200 Hilarious & Best Yo Mama Jokes to Make You Laugh Out Loud (2024)

200 Hilarious & Best Yo Mama Jokes to Make You Laugh Out Loud (1)

A group of friends gathered around the table at a roof party and Sharing laughs over the ultimate ‘Yo Mama’ joke (Image Source: iStock)

Ever thought why yo mama jokes are still funny, even though they’re old? Or why do they make almost everyone laugh, even if they’re a little rude?

Interestingly, You might be smarter than you think if you enjoy these kinds of jokes. Don’t worry, this isn’t about your mom – we’re sure she’s awesome.

This is all about exploring how rude humor can actually show how smart we are. We’re serving up 200 funny and hilarious “yo mama” jokes that’ll make you laugh and think.

Just remember, it’s important to keep it all as a joke and not to be mean. So, let’s get ready to laugh!

Table of Contents

What are Yo Mama Jokes?

Yo mama jokes, also known as yo momma jokes or your mom jokes, are a type of humor where people make funny remarks about someone’s mom in a playful and lighthearted way.

Sometimes these jokes are meant to insult and hurt the feelings of the person they’re directed at, which is why they can be offensive globally.

The insults can cover various topics, like promiscuity, weight, height, and many others.

However, using “your mother” in insults is more likely to lead to conflicts and violence compared to other insults.

Different regions have their own variations, like “yo mama,” “yo momma,” “yer ma,” and more. These jokes are often exchanged during playful banter or when playing the Dozens.

Over time, “yo mama” has become a popular all-purpose insult or a way to show defiance without any specific description added.

Remember, while jokes can be fun, it’s essential to be mindful of people’s feelings and not use hurtful language.

When Did Yo mama Jokes Start?

Did you know that your mama jokes have been around for thousands of years? It all started on a 3,500-year-old Babylonian stone tablet written in Akkadian with cuneiform writing.

The tablet was discovered by an archaeologist named J.J. van Dijk in 1976 and is believed to be the work of a student due to its spelling and grammar mistakes. This tablet contained various riddles and jokes, and one of them was about someone’s mother.

Scholars Michael Streck and Nathan Wasserman studied the tablet and translated the joke, which roughly said,

“…of your mother is by the one who has intercourse with her. What/who is it?” Throughout history, similar “yo sister” type jokes have been found as well.

For instance, a 14th-century Egyptian poet named Ibn Nubata wrote a verse with a similar humor. Even the famous playwright William Shakespeare incorporated such jokes in some of his works.

It just goes to show that humor involving moms has been a part of human culture for ages! While these jokes can be lighthearted and funny, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s family should be treated with respect and kindness.

Making jokes about someone’s mother should always be done in a friendly and non-hurtful way, ensuring that no one feels offended. So next time you hear a mama joke, take it with a smile and share a laugh!

Is it Ethical to Use Mama Jokes?

It depends on the context and intention behind using “yo mama” jokes. While some people may see them as harmless fun, others can find them hurtful and offensive. The ethical aspect lies in treating others with respect and empathy.

If you know the person you’re joking with can handle it and won’t be hurt, it might be okay in a lighthearted and friendly setting. However, if you’re uncertain about their feelings, it’s best to avoid these jokes altogether.

Being sensitive to others’ emotions and choosing humor that uplifts and includes everyone is a more ethical and kind approach. Remember, a good laugh should never come at the expense of someone’s feelings or self-esteem.

In Which Situation Can We Use Yo Mama Jokes?

Yo mama jokes can be a source of lighthearted humor and playful banter among friends, but it’s crucial to use them with care and in the right context.

In a comfortable and relaxed setting, where everyone knows each other well and shares a good sense of humor, yo mama jokes can add an extra touch of laughter and joy to the conversation. They work best when the atmosphere is jovial, and people are open to light teasing and friendly teasing.

The key is to use them playfully and not to hurt anyone’s feelings. It’s crucial to avoid offensive language or sensitive topics, as the goal is to bring laughter, not discomfort.

The charm of yo mama jokes lies in their simplicity – they’re exaggerated, humorous remarks about someone’s mother. They can be a great icebreaker and create a positive atmosphere among friends.

But it’s essential to be considerate of the audience. Not everyone might find them funny, so always gauge the situation before sharing these jokes.

In short, yo mama jokes can add joy and amusem*nt to casual gatherings when used thoughtfully. Just remember to keep it light, avoid being hurtful, and enjoy the laughter together with your friends!

200 Best Mama Jokes

Check out these 200 super funny yo mama jokes, sorted into categories to make it easy for you. There’s a joke for everyone and every situation. Let’s get started and have some laughs!

50 Yo Mama So Fat Jokes

In the category of yo mama fat jokes, here are 50 hilarious ones to keep the laughter rolling:

  1. Yo mama’s so fat, when she sat on a rainbow, she made Skittles.
  2. Yo mama’s so fat, when she goes to the beach, Greenpeace shows up to protect her.
  3. Yo mama’s so fat, her favorite exercise is chewing.
  4. Yo mama’s so fat, she has her own zip code.
  5. Yo mama’s so fat, her belly button has an echo.
  6. Yo mama’s so fat, she has more rolls than a bakery.
  7. Yo mama’s so fat, she has her own gravitational pull.
  8. Yo mama’s so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people yell, “Taxi!”
  9. Yo mama’s so fat, her cereal bowl comes with a lifeguard.
  10. Yo mama’s so fat, she can’t fit in a photo booth, even with panoramic mode.
  11. Yo mama’s so fat, her blood type is Nutella.
  12. Yo mama’s so fat, she has her own area code.
  13. Yo mama’s so fat, she uses a mattress as a bookmark.
  14. Yo mama’s so fat, she needs a map to find her own butt.
  15. Yo mama’s so fat, when she dances, the band skips.
  16. Yo mama’s so fat, she leaves a trail of crumbs when she walks.
  17. Yo mama’s so fat, her belly button has its own belly button.
  18. Yo mama’s so fat, she has to iron her clothes on the driveway.
  19. Yo mama’s so fat, when she turns around, people throw her a welcome-back party.
  20. Yo mama’s so fat, she uses the equator as a hula hoop.
  21. Yo mama’s so fat, when she steps on a scale, it says, “One at a time, please!”
  22. Yo mama’s so fat, she was baptized at SeaWorld.
  23. Yo mama’s so fat, when she wears a yellow shirt, kids yell, “School bus!”
  24. Yo mama’s so fat, she has to buy two tickets for a roller coaster—one for each butt cheek.
  25. Yo mama’s so fat, she can’t even fit in a chat room.
  26. Yo mama’s so fat, when she goes to the movies, she sits next to everyone.
  27. Yo mama’s so fat, she needs a selfie stick to take a full-body picture.
  28. Yo mama’s so fat, she uses a VCR as a Fitbit.
  29. Yo mama’s so fat, she can’t wear a double-sided necklace.
  30. Yo mama’s so fat, when she wears a “Taco Tuesday” shirt, it stretches to “Taco Month.”
  31. Yo mama’s so fat, her blood type is gravy.
  32. Yo mama’s so fat, she uses a broomstick to put on lipstick.
  33. Yo mama’s so fat, she has to butter her pants to get into them.
  34. Yo mama’s so fat, she jumped in the air and got stuck.
  35. Yo mama’s so fat, she needs GPS to find her own feet.
  36. Yo mama’s so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits next to everybody.
  37. Yo mama’s so fat, she needs a forklift to get out of bed.
  38. Yo mama’s so fat, her shadow weighs fifty pounds.
  39. Yo mama’s so fat, her driver’s license says “Picture continued on other side.”
  40. Yo mama’s so fat, she needs a map to find her knees.
  41. Yo mama’s so fat, she uses a boomerang to put on a belt.
  42. Yo mama’s so fat, when she dives into the ocean, she causes a tsunami.
  43. Yo mama’s so fat, she needs a ladder to reach her backside.
  44. Yo mama’s so fat, she has her own time zone.
  45. Yo mama’s so fat, she uses a sleeping bag as a sock.
  46. Yo mama’s so fat, she can’t fit through a revolving door without greasing herself.
  47. Yo mama’s so fat, when she dances, the band skips.
  48. Yo mama’s so fat, she got arrested for carrying 10 pounds of crack.
  49. Yo mama’s so fat, her blood type is Ragu.
  50. Yo mama’s so fat, she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl.

50 Mama Jokes for Kids

Here are 50 lighthearted and playful jokes that are sure to bring laughter to kids and adults alike:

  1. Yo mama so funny, she makes even the ticklish laugh.
  2. Yo mama so sweet, she can make cookies jealous.
  3. Yo mama so kind, she gives high-fives to rainbows.
  4. Yo mama so smart, she teaches Einstein new tricks.
  5. Yo mama so cool, she’s the reason snowmen wear shades.
  6. Yo mama so stylish, fashion designers ask for her advice.
  7. Yo mama so fast, she can outrun a lightning bolt.
  8. Yo mama so talented, she juggles clouds in her spare time.
  9. Yo mama so brave, she high-fives monsters under the bed.
  10. Yo mama so creative, she paints rainbows with her imagination.
  11. Yo mama so bouncy, she turned the moon into a trampoline.
  12. Yo mama so awesome, she made the stars jealous of her shine.
  13. Yo mama so sweet, candy stores want to be her best friend.
  14. Yo mama so strong, she could lift a skyscraper with one hand.
  15. Yo mama so cheerful, even grumpy cats can’t resist her smile.
  16. Yo mama so playful, she turns pillow fights into epic battles.
  17. Yo mama so magical, she turns chores into fun adventures.
  18. Yo mama so cool, she freezes ice cream with her breath.
  19. Yo mama so brave, she chased away the boogeyman.
  20. Yo mama so creative, she draws rainbows on rainy days.
  21. Yo mama so smart, she helps aliens with their math homework.
  22. Yo mama so fast, she can outrun a cheetah in flip-flops.
  23. Yo mama so funny, even clowns ask her for jokes.
  24. Yo mama so kind, she gives warm hugs to snowmen.
  25. Yo mama so talented, she can play hide-and-seek with the wind.
  26. Yo mama so sweet, she made sugar jealous.
  27. Yo mama so cool, she turned the sun into a disco ball.
  28. Yo mama so strong, she carries the whole world on her shoulders.
  29. Yo mama so creative, she paints rainbows on cloudy days.
  30. Yo mama so brave, she takes on monsters with a smile.
  31. Yo mama so joyful, she makes sunshine on rainy days.
  32. Yo mama so smart, she teaches school subjects to her teacher.
  33. Yo mama so funny, even the grumpiest cat laughs at her jokes.
  34. Yo mama so sweet, she fills cookies with hugs.
  35. Yo mama so cool, she turns a frown into a dance party.
  36. Yo mama so talented, she can play music with raindrops.
  37. Yo mama so brave, she rides dragons for fun.
  38. Yo mama so creative, she turns chores into magical quests.
  39. Yo mama so smart, she gives advice to wise owls.
  40. Yo mama so funny, she makes balloons laugh.
  41. Yo mama so sweet, she makes honey taste jealous.
  42. Yo mama so cool, she turned the ocean into a giant swimming pool.
  43. Yo mama so strong, she lifts elephants with one finger.
  44. Yo mama so joyful, she tickles clouds to make them giggle.
  45. Yo mama so talented, she sings lullabies to the stars.
  46. Yo mama so brave, she rides roller coasters with her eyes closed.
  47. Yo mama so creative, she turns rainy days into art projects.
  48. Yo mama so smart, she helps aliens learn new languages.
  49. Yo mama so funny, she makes snowmen laugh.
  50. Yo mama so sweet, she gives hugs to trees.

50 Best Mama So Stupid Jokes

Here are 50 unique and entertaining “yo mama so stupid” jokes:

  1. Yo mama’s so stupid, she tried to put M&M’s in alphabetical order.
  2. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a quarterback was a type of currency.
  3. Yo mama so foolish, she tried to alphabetize her calculator.
  4. Yo mama’s so stupid, she thought Instagram was a new way to measure weight.
  5. Yo mama so clueless, she thought a USB drive was a type of car.
  6. Yo mama’s so dumb, she tried to drown a fish because it couldn’t breathe outside the water.
  7. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she returned a puzzle because she thought it was broken.
  8. Yo mama’s so foolish, she thought a quarterback was a device for grilling steaks.
  9. Yo mama’s so stupid, she thought a firewall was a type of home decor.
  10. Yo mama so dim-witted, she bought a solar-powered flashlight.
  11. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a bookstore was where you exchange books for cash.
  12. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she put a “Do Not Enter” sign on her own front door.
  13. Yo mama’s so foolish, she tried to take a selfie with a Polaroid camera.
  14. Yo mama’s so stupid, she tried to mail herself with postage stamps on her forehead.
  15. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she thought Starbucks was a celestial event.
  16. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought an elevator was a mobile home.
  17. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she thought a CD-ROM was a fancy sandwich.
  18. Yo mama’s so foolish, she tried to use Siri to order pizza from a local pizzeria.
  19. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she thought a laptop was something you rest on your lap for warmth.
  20. Yo mama’s so stupid, she asked for a price check at the dollar store.
  21. Yo mama’s so clueless, she tried to download the internet.
  22. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she thought a calendar was a type of clock.
  23. Yo mama’s so foolish, she bought tickets to “The Amusem*nt Park” without realizing it was a comedy show.
  24. Yo mama’s so dumb, she tried to return a broken mirror because she thought it gave her bad luck.
  25. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she thought a bookmark was a type of currency.
  26. Yo mama’s so stupid, she tried to take a picture of her mind with a camera.
  27. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she tried to iron her clothes while wearing them.
  28. Yo mama’s so foolish, she tried to unlock her car with a TV remote.
  29. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought an elevator button was a panic alarm.
  30. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she thought a CD player was a miniature microwave.
  31. Yo mama’s so stupid, she tried to surf the internet with a surfboard.
  32. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she got locked inside a revolving door.
  33. Yo mama’s so foolish, she thought a flashlight was for sending light messages.
  34. Yo mama’s so dumb, she tried to sell her password-protected laptop on eBay.
  35. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she thought a map was a type of math equation.
  36. Yo mama’s so stupid, she tried to put a CD in a vinyl record player.
  37. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she thought the sun was the Earth’s nightlight.
  38. Yo mama’s so foolish, she thought a coffee maker was for making instant coffee.
  39. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a stop sign was a suggestion.
  40. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she tried to pay her bills with Monopoly money.
  41. Yo mama’s so stupid, she thought a password was a secret word for magicians.
  42. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she tried to water her plants with soda.
  43. Yo mama’s so foolish, she tried to fax an email.
  44. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a DVD rewinder was a real device.
  45. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she tried to call the ocean with a seashell.
  46. Yo mama’s so stupid, she thought a smartphone was a genius hotline.
  47. Yo mama’s so unintelligent, she got lost in her own backyard.
  48. Yo mama’s so foolish, she tried to email a piece of cake.
  49. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a map was a type of napkin.
  50. Yo mama’s so dim-witted, she tried to use a calculator to measure time.

Best “Mama” Jokes from Movies

In the world of movies, some of the best “yo mama” jokes have been immortalized on the big screen. Here are 30 hilarious and memorable ones that have left audiences in stitches:

  1. “Your mama’s so ugly, when she looked in the mirror, it cracked and apologized.” — Hocus Pocus
  2. “Your mother’s so slow, it took her two hours to watch ’60 Minutes’.” — The Shining
  3. “Your mama’s so dumb, she tried to climb Mountain Dew.” — Step Brothers
  4. “Your mother’s so old, she knew Yoda when he was a tadpole.” — Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
  5. “Your mama’s so clumsy, she got fired from a trampoline factory for testing the beds.” — Home Alone
  6. “Your mother’s so short, she can hang glide on a Dorito.” — Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
  7. “Your mama’s so lazy, she went to a seafood restaurant and asked for instant water.” — Finding Nemo
  8. “Your mother’s so hairy, Bigfoot takes pictures of her.” — Harry and the Hendersons
  9. “Your mama’s so dumb, she thought Sherlock Holmes was a housing development.” — Sherlock Holmes
  10. “Your mother’s so old, she babysat Moses.” — The Ten Commandments
  11. “Your mama’s so fat, she uses Google Earth as a step counter.” — Up
  12. “Your mama’s so slow, it took her two hours to watch ’60 Minutes’.” — The Shining
  13. “Your mother’s so short, she can play handball on the curb.” — Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
  14. “Your mama’s so dumb, she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.” — Superbad
  15. “Your mother’s so old, her yearbook photo was in black and white.” — Back to the Future
  16. “Your mama’s so ugly, when she looks in the mirror, her reflection says, ‘I quit.'” — The Addams Family
  17. “Your mother’s so short, she can bungee jump off a curb.” — The Incredibles
  18. “Your mama’s so dumb, she put lipstick on her forehead to make up her mind.” — Dumb and Dumber
  19. “Your mother’s so old, she knew Burger King when he was still a prince.” — Coming to America
  20. “Your mama’s so clumsy, she tripped over a cordless phone.” — The Pink Panther
  21. “Your mother’s so slow, it took her two hours to watch ’60 Minutes’.” — The Shining (yes, it’s so good, it’s worth mentioning twice!)
  22. “Your mama’s so fat, when she dances, the band skips.” — The Blues Brothers
  23. “Your mother’s so short, she pole vaults over ant hills.” — Cool Runnings
  24. “Your mama’s so dumb, she got hit by a parked car.” — Forrest Gump
  25. “Your mother’s so old, she was a waitress at the Last Supper.” — Jesus Christ Superstar
  26. “Your mama’s so hairy, the only language she speaks is Wookiee.” — Star Wars: A New Hope
  27. “Your mother’s so slow, she could outrun a sloth in quicksand.” — Zootopia
  28. “Your mama’s so fat, she wears a VCR as a beeper.” — Spaceballs
  29. “Your mama’s so lazy, she thinks a two-story house is a duplex.” — The Money Pit
  30. “Your mother’s so old, she remembers when the Dead Sea was just sick.” — Life of Brian

Funniest “Mama” Jokes of All Time

The list of the funniest “yo mama” jokes of all time is packed with humor that’ll leave you laughing out loud. Here are 20 more jokes to keep the hilarity going:

  1. Yo mama’s so lazy, she thought a trip to the fridge counted as exercise.
  2. Yo mama’s so bad at cooking, the smoke alarm goes off when she makes toast.
  3. Yo mama’s so clumsy, she tripped over a cordless phone.
  4. Yo mama’s so short, she can do push-ups under the door.
  5. Yo mama’s so slow, it took her two hours to watch “60 Minutes.”
  6. Yo mama’s so cheap, she uses a coupon to buy a lottery ticket.
  7. Yo mama’s so old, her birth certificate says “expired.”
  8. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she went to the grocery store and left her shopping list at home.
  9. Yo mama’s so uncoordinated, she got kicked out of ballet class for dancing like a hippo.
  10. Yo mama’s so clueless, she tried to put M&M’s in alphabetical order.
  11. Yo mama’s so fat, she uses a hula hoop as a belt.
  12. Yo mama’s so ugly, when she looked in the mirror, her reflection ran away.
  13. Yo mama’s so slow, she got lapped by a sloth.
  14. Yo mama’s so hairy, Bigfoot takes photos of her.
  15. Yo mama’s so old, she babysat for Jesus.
  16. Yo mama’s so short, she can limbo under a garden gnome.
  17. Yo mama’s so poor, she hangs the toilet paper out to dry after using it.
  18. Yo mama’s so slow, it took her an hour to watch “60 Minutes.”
  19. Yo mama’s so bad at cooking, her smoke alarm cheers when she’s done.
  20. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she called your dad “hey you” at the wedding.


Yo mama” jokes can be a fun and funny way to make people laugh. They have been around for a long time and are well-known in our culture. However, it’s important to use these jokes in a nice and kind way.

We should avoid using jokes that might hurt someone’s feelings or make them feel bad. Instead, we should use jokes that are light-hearted and bring joy to everyone.

By being considerate and respectful, we can still enjoy these jokes while making sure everyone feels happy and included. Next time you need a good laugh or want to make someone smile, try sharing one of these jokes.

Remember, laughter is a great way to spread happiness! Keep on joking and enjoying the fun!

200 Hilarious & Best Yo Mama Jokes to Make You Laugh Out Loud (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.