II vs. Pasauale's (Rtsdote).

American Div. 0 7:15 wayside vs. Westside Deli (Risdale). IBM vs. Ernst BWhinney; 7:15 Local 112 vs.

Sparrow Hasp. (Gier 3). Federal 5 1:15 Irish Pub vs. Supply; 7:15 Eckhart Assoc vs. Giro's Gaffers (Kendon); 1:15 Ooubleday Off.

Int. vs. Cuban Amer. Assoc (Pleasant View). Federal 4 1:15 Paul Auto.

vs. Toco Johns; Lansing Olstr. vs. Pollock Glass (BTS 1); 7:15 Southside Raiders vs. Knights of Cotum.

(Pleasant View). WOMEN StewPftck CaptttlCity 4:15 Art's BorAzteco's vs. Nod Snood; 7:15 Dillon's vs. Dispatch Lounge; 1:30 Vondervoort's vs. John Honcock 9:30 The Classics vs.

Magic Johnson Ent. (Ranney). Metre. -Dh. 2 4:15 Giro's Angels vs.

Wild Bill's (Davis 2) 0:30 Gordon's Jets vs. Su-perclean; 9:30 Pasauale's vs. Printing Exp. (Gier 3). American Div.

1 7:15 Sparrow Hasp. vs. Cline's Tire (Davis 1). American Div. 3 Buck Mary Smokers vs.

Melville 1:30 Chuck's Pro Shop vs. Irish Pub; 9:30 State Journal vs. Story Rocketts (Davis 2T. Federal Cemp-Div. 4 4:15 Intercept Sec vs.

Ingham 7:15 Lansing Sash Door vs. Daily Htg. (Comstock 1); 7:15 Lansing Floor vs. Bonk of Lansing (Quentin 2). Federal Cemp.

-Div. 5 4:15 Tony's Lounge vs. Superior's GIRLS Slew Pitch 1:15 Mike's Shop Rite vs. Spartan Aggregates; 7:15 Skorv Auto vs. Lons.

Indian Cent. I (St. Joe H. CO-ED Competitive-Div. 1 4:15 Worth Beans vs.

Art's Bar; 7:15 Retreads vs. Doctor's Club (Elm); 7:15 Inco Devei. vs. ARA of Lansing. Recreational Div.

2 4:15 J.P.'s Refin. vs. Blue Cr.Blue Sh.ISt.Joe). Recreational Div. 4:15 Pro Bonos vs.

Treasury Ait-Stars (Davis 1); 7:15 Grounders vs. Bureaucrats (St. Joe). HARNESS RACING 'Drivers 1, John O'Donnell, I John Campbell, Sl.5f7.424. Carmine Abba-Hello, S1.140J11.

4. Catello Manzi. 5. William Gllmour, $1.141,771 4. Herve FHkm, SI J11900.

7, Bernord Webster. Sf74J21 fc Ted Wing, 1951,700. 9, Ran Woptes, S937JJ91. AUTO RACING NASCAR Points 1, Bobby Allison, 1332. 1 Ricky Rudd, 1139.

1 Darren Waltrip, 2,100. 4, Dale Earnhardt, U2L 5. Jody Ridley. 1,941 4. Horry Gant, 1.955.

7, Richard Petty, 1 411. Terry Labonta 1451 9, Benny Parsons. 1.737. 10, Dave Marcis, 1,720. BOWLING 1, Earl Anthony, S1T9.430.

2, Marshall Holman, $100,101 3. Mark Roth, $74,905. 4, Wayne Webb, $71.920. 5. Tom Baker, $70,135.

4. Steve Martin. $54,900. 7, Randy Lightfoot, $47,145. 0, Mai Acosta $43,925.

9, Mike Durbin, S4142L Pete Couture, $39,951 TENNIS 1, Martina Navratilova $374,400. 2, Chris Evert Lloyd, $254400. 1 Andrea Jaeger. $227,531. 4, Hona Mandllkovo, $211,294.

5. Pom Shriver, $143,575. 4, Sylvia Honika $124,911 7, Wendy Turn-bull, $109,551 Barbara Potter, $91475. 9, Virginia Ruztd, $91,075. 10, Bethno Terete Series Feints 1.

Chris Evert Lloyd, 710. 2, Martina Navratilova 500. 3, Regina Marsikova 405. 4, Virginia Ruztd, 410. 5, Hona Msndttkova 470.

4, Sylvia Honika, 450. 7. Andrea Jaeger, 420. Mima Jauso-vec, 335. 9, jyanna Modruga 307.

10, Kothy Horvath, 225. Baseball tryouts set Sunday Baseball tryouts will be held by NARC-Emil's West this Sunday, June 28, at Harry Hill High School from 6 to 8 p.m. for players interested in competing in Adray League baseball this summer. The team, which will be managed by Javier Cavazos, will play a 12-game schedule against Detroit Adray teams. The team will also compete in the Adray regionals, to be held in August, with the winner advancing to the Adray World Series held in Johnstown, Perm.

Vhero the are NATIONAL LEAGUE NATKMAL LEAGUE BATTING (115atbatsl: YoungbkHd, Ntw York J59t HOMp HoustOoV J44; Rosbt PhUoolvWuQ 33t OoMWif Motv treat, Modfock. PlttstMrgh. .324. RUNS: Ceilins, Cincinnati 44; StthinMt PhHoriojphio 4t Rones Montreal, 39; Hendrlck, St.Louts, 37; Dawson, Montreal. 31; Faster, Cincin- notl.31.

RBI: Foster, OnchMafl, 49; Canccsv rJon, CiKkinoti, 44; Schmidt, Philodel phia 41; Budmer, Chicago, 3k Gar-vey. Las Angeles, 37. HITS: Rose, Philadelphia 73; Conception, Cincinnati, 47; Collins, Cincinnati. 47; Griffey, Cincinnati. 47; Baker, Los Angeles.

47. DOUBLES: Buckner, Chicago, 19; CoiKitKioAf Clnciwwtir 9j HernontJez, St.Louiv ChomWIss, Atlanta 14; Gorvey, Las Angetct, M. TRIPLES: Reynolds, Houston, Richards, San Diego, Raines, Montreal. Horr, SLLouts, Tempteton. St.Louis,4.

HOME RUNS: Kingman, New York, 14; Schmidt, Philadelphia 14; Faster, ClndmoH, 14; Dawson, Montreal, 13; Cruz, Houston, 11. STOLEN BASES: Raines. Montreal, 50; North. San Franciscan 24; Scott, Montreal, 23; Moreno. Pittsburgh.

10; Coilms. Cincinnati, tfc PuN, Houston, Smith, San Diego. 14. PITCHING (4 Decisions): Carlton. Philadelphia 9-1.

.990, It); Seover. Cincinnati. 7-1. .175, 104; Rhodea Pittsburgh, 4-1. .157, 3.30; Lvte, Philadelphia, 5-1.

JU 4.41; Camp, Atlanta 5-1, JJ33, 1.40; Knepper. Houston, 5-1, J33, 1.15; Sanderson, Montreal, 4-1 .751. 117; Forsdt. St.Louis, 4-1 .750, 117. STRIKEOUTS: Valenzueta, Los Angeles, 103; Carlton, Philadelphia, 94; Soto, Cincinnati, 04; Ryan, Houston, 74; Gullkkson.

Montreal, 40. CHARLEVOIX, Mich. (AP) Qualifying scores for the 70th Michigan Amateur Gotf Championship after 11 holes at Belvedere Golf Club ond II more at Antrim Dells, both par 72: Bill McDonald JohnTrivison ToddOemarest MorkEngelman Mark Timyon JoshMondry Mark Pattullo BrlonCortson Kevin Trover JimPtckford Steve Brody Greg Reynolds' David Cor gel to FredCanall John Mimich Joke Pilot Brett Stuart Pete Owens John Ankenbrandt William Am merman Tim Smith Thomas Ross Jim Tumminello Bill Curtis JanBlick BillMitzelfetd John Shelton JohnRobb Gene Hunt EiiiroHorikoshi Gregg Benomid John O'Donovon RonBeurmann John Everhardus MarcDingman Bert Cooper RovSchulthotss RoyHaiiorJr. David Miller John French John Morse Jotf Peattje Don Roberts -Robert StcphMc Rod WHsb JiVTiWilheim PvulWyatt Mark Stevens litem Wolker Robert McNiff Jr. AstmBardha GragAJksnis Glen Alexander BUIKtst BHI Albright Alexander McLuckie MarkHendrickson Monty Janus Jim Gitt lemon Bud Stevens -Cliff MishoHuj Jr.

Wayne Benson III Fritz McMullen74-7-152 LestlePieyeff DoveDeWutf JaeMarx 7149-140 7249-141 72-70-142 72-71-143 71-73-144 71- 74-145 41-77-145 75-70-145 75-71-144 72- 74-144 73- 73-144 73- 73-144 71- 75-144 75-71-144 74- 72-144 72- 75-147 75- 73-140 74- 74-141 75- 73-141 75-73-141 71- 70-149 74- 75-149 75- 74-149 72- 77-149 72-77-149 74-73-149 73- 77-150 74- 74-150 71-79-150 74-74-150 74- 74-150 75- 75-150 74- 74-150 75- 75-150 74-74-150 74-74-150 74-77-151 77-74-151 74- 77-151 75-74-151 75-74-151 74-75-151 74-75-151 74-75-151 74-77-151 77-74-151 77-74-151 7140-151 71-73-151 74-77-151 74-75-151 79-72-151 74-75-151 7074-152 74-74-152 74-74-152 74-74-152 74- 70-152 75- 77-lSts. 71-74-152 75-77-152 71-74-152 75-77-152 75-77-152 CHARLEVOIX. Mich. (AP) First-round pairings in the 70th Michigan Amateur Golf Championship: Upper Bracket Steve Moddoteno. Jackson vs.

John O'Donovon, Ada Joke Pilot, Monroe vs. Robert Stephens, Northvilte. Josh Mondry, Franklin vs. Robert McNiff, Muskegon. Tim Smith, Bridgeport vs.

Cliff Mishofka Warren. Mark Engeiman, Grand Blanc John Snellen. Dearborn. Pete Owens. Livonia vs.

John Morse. Marshall. Jim Pidrford. Horton vs. Mark Stevens.

Dearborn. Bert Cooper, Katomazae vs. BiH Kost. Lansing. John Trivisan.

West BtoomfteW vs. Marc Dingman, Milan. William Ammermon. West Bloom-filed vs. John French, Lothrup Village.

Greg Reynolds, Grand Blanc vs. Paul Wvott. Traverse City. Jan Slick, Cadillac vs. Alan McLuckie.

Livonia. Brian Carlson. Saginaw v. Joel Peat-tie. Port Huron.

Bill Curtis, Fprmington vs. Wayne Benson, East Lansing. John Mmnkh, Lathrup Villoge vs. Aglm Bardha Birmingham. Eiilro Herikoshi, Berrien Springs vs.

Jim Gittiemaa West Bloomfield. BIB McDonald, Royal Oak vs. John Robb.Morysville. John Ankenbrandt, Royal Oak vs. Dove MWer, Jackson.

Kevin Trover, Goodrich vs. Ray SchultheisaBayaty. Jim Tumminella Warren vs. Monty James, Lansing. Mark Timyon, Grand Blanc vs.

Glem Alexonder.Southfield. BIH AtttzeHett, Romeo vs. Dan Roberts, Ynitanti. Fred Caholl, Grand Rapids vs. Bill Wdlker, Royal Oak.

John Everbardus, Birmingham vs. Bud Stevens, Plymouth. Todd Demorest, Claire vs. Ron Beur- mona East Lansing. Brett Stuart.

Battle Creek vs. Roy Hotiar, Birmingham. Dave Kargetta Lake Orion vs. Rod Welsh, Birmingham. Gene Hunt, Grand Blanc vs.

Mark Henrickson, Grand Blanc Mark Pattullo, Ann Arbor vs. Greg Alksnis, Grand Rapids. Tom Ross. Royal Oak vs. Fritz McMullen, Orchard Loke.

Steve Brody, Saginaw vs. Jim Wil-helm. Port Huron. Gregg Banomld, Dearborn vs. Bill Albright, Birmingham.

I AMERtCAN LEAGUE BATTING (115 st bats): Dial. Cleveland. Evans. Boston. J41; Singleton.

Bottimora Remy, Boston. Roenkk, Baltimore, .331. RUNS: Henderson. Oakland, 4i; Evens, Boston, 44; Carew, Calitomia, 31; Lansford, Boston, 37; Murphy Oak-RBI: Belt. Texas.

42; Armas. Oakland, 41; WinfteKt New York, 41; Evans, Boston, 39; Thomas, Milwaukee. 34. HITS: Lansford, Boston, 75; Oliver, Texas, 75; Evans, Boston, 72; Burleson, California. 72; Corew.

ColHomia, 72; Henderson, Oakland, 71 DOUBLES: Otis, Kansas City, 14; Armas, Oakland, 14; Oliver, Texas, IS; Lansford. Boston. 14; Pociorek. Seattle. 14 TRIPLES: Costina Minnesota, Grttfln.

Toronto, Baines, Chicago, Lemon, Chicagai 5 Tied With 4. HOME RUNS: Thomas, Milwaukee. IS; Evans. Boston. 13; Armas, Oakland.

13; Gray. Seattle, 13; Ford, CalHdrnia. STOLEN BASES: Henderson. Oakland. 33; Crut, Seattle, 7J; Dilene, Cleveland, 17; LeFlora Chicogo.

15; Bumbry, Baltiniore, 11 PITCHING (4 Decisions): Char, Bos-tan, 7-1, .175. 3.21; Honevcutt. Texas, 4-1. .157. 143; Bird.

New York, 5-1, .133. 171; Vuckovkb. Milwaukee, 1-2, 400. 142; Morris. Detroit.

9-3. .750. 154; Forsch. California 9-3, .750, 127; McGregor, Baltimore, 4-2. .750, 115; Torrez.

Boston, 4-2, .750, 3.65. STRIKEOUTS: Barker. Cleveland. 70; Blyleven, Clevelond, 47; Flanagan, Baltimore, 42; Davis, New York. 40; Leonard, Kansas City, 40.

VRrTlMCOOR SVfllS WIMBLEDON, Englond (AP) Results Wednesday at the All-England Tennis Championships at Wimbledon (seedings In parenthesis) Women's Singles Second Round Chris Evert Lloyd (1) del. Yvonne Vermook, South Africa 4-1, 4-1 Sandy Collins def. Sue Saliba Australia 4-1 4-1. Martina Navratilova (4) def. Susan Moscarin.

44, 4-1. Sue Leo. Australia, def. Glaucia Longela. Brazil, 4.1, 44.

4-1 Leslie Allen def. Marie Interova Czechoslovakia. 44, 4-1 4-1. Barbara Potter (14) 'def. Claudia Kohde.

Germany, 4-4, 7-4. Wendv White def. Pomelo Casale. 34, Pom Shriver (7) def. Liz Little.

Australia, 4-0, 4-1 Renee Blount def. Tonya Harford, South Africa 2-4, 7-4, 4-1 Jo Durie, Britain, def. Lucia Romanov, Romania, 34. 4-4, 4-1 Mee's Singles Second Round Mots Wi kinder. Sweden, def.

Henri Leconte, France, 44, 4-4, 4-1 4-1 Victor Amoyo def. Buster Matt ram. Britain, 4-3, 4-4. 4-1 Rod Frowley, Australia def. Cliff Letcher, Australia 4-3.

4-1. 4-3. Biorn Bom (1), Sweden. def.Mel Pro soccer North American Soccer Leant AtAGhnce Br The Associated Press All Times EOT Eastern Dtvtsiee 6F 6A BP Pis Cosmos 14 4 52 24 41 139 Washington 9 9 31 24 74 Montreal I 9 21 27 24 72 Toronto 4 14 23 44 2) 47 5eutber Division Attanta 10 I 39 33 33 93 Ft. Louderdal It 25 21 a Jacksonville 10 I 24 24 22 74 TompaBov I 12 31 43 27 71 Centre! Division Chicogo 11 7 34 23 29 95 Tulsa 10 7, 33 24 21 04 Minnesota 10 7 31 31 27 II Donas 2 14 12 41.

11 .21 Wester Dhriskw Los Angeles 10 9 24 33 24 12 SonDiego 10 I 32 21 24 00 California 0 29 31 23 71 Son Jose I 10 24 31 23 71 Northwest Division Vancouver 12 4 37 20 32 104 Seattle 10 40 34 35 93 Portland 9 1 24 24 25 79 Cotgary 9 31 21 24 71 Edmonton 4 11 32. 43 24 42 Six points are aworded for a regulation or overtime victory. Four points for a shootout victory. One bonus point for every goat scored with maximum of three per gome. No bonus point is awarded for overtime or shootout goals: Wednesday Games Minnesota 3.

Toronto 1 Jacksonville I Washington 1, SO Cosmos 2, Fort Lauderdale 9 Vancouver 3, Dallas 1 OT LosAngeleslSeattlel.OT Sen Diego 3, Edmonton 2, 20T Thursday's Gomes Nogomesscheduled Rowling LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP) Leaders and their pintail after Wednesday's two opening rounds (12 gomes) in the S10 Showboat Doubles Classic: 1. Nelson Burton St. Louis.

1,240, and Earl Anthony. Dublin, Califs 1 J00, 5,140. 1 Tom Baker, Buffalo, N.Y., 1,245, and Joe Hutchinson, Scranton, Pa, MB1. 5,104. 1 Atvin Lou, El Caioa Califs LIU, and Bob Handley.

Fairway, Kansas, UU5JJ91. 4, Randy Lightfoot, St. Charles. Ma. 1,134, and Ernie Schlegel, Vancouver, 1,299,5473.

5, Mike Durbin, Chogrin, Falls, Ohio, 1,259, ond Gil Siiker, Washingtoa N.J., U315JJ49. 4. Mark Williams. Beaumont, Texas, 1,249, ond David Ozlo, Vidor, Texas, 1,344,5440. 7, Mark Roth, Spring Lake Heights.

N.J 1,241. ond Marshall Holman, Med-ford. 1,241, 5.040. Dave Frame, Baldwin Pork, 1,240, and Jay Robinson, Von Nuys. 1,307.

9. Fred Jaskie. Greendate. Wise. 1,190.

ond Sam Flanagan, Porkorsburg, W.Vo.. 1.254, 4.971 10. Don Boll. Scotts Valley, 1.154, ond Cliff McNealv, San Lorenzo, 1.271 4,947. Pro tennis By WILL KOWALSKI Journal Correspondent Art's Bar turned a pitcher's duel into a rout Wednesday night by scoring eight times in the sixth inning and once more in the seventh to post an 11-2 City League baseball decision over Tomie Raines Reality.

In the Municipal Park opener, Tom Finney and Jon Wiseman both went 2-for-3 and Rob Campion and Mark Sutherland combined for a five-hitter as Woolco topped NARC-Downtown Optimist Club 6-1. Art's Bar (8-2), which joined Woolco and Foster-Schermerhorn-Bames at the eight-wins mark for the season tops in the league), went out to a 1-0 lead in the first inning as center fielder Jim Howard knocked home Dave Harris -with a two-out single. TOMIE RAINES (3-6) overcame the deficit, though, in the bottom of the second with a pair of runs. Mark Mitchell pushed the first run across with an RBI single, and the second run came home on a bases-loaded walk to Tom Parker during a brief summer shower that lasted approximately 10 minutes. Art's came back to tie the score at 2-2 in the top oJjhe fourth on an RBI double by Howard, and that's the way it lasted until Art's broke out in the sixth.

Up until the sixth inning, Tomie Raines' startet Dan Leonard had allowed only three hits, as did his counterpart on the Art's mound, Rick Fellows. 1 AND BREAK OUT Art's did on Leonard in the eight-run sixth. Dave Radke opened the inning by pop-ping-out to catcher Dan Doll, but an infield single by Howard and back-to-back walks to Tom Johnston and Steve Walker loaded the bases. Leonard then walked Jim Havens to put Art's up 3-2, and a Mike Rade-macher double sent two more runs home to make it 5-2. Leonard was then pulled in favor of Tony Smith, but Smith had little luck in stopping the rally.

The first man he faced. Randy Hackney, singled in Havens, and then Radke followed three batters later with a three-run homer over the left field fence. Art's finished its scoring in the seventh on an RBI single by and Fellows came out of the game with a four-hit victory. Woolco (8-1), the victorious survivors of Tuesday night's 11-inning marathon over Leonards Jewelers, went up 3-0 on NARC (3-6) in the first inning on only one hit. FINNEY AND Blake Harper opened the frame with walks off NARC losing pitcher Mike Church, and Church then hit Mark Russ with a pitch to load the bases.

Clean-up batter Wiseman produced a two-run single, and Mike Fricke then hit into a force-out to send Russ Jiome with Woolco's third run of the inning. NARC made it 3-1 in the top of the second as Chris Door, who had walked and moved around the bases on a single by John Greenwood and a sacrifice bunt by Mickey Lager, came home on a wild pitch by Campion. But Woolco put two more runs on the board in the third as Russ hit a solo home run down the left field line and Dave Conklin came through with an RBI single, and Finney's ground-out RBI in the sixth polished off the Woolco effort. Scott Schwartz came in in the fourth and went the rest of the way on the NARC mound. Campion went the first five for Woolco in gaining the win; Sutherland tossed the final two innings and picked up the save.

City League action resumes today at 6:15 p.m. when VanDervoort's Sporting Goods (2-7) takeson FSB (8-0). In the 8:30 matchups Rol-lerworld (2-7) plays Leonards Jewelers (2-7). locnisj I I- "mm NoTsJ ALSO AVAILABLE A AR 86 PROOF BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY C1SS1 MAIDSTONE WINE SPIRITS NC LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 86 PROOF BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY OIP81 MAIDSTONE WINE SPIRITS NC LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA Leonard eyes title 2 Conducted from page C-l Weaver balks at Wednesday's WHILE THE heavyweight division occupied the WBA rule-makers Wednesday, the lighter weights will be in tonight's spotlight. Leonard and Heams are two of the most exciting fighters around and Kalule gives the card three legitimate champions.

Leonard, 25, carries a 29-1 record into this bout and his victory over Roberto Duran last Nov. 25 left him as one of America's most popular fighters. If he wins tonight, he'll own two titles and he is talking about a possible shot at the middleweight crown, too. "If it's legally possible," he has said, "I want to hold three titles at the same time. I want to emulate Henry Armstrong." Kalule, 27, has won all of his 36 bouts.

A Ugandan who now lives in Denmark, he is southpaw and mostly unknown in this country. But his record is jmpressive. "I MUST remind you, Ayub is the champion and Ray Leonard is the challenger," said Kalule's manager, Mogens Palle. That is a fact that people here sometimes forget: For Kalule's part, he feels he can handle Leonard. "I didn't come here to lose my title," he said.

expects that to happen to Heams, who has 29 knockouts in 31 career victories and may be most devastating puncher in the. sport right now. He's only 22 and, like Leonard, has an eye on Marvin Hagler's middleweight crown. Hearns even talks about moving up to the light -heavyweight and cruiserweight divisions some day. "Nobody's ever done that before," he v.

IP jP-.

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)


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Lansing is the capital of Michigan and was the birthplace of Oldsmobile. The city is bookended by the majestic and historic State Capitol Building and the campus of Michigan State University. The Grand River and Lansing's 20-mile River Trail bisect the downtown from Old Town to REO Town and beyond.

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The cost of living in Lansing, MI is 5% lower than the state average and 9% lower than the national average. Lansing, MI housing is 18% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 3% pricier.

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The 2020 census placed the city's population at 112,644, making it the sixth most populous city in Michigan. The population of its metropolitan statistical area (MSA) was 541,297 at the 2020 census, the third largest in the state after metropolitan Detroit and Grand Rapids.

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Built at a cost of $24,500 ($750,000 in 2024), the building housed the territorial government and state legislatures until 1848, when a hastily erected wood building was constructed in Lansing following a decision made March 17, 1847, to move the capital from Detroit to Lansing.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.